Sara D. Roosevelt Park

Sara D. Roosevelt Park is located on the Lower East Side and spans across 7.85 acres.

1929-05-03 18:39:54

Parkland Acquired...

Initially, New York City set this land aside in the Lower East Side to widen Chrystie and Forsythe Streets and build low-cost housing. However, it was decided that the space would contain "playgrounds and resting places for mothers and children" instead.

1934-01-04 15:31:41

Construction of the Park Begins...

The building of the park was the largest park project since a century before, when Tomkins Square Park was opened. Four streets, Hester, Broome, Rivington and Stanton, had to be closed to accommodate construction of the different play areas.

1934-09-14 09:21:03

Dedication Ceremony...

This park was dedicated to Sara D. Roosevelt, mother of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Her philanthropic activities included serving on the board of the Gallaudet home for the deaf, teaching sewing classes to girls and volunteering at the Laura Delano Free Hospital for Children of New York City. The Parks Department Orchestra performed after a cannon salute. The celebration was so great that it was broadcast on radio stations in places as far away as Virginia and Maine.

1996-08-15 16:44:26

The park gets upgraded...

With a 2.7 million dollar capital project, the park was elevated to street level and a new playground and basketball courts were added. Security and sidewalks were also greatly improved.

2006-08-10 16:44:26

Soccer Field added to Park...

Throughout time, Soccer has been a popular recreational activity and so the City decided that it was time Sara D. Roosevelt Park had a soccer field. Players from the European Club Champion team, FC Barcelona, were present for the special occasion.

2011-04-16 02:58:52

The Community gives back...

The New York Junior League, a group of women dedicated to volunteerism, joined Manhattan Borough Commissioner William Castro and Council Member Margaret Chin to refurbish the park. there were about 1,000 volunteers who planted 7000 bulbs, 300 shrubs, 12 trees and 400 perennials. It took thousands of dollars and more than 12,500 man hours were logged for the Playground Improvement Project.

Sara D. Roosevelt Park

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