Discoveries and inventions of the 19th century

This timeline shows the most important discoveries and inventions of the 19th century, the nineteen century was a period of great changes. Made by Francisco Javier Lumeras.

1804-02-24 00:00:00

The invention of the Locomotive

The 24th of February of 1804, the British inventor and engineer Richard Trevithick invented the first steam-driven locomotive that could drag wagons in South Wales. The first trip could carry a weight of 10 tons and around 70 people.

1807-05-15 01:24:21

The invention of the first Steam Ship

In 1807, the American inventor and engineer Robert Fulton invented the first steam powered ship with wheels on either side of the hull. It was called Clermont because of the first trip made by him, from New York to Albany.

1816-05-05 16:20:13

The invention of the Stethoscope

In 1816, the French doctor René Laënnec didn't want to put his ear on the chest of the women when he was checking a women with a problem in the heart, so he caught a rolled up newspaper to use it as an instrument. He developed it and made with other materials and he called it Stethoscope. Is a device used in medicine to hear the internal sounds of the body.

1825-12-01 00:00:00

The Braille System

In 1825, the French pedagogue Louis Braille conceived a new system of reading and writing to blind people in the Institut National des Jeunes Aveugles, in France, that consisted on a system of six dots that was inspired by the Barbier system.

1830-07-17 00:00:00

The invention of the First Sewing Machine

On the 17th of July of 1830, the French inventor Barthélemy Thimonnier patented the first Sewing that improved the production of clothes and fabrics. This machine made it possible a mass production of sewn products at factories.

1838-01-06 00:00:00

The invention of the Telegraph

The 6th of January of 1838, the inventor and painter Samuel Finley Breese Morse made the first demonstration of his previously invent the telegraph with the aid of Alfred Lewis Vail, that allowed to faster communication. The telegraph works with the use of the electromagnet and a new aphabet also invented by them called the Morse code with the combination of dot and stripes.

1842-05-28 00:00:00

The invention of the Seismograph

In 1842, the Scottish physicist James David Forbes developed and invented the seismograph, it's an instrument to measure and capture seismic waves in earthquakes or small tremors caused by the movements of lithospheric plates.

1846-10-16 00:00:00

The invention of the Anesthesia

The 16th of October of 1846, the American dentist Horace Wells and his assistant made the first public demonstration of the anesthesia made by nitrous oxide, so organs operations could be made easier. Then, the assistant, discovered that using ether instead of nitrous oxide was more effective.

1848-04-29 17:36:39

The Absolute Zero

In 1848, the Scots-Irish mathematical physicist and engineer William Thomson (Lord Kelvin) devised a sacle of temperature with the absolute zero, the same as 0º Kelvin. It is the lowest temperature achievable by a molecule, because in that level there isn`t atomic vibration. This equals -273.15 degrees centigrade.

1850-06-01 00:00:00

The improvement of the sewing machine

In 1850, the inventor and businessman Isaac Merritt Singer developed an improvement in the sewing machine previously patented by Elias Howe. He made the needle to move vertically instead of horizontally and he also included a pedal. With the help of Edward Clark, they set up the Singer Sewing Machine Company.

1859-06-28 00:00:00

The invention of the First Submarine

The 28th of June of 1859, the Spanish engineer and inventor Narciso Monturiol invented and developed in the port of Barcelona the first submarine powered by propulsion engine. It was called Ictineus I. It was the first submarine trained in oxygen and light supplies, and able to navigate underwater.

1860-12-01 00:00:00

The appearance of the Telephone

In 1860, the Italian inventor Antonio Meucci made the first public demonstration of his previously invention which he called the telephone. He managed to patent his invention for a a few years, but then Alexander Graham Bell obtained the patent due to the lack of money of Antonio Meucci.

1861-07-15 22:18:40

The appearance of the Color Photography

In 1861, the Scottish physicist James Clerk Maxwell developed the color photography through the mixing in proportion of light of the three primary colors (green, red and blue). So, he made the first color photograph passing light through combined colored filters and projecting the result onto a screen.

