Kobe University Chronology

The origin of Kobe University can be traced back to the Kobe College of Commerce established in 1902 as an institution for higher learning, when our history of over a hundred years started.

1902-03-01 00:00:00

The Kobe Higher Commercial School is established. This is considered to be the origin of Kobe University

1916-01-26 22:05:16

Kobe Higher Commercial School main entrance (circa 1916)

(Source) Kobe Higher Commercial School Graduation Album 1916

1916-03-01 00:00:00

Kobe Higher Commercial School main entrance (circa 1916)

Kobe Higher Commercial School Graduation Album 1916

1916-05-19 09:37:48

Kobe Higher Commercial School main entrance (circa 1916)

(Source) Kobe Higher Commercial School Graduation Album 1916

1949-05-01 00:00:00

Under the new educational system, seven higher education institutions in Hyogo prefecture are merged to establish Kobe University. The initial six faculties are Literature and Science, Education, Law, Economics, Business Administration, and Engineering.

1949-05-01 00:00:00

The Kobe University Library and the Research Institute for Economics and Business Administration are established.

1949-05-01 01:17:24

An evening program is established for the Faculty of Economics and the School of Business Administration.

1949-06-01 01:17:24

The Kobe Liberal Arts program and the Himeji campus are established.

1950-04-01 00:00:00

The Kobe Liberal Arts Program is renamed Mikage Campus.

1953-03-11 16:12:54

First classes held in the Rokkodai campus main building (circa 1953)

(Source) Kobe University of Economics Graduation Album 1953

1953-04-01 05:52:21

The Graduate School of Law, the Graduate School of Economics, and the Graduate School of Business Administration (Master’s Program and Doctoral Program) are established.

1954-03-11 16:12:54

Kobe University main entrance (circa 1954)

(Source) Kobe University Faculty of Economics 2nd Graduation Album 1954

1954-04-01 05:52:21

The Faculty of Letters and Science closes and is replaced by the Faculty of Letters and the Faculty of Science.

1955-07-01 00:00:00

An evening program is established for the Faculty of Law.

1955-09-01 00:00:00

The Special Program of Engineering is established.

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1957-04-01 00:00:00

The Special Program of Science is established.

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1958-03-11 16:12:54

Mikage Campus, Faculty of Letters, Faculty of Science (circa 1958)

(Source) Faculty of Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering Graduation Album 1958

1958-04-01 00:00:00

The Special Program of Letters is established.

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1958-10-09 05:26:42

Himeji Campus (circa 1958)

(Source) Faculty of Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering Graduation Album 1958

1962-10-01 00:00:00

The Faculty of Engineering moves to the Rokkodai area.

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1963-04-01 00:00:00

The Liberal Arts Division is established by an internal measure (it is made official in April, 1964).

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1964-03-01 00:00:00

The Special Program of Engineering closes.

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1964-04-01 00:00:00

The Graduate School of Engineering (Master’s Program) is established.

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1964-04-01 00:00:00

The Hyogo Prefectural Kobe School of Medicine is transferred to national governance and becomes the School of Medicine within Kobe University.

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1964-04-01 00:00:00

The Faculty of Letters and the Faculty of Science move to the Rokkodai area.

1964-08-01 00:00:00

The Himeji campus closes.

1965-03-01 00:00:00

The Special Program of Science closes.

1965-04-01 00:00:00

The Special Program of Education is established.

1965-04-01 00:00:00

The Graduate School of Science (Master’s Program) is established.

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1966-04-01 00:00:00

The Hyogo Prefectural Hyogo University of Agriculture is transferred to national governance and becomes the Faculty of Agriculture within Kobe University.

1967-04-01 02:59:33

The Graduate School of Medicine (Doctoral Program) is established.

1967-06-01 02:59:33

The Hyogo Prefectural Kobe School of Medicine Hospital and The Hyogo Prefectural Health and Welfare Women's School are transferred to national governance and become the University Hospital, the School of Medicine, and the School of Nursing.

1968-03-01 02:59:33

The Special Program of Letters closes.

1968-04-01 02:59:33

The Graduate School of Letters (Master’s Program) is established.

1968-12-01 02:59:33

Student protests take place at Kobe University.

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1968-12-01 02:59:33

The Faculty of Education moves to the Rokkodai area.

1969-10-09 05:26:42

Barricades at the Liberal Arts Division during the student protests (1969)

(Source) Photograph Collection page 79

1972-04-01 02:59:33

The Graduate School of Agricultural Science (Master’s Program) is established.

1975-04-01 02:59:33

The Master’s Program and the Doctoral Program of the Graduate School of Law, the Graduate School of Economics, and the Graduate School of Business Administration are reorganized to form the Doctoral Program.

1977-05-01 02:59:33

The Center for International Exchange is established by an internal measure.

1978-08-01 02:59:33

The School for Medical Laboratory Technologists and the School of Nursing (both attached to the School of Medicine) move to Tomogaoka, Suma Ward (Myodani area).

1980-08-01 02:59:33

The Graduate School of Cultural Studies (Doctoral Program) is established.

1981-03-01 02:59:33

The Special Program of Education closes.

1981-04-01 02:59:33

The Graduate School of Education (Master’s Program) and the Graduate School of Science and Technology (Doctoral Program) are established.

1981-10-01 02:59:33

The Junior College of Medical Technologies is established.

1986-04-01 02:59:33

The Kobe University Tibet Academic Expedition Team become the first team in the world to successfully climb Kulha Gangri summit (7554 m).

1992-05-01 02:59:33

The Kobe University song is officially adopted.

1992-10-01 02:59:33

The Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies (Master’s Program) is established.

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1992-10-01 02:59:33

The Liberal Arts Program and the Faculty of Education are reorganized to become the Faculty of Intercultural Studies and the Faculty of Human Development.

1993-04-01 02:59:33

The School of Business Administration starts a daytime program and an evening program.

Kobe University Chronology

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