The Infinity / I-Novae Community Timeline

This Timeline was created to visualize what the team behind the I-Novae Engine has accomplished over the now more then ten year long development.

I-Novae is specialized in creating true scale procedural generated worlds.;xNLx;;xNLx;[Learn more at their site!](;xNLx;;xNLx;[Visit the forums and talk with us!](

2008-08-12 00:00:00

Stormhawk and Bellerophon + space views

A serie of screenshots showing the Stormhawk corvette, and the Bellerophon battleship, respectively modeled by CutterJohn and Spectre. Texturing on the Stormhawk was done by Juan; texturing on the Bellerophon is temporary ( using some generic textures ) and was done by myself in less than an hour.

2008-08-13 00:00:00

Multimonitor support

Multimonitor support Finally, I have recently added multimonitor support. If you've followed Infinity's development for a while, you'll probably go, "eh ? I thought it already supported multiple monitors !?", thinking to Kaboom22's triple-screen setup. The trick here is that Kaboom's system used a special device, the Matrox Triple head 2 GO to make windows "believe" there's only one physical monitor instead of 2 or 3. It's completely transparent to the program; Windows just reports a single screen of a wide resolution ( like 3840x1024 ) instead of three. But if you have a multimonitor setup ( 2 or 3 screens ) without this device, like me.. well.. you're out of luck. A week ago I decided to have a look at adding support for multiple screens into the I-Novae engine.

2011-02-23 00:00:00

2010 Retrospective and project updates

Happy 2011 to everybody. Yes ! It is that time of the year, the time to reflect on the important events of 2010, and to talk about where things are heading and what's going to happen in the coming months/years. So without further adieu here is the 2010 retrospective!

2011-03-21 00:00:00

Follow Keith Newton on twitter

Hey everyone! Many of you have been asking for me to introduce myself, so I would like to take this opportunity to say hello. I know there has been some frustration over our lack of updates recently. This isn't because nothing is going on, quite the contrary, we have been very busy working to get the new company off of the ground. In an effort to better address these concerns I would like to announce the creation of an I-Novae twitter account , where I will be providing little blurbs about what's currently going on and our game industry musings. -Keith

2012-06-10 00:00:00

Atmoshperic scattering

I know that unfortunately, the rate of our updates has not been satisfying recently (as in: in the past 1-2 years), but the good news is that we should soon be ready to increase our communication significantly. We are also planning to launch a Kickstarter in Q1 2013 to fund our projects. More news about this will come as the deadline approaches, but for the time being I want to post an update about what I've been working on recently: improvements to the terrain engine, and particularly atmospheric scattering..

2012-06-10 00:00:00

Interview with Keith Newton

An interview with Keith Newton has been posted on PlaySF. It answers a few questions regarding the status of our projects/company and future plans.

2012-11-19 00:00:00

2011 Retrospective and project updates

Hey Everybody ! Time for a new retrospective, and more project news ! First of all, I would like to apologize for how long it took to post this retrospective. I usually do it in january, but this year things have been pretty busy, and I wanted to wait a bit to bring some additional development news too. But let's start first with a review of what was done in 2011

2012-11-19 00:00:00

Compute shaders

A new dev journal, yay ! I know there's been a lack of dev journals for more than a year, but that's mostly because a lot of our work has been engine-related and low-level, so there was no much new content ( as in: pictures ) to show off. However, I've recently began to work the planetary engine to integrate it with the new material system, and here are the results of the first step: compute shaders !

The Infinity / I-Novae Community Timeline

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