1864-04-20 00:00:00

The appearance of the Method of Pasteurization

The 20th of April of 1864, The French chemist Louis Pasteur carried out the first pasteurization. This process eliminated microorganisms that could degrade beer, milk and wine that could produce diseases that caused the death in that time.

1870-12-01 00:00:00

The invention of the Typewriter

In 1870, the Danish inventor and minister Rasmus Malling-Hansen patented his typewrite which was called the writing ball. Several inventors created typing machines similar to a typewriter but the first person to develop, patent and mass-produce a typing machine was him.

1872-05-30 22:36:13

The invention of the Gasoline Engine

In 1872, the American engineer George Brayton invented and patented the gasoline engine that was more practical and effective than others engine that used coal, etc. This engine use liquid fuels such as kerosene and oil.

1876-06-05 00:00:00

The invention of the refrigerator

In 1876, the French engineer Charles Tellier invented the refrigerator that allowed food be preserved for a longer duration, so food took longer to get rot. Then, Karl Von Linde started to sell and produce it.

1877-11-21 00:00:00

The appearance of the phonograph

On the 21st of november of 1877, the American inventor and businessman Thomas Edison invented the phonograph, a device to reproduce sounds previously recorded. Then, phonograph was patented on the 19th of february of 1878.

1880-01-27 00:00:00

The invention of the Lightbulb

On the 27th of January of 1880, the American inventor and businessman patented the first lightbulb, this bulb worked with electricity instead of the other bulbs which worked with gas or oil. This improvement made bulbs longer duration, about 1200 hours and a low cost of production.

1880-06-01 00:00:00

The invention of the Electric Tram

In 1880, the second lieutenant of the United States Navy and inventor Frank Julian Sprague invented the electric tram that changed the strength of the horses for electricity which included a system located on the roof of the tram that takes electricity cables airline and transmits it to the electric motors. The first demonstration was in 1888 in Virginia, USA.

1882-06-06 00:00:00

The invention of the Electric Iron

On the 6th of June of 1882, the American mathematician Henry W. Seely patented the electric iron, but other clothes iron of other materials already existed at that time. However it was a great invention so improved the facility of ironing.

1884-09-01 00:00:00

The invention of the Safety Bicycle

In 1884, the English inventor Harry John Lawson invented and produced the actual bicycle called Safety bicycle driven by a chain from centrally positioned pedals to the rear wheel. It was invented in 1879, but its inventor improved it until the actual bicycle in 1884.

1886-01-29 00:00:00

The invention of the Benz Patent-Motorwagen

On the 29th of January of 1886, the German engineer Karl Friedrich Benz obtained the patent of the first automobile powered by Internal combustion engine. This new automobile improved the transports and changed steam engine automobiles into internal combustion engine automobiles.

1895-02-13 00:00:00

The invention of the Cinematograph

The 13th of february of 1895, the French brothers Lumière patented its invent, the cinematograph, so is a device able to film and project moving images. The first film was made by them called 'Sortie de l'Usine Lumière de Lyon' and was screened in the French city La Ciotat that same year.

1895-11-08 21:46:35

The Discovery of the X-rays

The 8th of November of 1895, the German physicist Wilhelm Röntgen discovered the x-rays while he was studying Cathode rays. X-rays began to be used for medicine, so radiology was developed.

1897-07-02 00:00:00

The invention of the Radio

The 2nd of July of 1897, the radio was patented by the Serbian inventor and engineer Nikola Tesla, but the patent was attributed to Italian Marconi. Is a device that enables the transmission of signals through the modulation of electromagnetic waves that improved the communication.

1903-12-17 00:00:00

The invention of the Airplane

The 17th of December of 1903, the American brothers Wright invented and made the first demonstration of a flight with the first airplane. It was a vehicle heavier than the air with two wings and driven by a gasoline engine, then was patented by them on 1809.

Discoveries and inventions of the 19th century

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