BA & Education (Technology)

1926-07-01 00:00:00

Pressy's Teaching Machine

In the early 1920s Sidney Pressey, an educational psychology professor at Ohio State University, developed a machine to provide drill and practice items to students in his introductory courses.

1950-08-21 22:40:48

Standard Celeration Chart

To measure fluency, precision teaching utilizes a semi-logarithmic chart called a Standard Celeration Chart. This chart allows for demonstration of changes in rate of acquisition and allows the teacher to quickly assess a student’s performance accelerating though time.[1] By utilizing this chart, teachers are able to quickly adjust the curriculum to maximize the student's performance and learning. This chart was developed by Lindsley in the 1950s while at Metropolitan State Hospital and Harvard University. It was not created in its current form until 1967.

1954-01-22 12:37:31

"The Science of Learning and the Art of Teaching"

Skinner , B. F. (1954 ). The science of learning and the art of teaching. Harvard Educational Review, 24, 86 – 97 .

1954-07-01 19:56:53

Skinner's Teaching Machine

In 1954 B.F. Skinner embarked upon a series of studies designed to improve teaching methods for spelling, math, and other school subjects by using a mechanical device that would surpass the usual classroom experience…The teaching machine is composed of mainly a program, which is a system of combined teaching and test items that carries the student gradually through the material to be learned. The "machine" is composed by a fill-in-the-blank method on either a workbook or in a computer. If the subject is correct, he/she gets reinforcement and moves on to the next question. If the answer is incorrect, the subject studies the correct answer to increase the chance of getting reinforced next time.

1958-01-22 12:37:31

"Teaching Machines"

Skinner, B. F. ( 1958) . Teaching machines. Science, 128 , 137 – 158 .

1961-01-01 23:40:01

"The Analysis of Behavior"

Holland, J. G., & Skinner, B. F. (1961). The analysis of behavior: A program for self-instruction.

1968-02-25 04:23:20

"Goodbye Teacher"

Keller, FS (1968). Goodbye, teacher. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 1, 79–89.

1968-10-17 23:40:01

"Technology of Teaching"

Skinner , B. F. (1968/2003) . The technology of teaching. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts.

1969-10-17 23:40:01

"Good Behavior Game"

The Good Behavior Game is an approach to the management of classrooms behaviors that rewards children for displaying appropriate ontask behaviors during instructional times. Barrish, H. H., Saunders, M., & Wolf, M. M. (1969). GOOD BEHAVIOR GAME: EFFECTS OF INDIVIDUAL CONTINGENCIES FOR GROUP CONSEQUENCES ON DISRUPTIVE BEHAVIOR IN A CLASSROOM1. Journal of applied behavior analysis, 2(2), 119-124.

1978-09-13 16:24:19

"Designs for Instructional Designers"

Markle, S. M. (1978) Designs for Instructional Designers

1980-09-02 13:54:19

Morningside Academy

Located in Seattle, WA, Morningside provides struggling learners the opportunity to catch up, build up,and get ahead to enable them to achieve their greatest potential.

1984-10-17 23:40:01

"The Shame of American Education"

Skinner , B. F. (1984). The shame of American education. American Psychologist, 39(9), 947 – 954 .

1986-09-01 00:34:01

Fred Keller School

Yonkers NY

1987-09-02 13:54:19

ABC School

Sacramento, CA

1989-05-03 00:30:59

"The school of the future"

Skinner , B.F. (1989 ). The school of the future. In B. F. Skinner (Ed.), Recent issues in the analysis of behavior (pp. 85 – 96 ). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.

1998-10-08 19:06:23

Schoolwide Positive Behavioral Supports (SWPBS)

Schoolwide Positive Behavioral Supports (SWPBS) ( ) provides an operational framework for ensuring all students have access to the most effective and accurately implemented instructional and behavioral practices possible. SWPBS provides a decision-making framework that includes systems level data-based decision making, local coaching and team led implementation, ongoing expert training with active leadership to guide the selection, integration, and implementation of evidence-based practices for all students ( Dunlap, Carr, Horner, Zarcone, & Schwartz, 2008 ; Sugai & Horner, 2006 ).

2001-04-01 09:35:43

Headsprout Early Reading

Headsprout Early ReadingTM is a new engaging, Internet-based reading program that effectively teaches the essential skills and strategies required for rapid reading success. Experienced educators and learning scientists leveraged years of classroom experience and scientific research in developing the product. The program was extensively tested with thousands of children, who produced millions of data points that were collected and analyzed at a cost of millions of dollars in order to research, develop, test, and refine the program

2009-09-02 13:54:19

Queens Paideia School

2014-09-01 13:54:19

Envisioning Education 3.0: The Fusion of Behavior Analysis, Learning Science, and Technology

Worldwide the explosion of digital technologies of all forms puts us in the midst of a revolution in education, across both K-12 and university environments. The use of technology-powered learning holds great promise as an efficacious and egalitarian means to help increasing numbers of people (young and old) obtain or accelerate learning and meet challenges in a changing, competitive world. This transformation in how we view and do education has been referred to as Education 3.0, due to its interactive, self-learning, and personalized nature. Features include omni- present adaptive digital environments and experiences and the ability of programs to self-learn and precisely adjust to the individual learner. Components such as personal- ized learning and competency-based education share critical features with behavior analysis. This article highlights the congruence between Education 3.0 and behavior analysis, and the opportunity for behavior analysts to create change.

2014-10-01 00:22:01

PECS IV+ App Released

BA & Education (Technology)

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