1789-05-01 13:07:27

French Revolution

It was one of the most overwhelming demands of gender equality. As they had been excluded from the General statements, they decided to write their own “cahier de doléance”. Women participated in the occupation of the Bastille and in the march to Versalles.

1800-01-01 13:07:27

Feminism of the nineteenth-century

There were equalitory demands according to the Enlightment, they appeared to answer the problems that the industrial society was causing.

1843-05-01 00:00:00


The utopian socialists defended the education of women.

1848-05-01 00:00:00


While working women started to work in factories, the upper-class women were more and more in captivity at home, symbol of the wealth of the men.

1884-05-01 00:00:00


They thought that women’s opression was caused becaused of the social conditions.

1890-05-01 00:00:00


Although they did not insist that much with the situation of women, many women joined to achieve equality.


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