The HEMA TIME LINE aims to present all sources in addition to gives free access to them. The sources will be completed by research publications and work presentations (like workshop presentation).

The HEMA TIME LINE is created by the french HEMA Club " LA Meute De NUDA".;xNLx;;xNLx;You can send to us the missing sources by email : lameutedenuada@gmail.com

1320-01-01 00:00:00

MS 1.33 - Sword & Bockler

MS I.33 is a German manuscript dated 1320. It is written in Latin with some German terms. The treaty is composed of 34 folios. It seems to have been written by a priest named Luitger. - English traduction : https://www.dropbox.com/s/9or3jnmv7ave8r2/I_33_Joey_Nitti_Translation.pdf?dl=0 - French traduction : Load the french translation with the following link.

1389-01-01 00:00:00

Longsword - Johannes Liechtenaeur

The art of longsword fighting according to Master Johannes Liechtenauer and his first 5 glossaries. The following source is in french.

1389-01-01 00:00:00

Nuremberg Codex 3227a

German Source. Located in Germaniches Nationalmuseum, Nürnberg. Topics : dagger, grappling and wrestling, longsword, Messer, quarterstaff, sword and buckler.

1405-01-01 00:00:00

The Flower of Battle - Fiore Dei Liberi

Fiore Dei Liberi was an italian. The following source was translate in english. Disciplines : armoured fighting, dagger, fighting on horseback, grappling and wrestling, longsword, pollaxe, spear

1420-05-28 14:44:11

Florius, de arte luctandi

Attribuated to Fiore Dei LIBERI

1420-05-28 14:44:11

Glasgow Fechtbuch (MS E.1939.65.341)

The following source is in english

1443-01-01 00:00:00

MS Chart.A.558

MS Chart.A.558 - CodexTalhoffer The following source is in french and in english.

1446-04-01 21:35:49

MS XIX.17-3

MS XIX.17-3 - Talhoffer The following source is in french and in english.

1459-04-01 21:35:49

MS Thott.290.2°

MS Thott.290.2° - TALHOFFER The following source is written in french and in english

1467-01-01 00:00:00

Traité Württemberg - Cod Icon 394a

Cod Icon 394a - Codex TALHOFFER The following source is translate in french and in english

1467-10-12 20:16:44


Presentation of all the disciplines and techniques used by TALHOFFER. The following source is in french

1470-01-01 00:00:00

Codex Wallerstein - LongSword

German longsword from the codex Wallerstein. The following source is written in french

1470-01-01 00:18:00

Codex Walerstein - Wrestling

German wrestling from the Codex Wallerstein. The following translation is in french.

1480-05-28 14:44:11

MS KK5126

All Manner of Combat on Horse and on Foot, Both Armored and Unarmored The source is in english

1482-01-01 00:00:00

CGM 582 Long Messer - Johannes Lecküchner

Translation of the german codex written by Johannes Lecküchner about the long messer. The following source is in french.

1495-10-11 14:52:44

Ms KK 5012 - Peter Falkner

The following source is in fench

1506-01-01 00:00:00

MS KK5012 Épée longue - Peter Falkner

Translation of the longsword part of the manual written by Peter Falkner. The following source is in french.

1516-01-01 00:00:00

L’épée & bocle de maître Andreas Liegnitzer

Translation of the sword & buckler techniques written by Andreas Liegntzer. The following source is in french.

1523-01-01 00:00:00

L’épée longue selon les traités de Jörg Wilhalm

Translation of the longsword codex written by Jörg Wilham. The following source is in french.

1533-05-28 14:44:11

Gregor Erhart Fechtbuch (MS E.1939.65.354)

The following source is in english

1536-01-01 00:00:00

Libro Primo - Opera Nova - Achille Marozzo

Translation of the first book of the OPERA NOVA by Achille Marozzo in the Bolonaise tradition. The first book deals about sword and buckler. The following source is in french.

1536-01-01 00:00:00

Libro Tertio - Opera Nova - Achille Marozzo

Translation of the third book of the OPERA NOVA by Achille Marozzo in the Bolonaise tradition. The third book deals about the longsword. The following source is in french.

1536-06-01 00:00:00

Libro Secundo - Opera Nova - Achille Marozzo

Translation of the secund book of the OPERA NOVA by Achille Marozzo in the Bolonaise tradition. The second book deals about the sword and the sword with dagger. The following source is in french.

1536-10-01 00:00:00

Libro Quinto - Opera Nova - Achille Marozzo

Translation of the fifth book of the OPERA NOVA by Achille Marozzo in the Bolonaise tradition. The fifht book deals about dagger. The following source is in french.

