Historic South Atlanta

Welcome to the Historic South Atlanta timeline!

This timeline was created as an effort to preserve the collective memory of this neighborhood's history. The timeline is intended to record not only the more well-known historical facts, but also the lesser-known stories and perspectives of people who have called this place home. ;xNLx;;xNLx;This timeline is for everyone. There is no single owner of the timeline. If you or your family have lived here, you are welcome to add whatever you want to this collective history. What is considered history is up to each and everyone's individual interpretation.;xNLx;;xNLx;;xNLx;;xNLx;To add an event to the timeline, follow these instructions:;xNLx;;xNLx;1. Find the black text box on the left side of the page. ;xNLx;;xNLx;2. Either type your name or the word 'anonymous' and the secret word 'community'. Then click 'go'.;xNLx;;xNLx;3. A new text box will appear on the right side of the page. Click 'create new story';xNLx;;xNLx;4. Enter the title of event, start date, end date, and information.;xNLx;;xNLx;5. [Optional] select a category from the drop down box. These categories exist so that when people view the timeline, they can filter what sort of events they see. Also optional, add a link to a place where people can find more information about your event. ;xNLx;;xNLx;6. Click 'save'.;xNLx;;xNLx;To access the ADMIN options;xNLx;username: FCSum;xNLx;password: makingh1story;xNLx;;xNLx;;xNLx;

1869-01-01 00:00:00

Founding of Clark University

Clark University was founded in 1869 by the Freedmen’s Aid Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church. An early benefactor, Bishop Gilbert Haven visualized Clark as ‘the university’ of all the Methodist schools founded for the education of freedmen.

1877-01-01 00:00:00

Founding Of Clark University [continued]

Clark University, like other black colleges, assumed the role and responsibility of providing for the utilization of black talent for the cultural life of the black community at larger as well as for the campus. (Brawley)

1894-01-01 00:00:00

Growth in South Atlanta and Lakewood Area

South Atlanta neighborhood grew in prominence, as did the neighboring communities with the development of Lakewood Park and the introduction of the Southeastern Fair Association. The Lakewood area to the south of the South Atlanta neighborhood became recognized as the center for agricultural fairs. The first fair was held in 1916 and continued annually until 1975.

1900-01-01 00:00:00

Turn of the Century in South Atlanta

In the early part of the 20th Century Jonesboro Road was a major north south corridor linking communities to the south with downtown Atlanta. The streetcar line was introduced in 1901 and ran along nearby Pryor Road to the west, as well as along Lakewood Avenue and Jonesboro Road. Like most streetcar lines, the trolleys serving Southside Atlanta were abandoned for other forms of transportation by the 1950s.

1906-09-22 00:00:00

"Litany to Atlanta" poem

"Litany to Atlanta" written by W.E.B. Du Bois in response race riot.

1906-09-22 00:00:00

Lead up to Race Riots

The tensions that came to a head in September of 1906 were a result of ongoing racial and political hostility. This hostility was significantly fed by local media, including the newspapers which were controlled by politicians and to a lessor degree an anti-black play by the Klansman Rev. Thomas Dixon. Racial fear was particularly high in the fall of 1906 as a result of gubernatorial race in which candidates were use Negrophobia in their favor to persuade voters. (2) (1) sweetauburn.us (2)Pomeranta, Gary. Where Peachtree Meets Sweet Auburn. pg 72-77.

1906-09-22 00:00:00

Race Riot

On Saturday, September 22, 1906, the shrill sound of newsboys pierced Five Points: "Extra! Third Assault on White Woman by a Negro Brute!" "Extra! Bold Negro Kisses White Girl's Hand!" 'Extra! Bright Mulatto Insults White Girls!" Atlanta newspapers had been publishing highly sensationalized accounts of black "vice" for a week. (It sold newspapers, just like sensationalism still does today). One day earlier it had reported that Atlanta police had swept "dives" frequented by blacks along Decatur Street and removed photographs of nude white women from the walls of one parlor. The Georgian Newpaper suggested that eleven assaults had been made by blacks against white women during the past seven weeks alone. The accounts were lurid and dramatic, including one in The Evening News: "With his yellow lips forming insulting phrases, Luther Frazier ' a young negro, attacked Miss Orrie Bryan, the pretty 18 year old daughter of Thomas L. Bryan, in her home." The Evening News sent out an emotional call in that same edition: "Men of Fulton, what will you do to stop these outrages against the women? ... Shall these black devils be permitted to assault and almost kill our women, and go unpunished?" Directly quoted from: sweetauburn.us/rings/raceriot.htm

1906-09-25 15:37:04

Aftermath of Race Riots

Riots said to have set the tone of race relations in Atlanta for the next fifty years.

1924-01-01 12:01:39

First Black Public School in Atlanta

Atlanta did not open a high school for black students until 1924, more than 50 years after opening high schools for white students and after many other southern cities had already done so. Per-pupil expenditures in mid-century were nearly three times higher for white students. These funding differences increased in the 1960s, as the school board refused to reallocate resources to majority-black schools to account for the demographic shifts caused by more than 60,000 white students leaving the district. This uneven investment had a measurable effect on student learning. A 1968 study, for example, found that black fourth graders lagged one year behind their white peers, while black eighth-graders lagged four years behind

1941-01-01 12:01:39

Relocation of Clark University

Clark university departs from South Atlanta and joins the Atlanta university system.

1960-01-01 00:45:48

Civil Rights Era

"The city too busy moving to hate"

1963-01-01 00:45:48

"The Forgotten Community"

SNCC marches to city hall to deliver document of greviances about South Atlanta’s lack of recreational and basic infastructrual resources. Distribute leaflet, “South Atlanta: The Forgotten Community” (Brown-Nagin)

1963-08-01 08:24:21

Response to the March on Washington

As much as the famous March on Washington in August 1963 reflected the fervor of the Civil Rights Movements on the national stage, it also represented the momentum of Civil Rights struggles in Atlanta. In response to the March, Students for Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) increasingly undertook efforts to fight poverty in Atlanta's South side communities. Through the labor of resident coalitions, by the end of August SNCC marched to City Hall and presented a document of greviances to the mayor. They also distributed a pamphelet entitled, "South Atlanta: The Forgotten Community" which detailed the neighborhoods' lack of basic resources.

1990-01-01 00:45:48

Urban Renwel

City used federal fund to demolish majority black communities to make way for interstate highways, civic center, and what is now Turner Field.

2007-01-01 00:45:48

The Great Recession in South Atlanta

Plunge in metro Atlanta home values disproportionately affected African American residents. Many northern Atlanta homes have rebounded in tandem with national trends, while the mortgages of many south side homes still exceed their property value. This lack of growth creates a domino effect by making what is normally regarded an asset- homeownership- a liability.

Historic South Atlanta

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