Industrial Revolution

A time line that includes events and inventions during the Industrial Revolution.

1674-01-30 00:00:00

Jethro Tull Birth

Jethro Tull, inventor of the seed drill, was born.

1701-01-01 07:49:59

The Seed Drill

Jethro Tull created the seed drill, which helped in farming. The invention evenly distributed plant seeds, therefore farmers can weed while the plants are growing. The seed drill is still used to this fay by farmers.

1712-01-01 22:39:18

The Atomospheric Engine

In 1712, Thomas Newcomen invented the atmospheric engine, which pumped water out of mines. There are very few in use today, but there are new innovations of it.

1723-06-16 00:00:00

Adam Smith Birth

The birth date of Adam Smith. He contributed the theory of the laissez faire economics and a free market.

1725-08-29 09:38:06

Charles Townshend Birth

Charles Townshend had the idea to plant a different plant each year. Including a staple crop, wheat or barley, and then rotate it out with turnips or clover.

1733-01-01 17:31:36

The Flying Shuttle

In 1733, John Kay invented the flying shuttle. This device increased the processing speed of cloth. This helped the textile industry. Today flying shuttles are used, but other auto spinning equipment as well.

1741-02-21 00:00:00

Jethro Tull Death

The day Jethro Tull passed away.

1748-01-15 00:00:00

Jeremy Bentham

Jeremy Bentham had a theory on utilitarianism. He said, "The greatest good for the most people" or "The greatest good over the least pain."

1760-01-01 07:49:59

The Enclosure Movement

The English passed the Enclosure Acts, which reduced the the peasants' access to common lands. Therefore, wealthy land owners bought smaller parts, and more food started to grow.

1763-01-01 14:17:06

The Steam Engine

James Watt invented the steam engine in 1763. He made improvements to Thomas Newcomen's atmospheric engine, which was used to pump water out of mines.

1764-01-01 17:31:36

The Spinning Jenny

James Hargreaves had an invention in 1764. The spinning jenny allowed the operator to spin 8 threads at a time. New models today use the same principal, but can spin up to 120 spindles at once.

1766-01-17 00:00:00

Thomas Malthus Birth

Thomas Malthus contributed ideas that were used by factory owners to justify low wages.

1767-09-04 09:38:06

Charles Townshend Death

The day Charles Townshend passed away.

1768-01-01 17:31:36

The Water Frame

In 1768, Richard Arkwright made the water frame. The wheel was powered by running water and could operate day/night. Although, it could only spin one at a time. Sadly, this is not used today, due to new, more advance technology.

1771-05-14 00:00:00

Robert Owen Birth

Robert Owen had a thought and theory that treating workers well would result in a greater profit.

1772-01-18 00:00:00

David Ricardo Birth

David Ricardo imputed the theory that wages naturally tend toward a minimum level corresponding to subsistence needs of workers.

1779-01-01 06:38:06

The Spinning Mule

Samuel Crompton combined the spinning jenny and the water frame inventions. This made a new and improved invention called the spinning mule. New modifications of this is used now.

1790-01-17 00:00:00

Adam Smith Death

The day Adam Smith passed away.

1794-01-01 00:00:00

The Cotton Gin

In 1794, Eli Whitney creates the cotton gin, which made it easier to separate cotton seeds from cotton fiber. It reduced the time need on the cotton, therefore more money was produced. Gins are still used today, but improvements have been added.

1795-01-01 20:44:42

Andrew Meikle Birth

Andrew Meikle was born in this year, and the exact date isn't certain, but he created the threshing machine.

1796-01-01 07:49:59

The Threshing Machine

Andrew Meikle invented the threshing machine, which was used for farming. It separated the grains from the stalks. The threshing machine is still used by farmers.

1800-01-01 02:26:06

Labor for Women

In the 19th century, many women had to work and make money due to the poverty. They would work in places, such as textile factories, domestic servants, piecework shops, and even coal mines.

1800-01-01 02:26:06

Child Labor

Young children were being sent to work instead of being educated because of the lack of money. The children were forced to work longer hours with smaller pay then grown adults. The kids could would in crowded places and work with tiny parts.

1800-01-01 20:44:42

Cotton Imports

The amount of cotton imported to Britain was the greatest in 1800. The exact amount was 56,010,732 dollars.