1536-12-01 00:00:00

Libro Quarto - Opera Nova - Achille Marozzo

Translation of the fourth book of the OPERA NOVA by Achille Marozzo in the Bolonaise tradition. The fourth book deals about the hasts The following source is in french.

1540-05-28 14:44:11


Sword & buckler by PH MAIR. Following source is in english

1544-03-09 16:29:36

Mscr. Dresd. C93/94. - Stick PH MAIR

Presentation of the wooden stock of PH MAIR. The following source is in french.

1545-12-03 08:28:29


Manuscrit scans

1550-01-01 00:00:00

Le combat à la faucille - Paulus Hector Mair

Technicals of fight sickle by Paulus Hector Mair. The date of the source is approximative. The following source is in germain and in french.

1570-01-01 00:18:00

Dussack- Paulus Hector Mair

The dussack part of the martial compilation built by Paulus Hector Mair. The following translation is in french.

1572-10-28 14:52:44

Dell'Arte di Scrimia - Giovanni D'all Agocchie

Day 4 & 5. Sword with dagger. The following source is in french

1572-10-28 14:52:44

Dell'Arte di Scrimia - Giovanni D'all Agocchie

Day 1, 2 & 3 Manual of Bolognese fencing. he following source is in french.

1573-01-01 00:00:00

Traité de l’épée seule de Saint-Didier

French manual of sword fencing. The following source is in french.

1599-01-01 00:00:00

The Paradoxes Of Defense - George Silver

George Silver publishes The Paradoxes of Defence criticizing the lack of defense inherent in the rapier systems. The following source is written in english.

1600-01-01 00:00:00

Livre des leçons de Pedro de Heredia

Translation of the first lessons book of Pedro De Heredia. The following source is in french.

1610-01-01 00:00:00

Gran simulacro dell’arte edell’uso della scherma di Ridolfo Capo Ferro da Cagli.

Gran simulacro dell’arte edell’uso della scherma di Ridolfo Capo Ferro da Cagli. The following source is written in Italien

1616-01-01 00:00:00

Art de chevalerie - Jean Jaques de Walhausen

Instruction of the principles of the cavalry and its different disciplines (spears, arquebuses, etc). The following source is in french.

1623-01-01 00:00:00

L'éspée de combat ou l'usage de la tire des armes - François Dancie

French rapier manual written by François Dancie. The following source is in french

1638-01-01 00:00:00

La Bandiera - Francesco Ferdinando Alfieri

Treatise on the art of the flag. The following source is in english

1657-10-28 14:52:44


French translation : https://www.dropbox.com/s/wjgtdfkz1sj4lvl/JGPaschen_Ringen_1657_FR.pdf?dl=0 The following source is in germain

1661-10-12 20:16:44

Traités de Pierre Baudoin, père et fils

The following source is in french.

1663-10-28 14:52:44

ollständiges Ring Buch - Johann Georg Paschen

French translation : https://www.dropbox.com/s/wa8qkd6h2dhddu7/JGPaschen_Ringen_1663_FR.pdf?dl=0 The following source is in germain

1670-01-01 00:00:00

Les Vrayes Principles de l’Espée Seule - Philibert de La Touche

Philibert de La Touche publishes Les Vrayes Principles de l’Espée Seule published in Paris. He is the first to illustrate the use of the foiled practice weapon, and the last to include use of the estramaçon, a drawing cut with the edge, derived from rapier practice. The followig source is written in old french.

1696-10-11 14:52:44

L'art en fait d'armes ou de l'épée seule, avec les attitudes - LABAT

French source about sword.

1697-01-01 00:00:00

L' Art Militaire Françoise Pour L'Infanterie - Giffart, Pierre François

French manual of military art for infantery. With the following weapons : Bayonet, spades, sword and musket. The following source is written in french.

1736-01-01 00:00:00

Nouveau traité de la perfection sur le fait des armes – Pierre Jacques François Girard

Weapons manual about Bayonet, spades, sword, musket and other. The following source is french.

1746-10-11 14:52:44

The use of the broad sword

The following source is in french and in english

1765-01-01 11:49:12

L’escrime pratique ou principes de la science des armes – Daniel Ô Sullivan

Manual of sword fencing. The following source is in french.

1775-12-31 11:49:12

Maximes et instructions sur l’art de tirer des armes, par le chevalier de Fréville

Manual of fencing written by a french master to the russians. The following source is in french.

1796-01-01 00:00:00

L’art de l’escrime dans toute son étendue – Baltazar Ficher

Manual of fencing. The source is written in french and in russian.


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