The History of Alternative Energy

This timeline will inform you about the history behind the the progression of alternative and renewable energy.

0200 BC-01-01 00:00:00

The First Uses of Alternative Energy

Around the year 200 BC, the Chinese were the first to create Natural Gas and use it to harvest salt from brine by using evaporation, powered by the Natural Gas. Meanwhile, Europeans have developed the first waterwheel. This has changed the way the Europeans and the Chinese lived!

1712-01-01 00:00:00

The First Use of Steam

Thomas Newcomen, an English Miner, invented a machine that allowed miners to dig deeper for coal and get more with fewer incidents.

1860-01-01 00:00:00

The First Use of The Sun for Power

A French Scientist, Augustine Mouchot, was worried that the world would run out of fossil fuels, so he had created the first Solar Panel by using mirrors so the concentrated sun power can drive machines to create steam.

1870-01-01 00:00:00

The First Use of Solar Energy

The first time the sun used to create power was during this time because of a professor and his student, William Grylls Adams and Richard E. Day respectively, created the first solar panel by using selenium as panels. However, the selenium couldn't make enough energy to be converted to electricity, but it created a solid start to create electricity without using moving parts.

1876-09-04 00:03:00

The First Electric Plant in America

Thomas Edison, inventor of the light bulb, flips the switch that turns on the America's first Electric plant, available to those who were in the square mile area. This included J.P Morgan, the Stock Exchange and the largest newspapers in the nation.

1882-09-30 23:32:26

First Commercial Scale Hydro-Electric Plant in Appleton, Wisconsin

During the 1880's, the first Hydro Electric plant to serve private and commercial use was put into action. After it's initial launch, 2 more dynamos were launched and put into action, one of which had an "Elmer" wheel, that produced 12.5 Kilo-watts of energy, enough to power 250 sixteen-candle power lamps!

1888-01-01 00:00:00

The Windmill Produces Energy in Cleavland, Idaho

Charles F. Bush helps the world by developing a Windmill that can generate power from the simple invention that helped move pistons in the past: The Windmill. This windmill is the first of its kind, powering the lights that are inside of it, which makes this a complete success.

1900-01-01 00:00:00

The Diesel Engine Uses Vegtable Oil at World's Fair, 1900

The French Government challenged the automobile company, Otto, to create a diesel engine to run on peanut oil. The inventor of the diesel engine, Rudolph Diesel, accepted the challenge and worked tirelessly and completed the challenge. After the death of Mr. Diesel, all petroleum, including diesel, was available and popular for 80 years.

1906-01-01 00:00:00

Studies Have Shown That Ethanol Is Better Than Petroleum

Elihu Thomson reported that, even though that it has a smaller heat value, a gallon of alcohol will develop substantially the same power in an internal combustion engine as a gallon of gasoline. This has been also confirmed by the USDA, United States Department of Agriculture, who have stated that if the engines were modified in such a manor, they can be used with pure alcohol depending on the need.

1921-01-01 00:00:00

World's First Attempted Geothermal Plant Created In California

John D. Grant discovered The Geysers, which was an untapped energy source, where he had dug a well and had a small-direct generator that powered The Geysers resort. Unfortunately, being the time period and resources, the geothermal heat steam couldn't withstand the conditions, and the fact that it was hard to drill the steam, it couldn't compete with easy to develop, cheap energy sources.

1951-12-20 00:00:00

Nuclear Power Reactor Generates Electricity In Idaho

16 scientists of Argonne National Laboratory have created energy that may have only barely powered four 100-watt light bulbs, but it was still an accomplishment, so the scientists chalked their names on the wall.

1953-01-01 00:00:00

The Development Of The Silicon Solar Cell

Gerald Pearson, Daryl Chapin and Calvin Fuller at Bell Labs, now AT&T Labs, develop a silicon solar cell that is capable of producing an energy current. One reporter states that these cells mark the new era, that will lead the realization that we can harness limitless energy.

1957-12-02 00:00:00

The First U.S Satellite Uses Solar Cells For Power

While trying to sell the silicon solar cell to the public fail, the US Army and Air Force saw this device as the needed power source they need for their top-secret project: Earth orbiting satellites. But when the Navy was given the job of launching America's first satellite, they didn't want to use the technology and decided to use chemical batteries as the power source for America's first satellite, Vanguard. The late Dr. Hans Ziegler convinced the Navy that using batteries is a terrible way to go, but eventually the Navy and the doctor lead to a compromise of using both chemical batteries and solar panels. The batteries failed in a few days, but the panels managed to keep communications with the Vanguard for years.

1957-12-02 00:00:00

Commercial Scale Nuclear Power Plant Is Operational In Shippingport, Pennslyvania

This power plant was built and developed 15 years after Enrico Fermi demonstrated the first sustained nuclear reaction. The Duquesne Light Company of Pittsburgh built the power plant on the Ohio River. However, the plant was shut down in 1982 and the Department of Energy had to decontaminate and decommission the power plant, which was the first Nuclear Power Plant to be shut down in the United States.

1960-01-01 00:00:00

First Geothermal Plant Built In California

Not to be mistaken with the other geothermal facility back in 1921, this facility has been, and still is, successful and producing Geothermal energy.

1970-01-01 00:00:00

The Solar Panel Lowers In Price And Is Cost Effective For Use On Land

During the late 60's and early 70's, the price for a solar panel was expensive until Dr. Elliot Berman created, with the financial help from Exxon Corporation, a cheaper solar panel by using poorer grade silicon and cheaper materials. Thanks to Dr. Elliot Berman, prices for kilowatt per hour have been reduced to $20, instead of $100 per watt.

1978-01-01 00:00:00

The First Village To Run On Solar Energy

The first village in the world to run on soalr energy alone is Tohono O'odham Reservation, Arizona. This village has been using the solar power for 15 years to pump water, until grid power reached the village.

1980-12-01 00:00:00

World's First Attempted Wind Farm In New Hampshire

20 wind turbines were built and set on Crotched Mountain, south of New Hampshire. However, the turbine farm was a failure. The turbines broke often and the wind resource was overestimated.

1981-12-01 00:00:00

Building The Largest Wind Farm In California Causes Thousands Of Bird Deaths

When building the largest wind farm in the world, Altamont, and operating it, 75 to 110 Golden Eagles are killed, such ways as decapitation and severed in half. This wind farm may produce a lot of power, however it maybe the soul reason why their is a decrease of Golden Eagles

1997-01-01 00:00:00

EV1 Electric Car Is Made Available To The Public For Lease, Later Dismantled by GM

General Motors, or GM, made the EV1 avaliable to lease to the public, so California can have at least 2% of the vehicles there to be zero emission. 1,000 of the cars were made, but due to the small demand for these cars, they were later recalled and dismantled.

The History of Alternative Energy

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