Transition Bristol

A timeline showing key stages along the development path of Transition Bristol including projects & events that we helped get started or contributed to in some way.

Transition Bristol was set up to catalyse neighbourhood groups and to provide them with a sense of being part of a bigger picture. While the neighbourhood groups have busied themselves with practical projects at the local level, Transition Bristol continues to work with key partners such as Bristol City Council to develop sustainable practice.;xNLx;;xNLx;For more info visit

2007-01-01 16:07:33

The Initiators secured Community Champions Funding of £2000

The Initiators secured Community Champions Funding of £2000

2007-02-01 22:36:43

The Initial Steering group met

The Initial Steering group met

2007-04-10 05:03:31

A Project Team formed

A Project Team formed to run events. Later in the month Transition Bristol acquires Hotdesk space for TB volunteers at the Hub

2007-04-10 05:03:31

Public events start

Public events start with Transition Talks & Stalls

2007-04-10 05:03:31

Several neighbourhood groups formed

Several neighbourhood groups formed across Bristol City

2007-05-01 05:03:31

Bristol Green Capital

Transition Bristol becomes member of ‘Bristol Green Capital Momentum Group’

2007-05-01 05:03:31

First Transition Leaflets

Group produces and begins to distribute Leaflets to raise awareness of Transition Bristol

2007-05-01 05:03:31

Rob Hopkins Lecture

Rob Hopkins gave a talk to a packed hall at the Trinity Centre

2007-07-01 05:03:31

Registered as Limited Liability Company

Transition Bristol is Registered as Limited Liability Company

2007-11-25 05:03:31

Transition Bristol ‘Big Event’

‘Big Event’ held at Council House which over 400+ people attended

2007-12-17 16:58:49

Learning from the Elders booklet and exhibit

Started after the Big Event

2008-02-01 05:03:31

Transition Fruit Trees project

Creation a "virtual orchard" across the city. Click link below for BBC Coverage

2008-02-01 05:03:31

First monthly electronic newsletter

First monthly electronic newsletter

2008-02-26 05:03:31

First meeting with Bristol City Council

Meeting between Post Carbon Institute’s Daniel Lerchand Bristol City Council to discuss the implications of Peak Oil Click on link for news item

2008-02-26 05:03:31

Transition Conference Cirencester

Transition Bristol attends Transition Conference Cirencester

2008-02-26 05:03:31

Transition exhibition at Architecture Centre

TRANSITION CITY: PREPARING FOR PEAK OIL Exhibition: Tuesday 29 April – Sunday 8 June, 2008 In towns, villages and cities across the UK, grassroots movements are addressing the challenges of peak oil and climate change in creative ways. In seeking greater self-reliance in fuel, food and housing could these Transition Initiatives lead to the rebirth of local communities? To coincide with the publication of The Transition Handbook by Transition pioneer Rob Hopkins, this exhibition highlights some of the ways communities can act locallly to bring about change in their neighbourhoods and beyond.

2008-05-01 05:03:31

New Transition Bristol leaflets

New Transition Bristol leaflets

2008-05-26 05:03:31

Network Southwest Funding £2000

Network Southwest Funding £2000

2008-05-26 05:03:31

Website relaunched

Website relaunched to encompass more features

2008-06-07 19:27:01

Core Team replaces Steering group

Transition Bristol team Away Day, Core Team replaces Steering group

2008-06-17 16:58:49

Development of Bristol Sustainable Food Strategy

Development of Bristol Sustainable Food Strategy

2008-07-06 16:07:33

Linked in to Forum for the Future group

Transition Bristol represented on Forum for the Future group (follow link below for FFF's 2008 annual report)

2008-07-06 16:07:33

Starhawk Workshop

2008-09-05 05:03:31

First Neighbourhoods Networking meeting

First Neighbourhoods Networking meeting Click on the link below to download the

2008-09-06 16:07:33

Berries n' Beans seasonal food week

Join us for a week of eating only local organic food, free from plastic packaging to highlight to government that they need to act now to reform our food system.

