Evolution of Instructional Design and Technology

Instructional Design and Technology (IDT) has been evolving since prehistoric times. Innovations like apprenticeships in ancient Egypt, Confucius' parables, and the Socratic method all represent advancements. This timeline covers the evolution of IDT during the recent period of rapid change starting with the 20th century.

The events in the timeline focus on observable changes like the publication of a book, the implementation of a policy, or the invention of a new tool. The text about each event will elaborate on how this event and associated ideas or innovations impact IDT.;xNLx;;xNLx;Note: I was unable to italicize in this program, but the citations should be correct otherwise.

1905-01-01 10:14:22

School Museum opens in St. Louis

The museum held the first collection of visual instructional materials in the United States. The materials were based on exhibits from the 1904 World's Fair. The Visual Instruction movement promoted use of visual media, particularly in education.

1927-05-30 19:41:18

BBC is founded

The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) was founded in 1927 and began the trend of public corporations rather than government-run broadcast facilities. These organizations provided cultural and educational programming.

1929-05-30 19:41:18

1st specifically educational set of films

In the late 1920s, Yale University designed and produced the Chronicles of American Protoplays, specially for use in schools. A study of the use of these history films revealed that the educational value of films depended on both the quality of the films and how well they were used.

1932-01-01 10:14:22

Bartlett introduces Schema Theory

Frederick Bartlett lead a series of studies on Native American folktales. The tendency of the stories to change when recalled lead to his proposal that schemata, unconscious mental structures, influence how we take in new information. Others continued to elaborate on the construct in psychology and education. Marvin Minksy, for example, brought this construct back in his work on computers in the 70's. Richard Anderson helped to relate schema theory to education.

1941-01-01 10:14:22

Division of Visual Aids for War Training established

Training films and filmstrips saw extensive use from the beginning and throughout World War II for both military personnel and civilian training. From 1941 to 1945, the Division of Visual Aids for War Training helped produce 457 training films.

1943-12-01 10:14:22

First electric, programmable computer

The Colossus and other computers developed after World War II helped provide a framework for thinking about how humans perceive, store, and encode information.

1952-09-15 00:00:00

Preparing Objectives for Programmed Instruction published

This volume helped educators write the specific objectives that learners are expected to attain by the end of the instruction.

1952-09-15 15:42:15

FCC sets aside educational TV channels

The Federal Communcations Commission (FCC) "set aside 242 television channels for educational purposes" (Reiser 2012) in 1952. Over the next ten years, there was an explosion of public television stations. In addition, the Ford Foundation spent an estimated $170 million on educational television in the 1950s and 1960s. Instructional television in formal education was only significant for a short time, but the broader educational efforts of public television continue to this day. The video link is to a short introduction to using PBS TV to benefit children.

1952-09-15 15:42:15

IBM 1500 announced

The IBM 1500 was the first system specifically designed for computer-assisted instruction. Computers were not in wide-spread use for instruction until the 1980s when personal computers became more accessible, but early work on computers for education and training began in the 1950s.

1954-05-30 19:41:18

B.F. Skinner introduces his teaching machine

B.F. Skinner's radical behaviorism is based on observable behavior before and after the introduction of stimulus. Behavioral theory also influenced the use of behavioral objectives, practice in instruction, and instructional feedback. As a device, the teaching machine was less effective than concepts it demonstrated.

1962-09-15 00:00:00

Criterion Referenced Testing Movement

Robert Glaser coined the term "criterion-referenced measures" to distinguish tests measuring the performance of test takers in terms of how well they executed the behavior from tests that ranked the student's performance based on other students' performance.

1962-09-15 00:00:00

Conditions of Learning published

The first edition of Robert Gagne's book profoundly impacted instructional design. The five domains of learning outcomes and nine events of instruction are "cornerstones of instructional design practices" (Reiser 2012).

1967-09-15 00:00:00

Formative and Summative Evaluation terms coined

Though not the first to make the distinction, Michael Scriven introduced the terms and documented detailed procedures that still influence techniques used today.

1968-01-01 10:14:22

Atkinson-Shriffin Model created

Information processing theory is based on this model. Atkinson and Shriffin proposed that information was received from the environment and transformed by three memory systems: sensory, short-term, and long-term. Attention, encoding, and retrieval are all processes that act upon information.

1969-01-01 10:14:22

ARPANET connects UCLA with SRI Internaional

This single connection between Los Angeles and Menlo Park eventually lead to the World Wide Web. While instruction online may not replace all that came before, the adoption of the many uses of the internet to support learning have shown the internet to be a powerful tool.

1975-05-30 19:41:18

ADDIE developed

Florida State University originally developed the instructional design model, ADDIE, for the U.S. Army (Clark 1995). However, the underlying structure can be seen as the core of most instruction design. It has become so pervasive that it "has become a colloquial term used to describe a systematic approach to instructional design" (Reiser 2012).

1995-05-01 00:00:00

National Society for Performance and Instruction changes name

The National Society for Programmed Instruction became the National Society for Performance and Instruction in 1973. In 1995, it became the International Society for Performance Improvement. The 1990s saw increasing emphasis on impact outside of instruction like on-the-job performance.

2005-04-23 20:27:00

First YouTube video

"Me at Zoo" is just 19 seconds, but it was the start of one of the most utilized knowledge management systems to support informal learning. The field has expanded to better understand learning everywhere it happens.

2011-05-01 00:00:00

Stanford MOOC registers 160,000

Stanford was not the first to offer a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), but the massive popularity of a free course on artificial intelligence points to how much distance education has become a force to be reckoned with in IDT. With roots in mail-in correspondence courses, online learning creates both challenges and opportunities for IDT.

Evolution of Instructional Design and Technology

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