Nazi concentration camps, when were each of them constructed?

1933-03-22 00:00:00


It was a nazi concentration camp located in the northwest of Munich, the south of Germany. It is one of the most famous nazi concentration camps. It was witness of horrible scenes, a place with an organized system. Apart from torture jewish people, there were made a lot of medical ilegal and heartless experiments.

1933-03-24 00:00:00


In this concentration camp were jailed the political nazi opponents. They had to do forced labour.

1936-07-12 09:25:13


This was a concentration camp located in Germany where nazis killed political opponents, jewish, gypsies, homosexuals, prisoners-of-war and Jehovah's witnesses.

1937-07-01 00:10:00


Prisoners from all over Europe and the Soviet Union worked primarily as forced labor in local armaments factories.

1938-05-03 00:10:00


This was a Nazi German concentration camp where more than 96,000 prisoners passed through.

1938-08-08 00:10:00


This was the hub of a large group of German concentration camps. As at other Nazi concentration camps, the prisoners there were forced to work as slave labour, under conditions that caused many deaths. The Mauthausen-Gusen camp was one of the first massive concentration camp complexes in Nazi Germany, and the last to be liberated by the Allies.

1939-05-15 09:42:13


This was a German concentration camp for women. There were children in the camp as well. When a new prisoner arrived at Ravensbrück she was required to wear a colour-coded triangle that identified her by category, with a letter indicating the prisoner's nationality. Prostitutes, Romani, lesbians, or women who refused to marry were classified separately, with black triangles.

1939-09-02 09:42:13


Tens of thousands of people, perhaps as many as 100,000, were deported to the Stutthof camp including non-Jewish Poles and both communists and Jews from all of Europe. Conditions in the camp were brutal. Many prisoners died in typhus epidemics that swept the camp in the winter. Those whom the SS guards judged too weak or sick to work were gassed in the camp's small gas chamber. Camp doctors also killed sick or injured prisoners in the infirmary with lethal injections. Germans used Stutthof prisoners as forced laborers.

1939-10-14 09:42:13


Its function during the Second World War was to assemble Romani and Dutch Jews for transport to Nazi extermination camps and other concentration camps.

1940-06-14 09:42:13


It was first constructed to hold Polish political prisoners but went on to become a major site of the Nazi Final Solution to the Jewish Question. An estimated 1.3 million people were sent to the camp, of whom at least 1.1 million died. Around 90 percent of those killed were Jewish; approximately 1 in 6 Jews killed in the Holocaust died at the camp.

1940-12-13 09:42:13


The conditions under which the camp authorities forced the prisoners to work and the absence of even rudimentary medical care facilitated the spread of disease, including pneumonia, tuberculosis, and typhus. In addition to the dreadful living conditions, the prisoners suffered beatings and arbitrary punishments.

1941-01-01 00:00:00


Initially this was an "exchange camp", where Jewish hostages were held with the intention of exchanging them for German prisoners of war held overseas. The camp was later expanded to accommodate Jews from other concentration camps. Approximately 50,000 people died in the Bergen-Belsen camp complex. Among them was Anne Frank, the most well known child diarist of the Holocaust era.

1941-05-01 09:42:13


Gross-Rosen was known for its brutal treatment. It came to have at least 97 subcamps. Several hundred Jews had been prisoners in Gross-Rosen between 1940 and 1943.

1941-05-21 09:42:13


About 52,000 prisoners were estimated to be held there in its time of operation. It was a labor camp, transit camp and as the war went on, a place of execution. Some died from the exertions of the labor and the poor food. A documentary movie has been made about the 86 named men and women who were killed there for that project.

1941-08-08 00:00:00


It was a German Nazi concentration camp. It later became an independent concentration camp with numerous subcamps of its own. Around one in three of the roughly 60,000 prisoners who were sent to Mittelbau did not survive. There were no sanitary facilities except for barrels that served as latrines. Prisoners died from hunger, thirst, cold and overwork.

1941-09-01 09:42:13


Jews were used as forced laborers, mainly in carpentry and metalwork. In addition to being a forced-labor camp for Jews, Janowska was a transit camp during the mass deportations of Polish Jews to the killing centers. Jews underwent a selection process in Janowska. Those classified as fit to work remained at Janowska for forced labor. The majority, rejected as unfit for work, were deported and killed or were shot.

1941-10-01 09:42:13


Majdanek was made for keeping property and valuables taken from the victims at the killing centers. However, was renewed as a killing center by 1942.

1941-11-24 09:42:13

Terezin / Theresienstadt

This concentration camp was located in German-occupied Czechoslovakia. Tens of thousands of people died there, some killed outright and others dying from malnutrition and disease. A lot of documentary films, plays and books have been made from this concentration camp.

1941-12-08 12:18:24


This was the first of the Nazi German extermination camps and was set up specifically to carry out ethnic cleansing through mass killings. At a very minimum 340,000 men, women, and children were killed in the camp. Only 7 jews escaped from there.

1942-03-06 00:00:00


It was a Nazi German concentration camp where inmates were put to work by large German companies.

1942-03-17 09:42:13


It was a Nazi German extermination camp located in southeastern Poland. Belzec was the second German killing center, and the first of the Operation Reinhard killing centers, to begin operation. The Jews were forced to undress and run through the "tube," which led directly into gas chambers deceptively labeled as showers.

1942-05-16 00:00:00


It was a Nazi German extermination camp. Up to 200,000 people were murdered at Sobibór and possibly more. In the Sobibór gas chambers 500 people were murdered at a time. The Nazi regime not only robbed Jews of their earthly possessions and their lives but attempted to eradicate all traces of their existence.

1942-07-22 00:00:00


It was a very famous extermination camp where, approximately, 850,000 men, women and children were murdered, including more than 800,000 Jews. German army liquidated the camp and destroyed whatever evidence remained of the atrocities committed within its fences. Only 67 people survived Treblinka.

1943-10-28 09:42:13


It was a Nazi German labour and concentration camp. The camp was notorious for horrible terrors. Witnesses say their commandant would never start his breakfast without shooting at least one person. Those who were declared unfit for work were either sent to Auschwitz or shot on the spot. The death rate in the camp was very high. Many prisoners, including many children and women, died of typhus, starvation, and executions. Płaszów camp became particularly infamous for both individual and mass shootings carried out there.

Nazi concentration camps, when were each of them constructed?

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