2008-09-11 07:31:18

Transition Bristol joins Peak Oil Bristol Task Force

Peak Oil Task Force for Bristol with Transition Bristol as a member

2008-10-11 07:31:18

Schumacher Conference

Stand & Workshop at Schumacher Conference

2008-10-11 07:31:18

Stand at Bristol Food Festival

Stand at Bristol Food Festival

2008-11-11 07:31:18

"Call for Sites" with Bristol Council

Bristol City Council is inviting ideas – deadline 19 December – from local residents about plots of land which could be put to better use. This is an opportunity to let the planners know your views about, for example; green space for growing, and for education about, local food, and for biodiversity more local fruit and veg shops more access to meeting and social places for community groups (we really struggle to find places because so many gatherings are competing for a few places) car-free outdoor spaces that are pleasant, safe, used, overlooked, and accessible for all ages the importance of space for urban trees for cooling the city, flood risk reduction and biodiversity Transition Bristol is holding an open meeting on 3 December so that people can share information about land in Bristol and about the planning processes. Sarah O’Driscoll from Bristol City Council’s planning team will be there to help explain what people need to do and how to fill in the forms about sites. The meeting is 7pm to 9pm in Hamilton House, 80 Stokes Croft, BS1 3QY. Hamilton House is the boarded-up building (60′s brick, office, set back from road, billboards all along the front) just opposite the end of Jamaica Street and to the left of the ‘Mild Mild West’ Banksy painting. There is an entrance – which only gets opened up when needed – so there should be a poster and someone to greet you at the Stokes Croft front of the building, and if you are late look for the poster and the light and come on in! Everyone welcome. There have already been some important discussions on this on our Yahoo group so if you would like to help contribute to this process for Redland then do get in touch, and come to the meeting if you can.

2008-11-11 07:31:18

workshop with Soil Association & Community Supported Agriculture workshop

Soil Association, Transition Bristol & Community Supported Agriculture workshop

2008-11-11 07:31:18

Development of Bristol Sustainable Food Strategy

Development of Bristol Sustainable Food Strategy

2008-11-11 07:31:18

Bristol Food Network Formed

Bristol Food Network Formed Click link below

2008-12-01 05:03:31

Publication of Neighbourhoods Welcome Pack

Click on link to download

2009-01-27 22:33:56

Sofa sessions

The start of regular monthly sofa sessions at the Hub in the Arnolfini

2009-02-06 07:31:18

Organised Neighbourhoods Event

Organised Neighbourhoods event at the Full Moon

2009-06-01 00:00:00

Peak oil and Public Health event at Fairfield school

Peak oil and public health event at Fairfield school

2009-06-24 05:11:52

Sims Hill Shared Harvest Steering Group

First convening of a steering group to develop the Sims Hill Shared Harvest to help reestablish Bristol’s historic local and seasonal food supply chains.

2009-06-24 05:11:52

Community Farm initial steering group setup

Community Farm initial steering group setup to look into ways in which CSA could happen in Bristol

2009-10-15 00:00:00

Bristol Peak oil report published

The study was commissioned by the Bristol Partnership and the city council to consider the implications for Bristol once global oil production has peaked and production is in decline.

2010-02-01 09:05:48

Climate Change & Energy Security Framework adopted

Bristol Council Climate Change and Energy Security Framework (including peak oil) adopted

2010-03-01 13:09:43

Website update and rebranded

Website update and rebranded

2010-03-01 13:09:43

Bristol Energy Co-op Launched

Bristol Energy Co-op Launched

2010-03-11 00:00:00

Who Feeds Bristol Report

This report builds on findings in the Bristol Peak Oil report and explores the strengths and vulnerabilities in the current food system that serves Bristol and the city region in more detail. The report is primarily a descriptive baseline study of the main elements of the food system with an analysis of its resilience. It looks at the ‘positive powers’ cities may have in relation to their food systems and it makes suggestions for action. The work of researching and preparing the “who Feeds Bristol” report was commissioned and funded by NHS Bristol and undertaken by Joy Carey, an independent food systems planner and researcher. The document was published in March 2011. Click on link below to down load report

2010-05-08 09:25:06

Whiteladies Farmers Market relaunched

Whiteladies Farmers Market relaunched with Neighbourhood grant funding

2010-06-16 05:00:15

First Bristol Pound Meeting

The first meeting to discuss the Bristol Pound initiative

2010-06-29 05:11:52

Sims Hill Shared Harvest Launched

Hello and welcome to Sims Hill Shared Harvest, a new Community Supported Agriculture initiative which plans to help reestablish Bristol’s historic local and seasonal food supply chains. We still face many unknowns as we bring our vision to fruition, but with your help we feel confident that we can build a successful project.

2010-06-30 15:17:45

The Community Farm becomes legal entity

Bristol Community Farm becomes legal entity

2010-09-03 07:31:18

Peak Oil & Health in British Medical Journal

Peak oil and health editorial published in British Medical Journal

2010-09-11 07:31:18

Bristol Green Doors Launched

Bristol Green Doors, an open invitation to see energy saving & renewable innovations made by Bristolians in their houses, Launched across the City

2010-10-01 22:51:03

Peak oil presentations for Bristol

Peak oil presentations for Bristol This time in Bristol at the Balfour Beatty Bristol site

Transition Bristol

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