1800-01-01 20:44:42

Cotton Exports

The amount of exports of cotton by Britain was rising since 1701, but the highest year was 1800. They exported 5,406,501 dollars worth of cotton.

1801-01-01 14:17:06

Trevithick's Engine

In 1801, Richard Trevithick attached a steam engine to a wagon, although it was not successful, he planted the idea of train transportation for people. This is not used today, but the idea travel through the years, and brought us to the invention of cars and other transportation devices.

1807-01-01 00:00:00

Steam-Powered Water Transport

In 1807, Robert Fulton attached a steam engine to a ship called the "Clermont". The stream propelled the ship and the paddle turned. Steam-powered boats and other water transportation devices are used to this day.

1811-11-27 20:44:42

Andrew Meikle Death

The day Andrew Meikle passed away.

1812-02-07 09:38:06

Charles Dickens Birth

Charles Dickens wrote about the poverty in the working class and perfectly described urbanization.

1818-01-01 23:08:06


In 1818, Prussia abolishes all internal tariffs, or taxes.

1818-01-01 23:08:06


In the 1880s, Nicholas Tesla perfected the principals of alternating current, therefore understanding electricity.

1818-01-05 00:00:00

Karl Marx Birth

Karl Marx thought that a struggle between social classes was fundamental to society, and that class division was blamed largely on private ownership of means of production.

1819-01-01 00:00:00

The "Peterloo Massacre"

The "Peterloo Massacre" took place in 1819 due to universal sufferage. Furthermore, sufferage means voting.

1823-09-11 00:00:00

David Ricardo

The day David Ricardo passed away.

1832-06-06 00:00:00

Jeremy Bentham Death

The day Jeremy Bentham passed away.

1833-01-01 00:00:00

The Factory Act of 1833

The Factory Act of 1833 prohibited children from working when they were under 9 years of age. Also, it set the number of hours a certain age group was allowed to work at the most. An example would be, ages 10-13 were only supposed to work no more than 9 hours.

1834-12-29 00:00:00

Thomas Malthus Death

The day Thomas Malthus passed away.

1836-01-01 23:08:06


In 1836, France had a brief period of an industrial revolution, but then the French Revolution took place and prohibited economic development.

1844-01-01 00:00:00

The Telegraph

Samuel F.B. Morse invented the telegraph in 1844. This was a big breakthrough in communication . The only way telegraphs are used today is for low income families in Mexico, but other then that we have advanced to cell phones and email.

1845-01-01 00:00:00

The Liverpool and Manchester Railway

The first commonly used steam train was the Liverpool and Manchester Railway. By 1845, every moderately-sized town in England was connected by rail.

1846-01-01 00:00:00

The Sewing Machine

Elias Howe created the sewing machine in 1846. Women had to sew clothes and other items by hand and at home. This invention allowed things to be sewn in factories. The sewing machine is still used at today.

1847-02-11 00:00:00

Thomas Edison Birth

Thomas Edison used a light bulb that lasted longer then lamps. These could be used at night, therefore more people could work at night.

1858-01-01 00:00:00

The Bessemer Converter

In 1858, Henry Bessemer created the first, inexpensive process for the mass-production of steel to be made. This is done with the Bessemer converter. Today, this invention is still being used in steelmaking industries.

1858-01-01 00:00:00

The Great Exhibition at the Crystal Palace

In London, the Great Exhibition in 1851 was mounted to symbolize Great Britain's economic, industrial, and military superiority.

1858-11-17 00:00:00

Robert Owen Death

The day Robert Owen passed away.

1870-01-01 00:00:00


Louis Pasteur develops vaccines for common illnesses and diseases. This prevented the diseases from spreading, therefore less were infected and able to live longer.

1870-06-09 09:38:06

Charles Dickens Death

The day Charles Dickens passed away.

1871-01-01 00:00:00

The 1871 Trade Union Act

Due to the violent strikes and inequality, Sir Francis Burdett fought for the labor unions. Therefore, the Trade Union Act was put in place, allowing the signing of contracts and enter agreements.

1883-03-14 00:00:00

Karl Marx Death

The day Karl Marx passed away.

1931-10-18 00:00:00

Thomas Edison Death

The day Thomas Edison passed away.

Industrial Revolution

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