El Centro Español de Tampa

In 1885 there were no people or cigar factories or cigar workers, but within a few decades there were dozens of factories making hundreds of millions of hand-rolled cigars by tens of thousands of immigrants, and thousands of Club members.

1868-10-10 09:07:28

Ten Years War

On October 10, the Grito de Yaro announces the commencement of what has come to be known as the Ten Years War.

1869-03-15 09:07:28

Ybor Moves Operations

V.M. Ybor moves operations from Havana to Key West.

1878-02-10 09:07:28

Ten Years War Ends

Ten Years War ends (Pact of Zanjon).

1884-10-01 22:49:39

Gargol & Guiterrez in Tampa

Bernardino Gargol & Gavino Gutierrez visit Tampa in search of guava trees.

1884-11-08 09:07:28

Gargól & Gutíerrez in Key West

After leaving Tampa, Gargól & Gutíerrez travel to Key West, visit Ybor and Ignacio Haya.

1884-12-08 09:07:28

Interest in Tampa Increases

Gargol, Gutierrez, V. Martinez Ybor, & Ignacio Haya return to Tampa.

1885-07-15 09:07:28

Serrafin Sanchez Travels to Tampa

Serrafin Sanchez (Haya associate) travels to Tampa from New York and meets withTampa Board of Trade.

1885-08-20 09:07:28

Henry B. Plant's Railroad

H.B. Plant extends his railroad to Tampa.

1885-09-05 17:38:22

Ybor Buys Land

Ybor & Haya return to Tampa..

1885-09-20 17:38:22

Ybor Hires Gavino Gutíerrez

Ybor hires Gutíerrez to survey land, develop a plan.

1885-10-08 17:38:22

Ybor City Construction Begins

Ybor begins construction of what is to become Ybor City.

1885-10-10 17:38:22

Haya Begins Construction

Ignacio Haya begins constrution of his factory.

1885-10-15 12:38:22

Ybor City Land & Improvement Co.

Vicente Ybor and his associates form the Ybor City Land & Improvement Co.

1885-11-14 12:38:22

Streetcar Line Established

Vicente Ybor and Eduardo Manrara buy the controlling interest in the only streetcar company then in existence in Tampa.

1886-04-11 12:38:22

Fire in Key West

Fire in Key West destroys many buildings, including Ybor's El Principe de Gales.

1886-04-26 12:38:22

Cigars in Ybor

First cigar produced in Ybor City at Sanchez & Haya factory.

1886-05-26 12:38:22

Ybor Residential Construction

By end of year, Vicente Ybor constructs many houses.

1886-05-29 12:38:22

Streetcar Line in Operation

Teh narrow gauge streetcar begins regular service between Tampa and Ybor City.

1887-06-02 00:00:00

Ybor Annexed

Ybor City is annexed by the City of Tampa (4th Ward).

1888-03-10 00:00:00

El Porvenir Founded

El Porvenir is founded by Enrique Pendas.

1889-03-10 00:00:00

Key West Cigar Worker Strike

Key West cigar workers conduct labor strike.

1889-08-13 00:00:00

New Cigar Factory

Lozano, Pendas & Co. becomes the third cigar factory in Ybor City.

1890-06-07 00:00:00

Union Española Founded

La Union Española is founded by striking cigar workers in Ybor City.

1890-08-07 00:00:00

Tensions in Key West

Tensions between Cubans and Spaniards increase in Key West following strike.

1891-09-07 00:00:00

Centro Español By-laws

Committee formed to write by-laws for Centro Español; State of Florida issues charter.

1891-10-22 00:00:00

By-laws Adopted

Centro Español by-laws adopted.

1891-12-21 00:00:00

Centro Español Incorporated

Centro Español is incorporated by State of Florida.

1892-06-20 00:00:00

Centro Español Clubhouse

Centro Español's first club house is inaugurated.

1892-07-12 00:00:00

José Marti Visit

Jose Marti makes first of a series of visits to Tampa.

1892-07-30 00:00:00

Cuban Revolutionary Party

While in Tampa, Jose Martí announces the creation of the Cuban Revolutionary Party.

1892-08-30 00:00:00

Patriotic Clubs Form in Tampa

Cuban cigar workers begin forming patriotic clubs in Tampa.

1892-09-15 00:00:00

Trade Unions in Tampa

Cuban patriotic clubs halt all trade union activity in Tampa.

1892-12-12 00:00:00

West Tampa Founded

West Tampa is founded by Hugh Macfarlane.

1893-05-14 20:34:40

Centro Español Loses Members

Centro Español loses one quarter of founding members.

1893-11-09 20:34:40

Spanish Casino Stock Co.

Spanish Casino Stock Co. created to absorb debt of Centro Español.

1894-04-06 12:00:00

L’Unione Italiana

L’Unione Italiana founded.

1895-02-24 12:00:00

Uprising in Cuba

Uprising in Cuba commences.

1895-07-12 00:00:00

Spanish Consulate

Spanish Consular agency in Tampa elevated to Consulate.

1895-07-20 00:00:00

Support for Spain

Centro Español members raise funds to support Spanish government.

1895-07-22 00:00:00

Cemetery Plans

Centro Español decides to acquire small plot of land for cemetery.

1896-03-17 00:00:00

A Petition by Members of the Club

Twenty-seven members of Centro Español petition leaders to suspend entrance fee.

1896-05-10 01:01:04

Tobacco Ban

Governor General of Cuba Valeriano Weyler issues decree banning export of tobacco.

1896-06-20 01:01:04

Cuban Patirotic Clubs In Tampa

The number of Cuban patriotic clubs in Tampa increases.

1896-12-14 00:00:00

Vicente Martinez Ybor Dies

1897-02-02 00:00:00

Assassination in Spain

Spanish Prime Minister is assassinated.

1897-02-15 00:00:00

Florida Brewery

Florida Brewery opens for business.

1897-06-02 00:00:00

Cemetery Opens

The Centro Español inaugurates its first cemetery. [1]

1898-01-01 00:00:00

Embargo Lifted

New Governor General of Cuba lifts tobacco embargo.

1898-04-14 00:00:00

Spanish Consul Assistance

The Spanish Consul offers to assist Spaniards who wish to leave Tampa.

1898-04-19 00:00:00

Diplomatic Exodus

Spanish diplomatic representatives leave Tampa.

El Centro Español de Tampa

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