
This timeline give some examples of links.

Here are a couple links:;xNLx;[Tiki-Toki Blog](;xNLx;[Tiki-Toki FAQs](;xNLx;

2016-10-18 00:00:00

Henry VIII

Henry VIII was a pivotal figure in English history. Perhaps his most far-reaching act was to break with the Catholic church. Of course, he did this so he could marry his second wife (of six), which is what he is most (in)famous for.

2016-10-18 12:00:00

More links

This story contains multiple links. To set them up, first go to the story Extra Info tab. Then add the text you want to display in brackets [] and the link in parentheses (). It will look like this in the Extra Info tab: [Tiki-Toki Blog](, but will appear as bolded text when viewed on the timeline (see examples below).

2016-10-18 20:00:00

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