The Enlightenment: A Timeline

This timeline includes major political, philosophical, and literary events between 1600 and 1800. It is a work in progress. Suggestions and comments are welcome!

1598-05-31 10:38:36

The Edict of Nantes

Issued by Henry IV of France, the Edict of Nantes gave Huguenots (French Protestants) significant protection under the law in an overwhelmingly Catholic state.

1600-12-31 16:12:21

Creation of the East India Company

1602-05-31 10:38:36

Creation of the Dutch East India Company

1603-03-24 16:12:21

Death of Elizabeth 1

Death of Elizabeth I; Scotland’s James VI becomes England and Ireland’s James I

1603-12-31 16:12:21

Edo Period in Japan

The Tokugawa shogunate, a feudal government, rules Japan.

1605-12-31 16:12:21

The Gunpowder Plot

An assassination plot to kill King James I of England and VI of Scotland was organized by disillusioned English Catholics. It ultimately failed and the conspirators were executed.

1607-12-31 16:12:21

Jamestown established

Jamestown is established as the first English colony in the Americas.

1616-05-31 10:38:36

Death of Shakespeare

1618-05-23 00:00:00

Thirty Years War begins

1620-02-01 00:00:00

Bacon’s Novum organum published

Francis Bacon’s (1561-1626) 'Novum organum' published

1625-02-01 00:00:00

Death of James I/VI

Death of James I/VI; Charles I accedes to the throne

1630-02-01 00:00:00

Foundation of the Massachusetts Bay Company

1632-01-31 16:41:20

Galileo publishes 'Dialogue on the Two Chief Systems of the World'

1632-12-31 16:12:21

John Locke born

1633-06-03 16:28:20

Japan becomes increasingly isolated

Japan closes itself off from most forms of external influence, with exceptions for trade with China, Korea, and the Dutch East India Company.

1633-06-22 16:12:21

Galileo runs afoul of the Inquisition and is forced to recant

1638-02-01 00:00:00

Birth of Louis XIV

1641-05-19 18:20:46

Descartes’ 'Meditations' published

1641-05-31 10:38:36

The Irish Rebellion

1642-05-19 18:20:46

Birth of Sir Isaac Newton

1642-05-31 10:38:36

The English Civil War

A series of events, rather than one continuous battle, the English Civil War saw supporters of Parliament against challenge monarchical authority.

1647-05-31 10:38:36

The Great Plague of Seville

The second of three plagues to hit Spain in the seventeenth century, with this occurrence nearly a quarter of the population was killed.

1648-05-19 18:20:46

The Peace of Westphalia

The Peace of Westphalia ends the Thirty Years War

1648-05-31 10:38:36

The Fronde

A series of civil wars in France pitted King Louis XIV and his powerful Minister, Cardinal Mazarin, against the nobility.

1649-05-19 18:20:46

In England, Charles I is tried and executed.

In England, Charles I is tried and executed; monarchy is abolished. Cromwell rules England, first as a Commonwealth and then a Protectorate.

1649-05-31 10:38:36

Cromwellian conquest of Ireland

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1651-05-19 18:20:46

Hobbes' Leviathan published

Hobbes’ (1588-1679) Leviathan published

1658-05-19 18:20:46

Death of Cromwell

1660-05-19 18:20:46

English Restoration

Charles II restored to the throne, marking the end of the Interregnum.

1660-05-31 10:38:36

The Royal Society is founded in England.

1660-05-31 10:38:36

Hooke discovers cells

Using a microscope, Robert Hooke first identifies cells.

1661-05-19 18:20:46

Louis XIV's personal reign begins in France.

It will last until his death in 1715.

1664-05-19 18:20:46

London struck by plague

The Great Plague of London killed an estimated 15% of the city's population.

1666-01-16 17:37:50

Colbert founds the Académie des Sciences in France

1666-05-19 18:20:46

Great Fire of London

Though the fire caused few deaths, it destroyed much (up to one-third) of the city's infrastructure.

1667-05-19 18:20:46

Swift born in Dublin

1667-05-19 18:20:46

Milton’s 'Paradise Lost' published

1680-05-19 18:20:46

Filmer’s 'Patriarcha' published

Filmer’s Patriarcha first published, though it was written years earlier.

1680-05-19 18:20:46

Locke composes the 'Two Treatises on Government'

Long thought to be written in 1689, Locke in fact composed the treatises nearly ten years earlier.

1682-05-19 18:20:46

Peter the Great becomes Czar (later Emperor) of Russia

1685-05-19 18:20:46

Death of Charles II; accession of James II

1685-05-31 10:38:36

The Edict of Fontainebleau

The Edict of Fontainebleau revokes the Edict of Nantes, issued in 1598.

1687-01-16 09:51:35

Newton publishes the 'Principia'

1688-05-19 18:20:46

The Glorious Revolution

Invasion of England by William of Orange to secure Parliament; James flees to France, which is deemed an abdication of the throne, which is then offered to William and Mary.

1688-05-19 18:20:46

Aphra Behn 'Oroonoko' published

1689-05-19 18:20:46

Locke’s 'Letter Concerning Toleration' published

1689-05-19 18:20:46

Locke’s 'Essay Concerning Human Understanding' published

1690-05-19 18:20:46

Locke returns to England from Holland

1692-05-31 10:38:36

Salem witch trials

1694-05-19 18:20:46

Astell's 'A Serious Proposal' is published

The full title is 'A Serious Proposal to the Ladies for the Advancement of their True and Greatest Interest. By a Lover of Her Sex.'

The Enlightenment: A Timeline

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