History of animation

This timeline demonstrates the development of animation over time.

1832-01-01 00:00:00


In 1832 Joseph Plateau created the Phenakistoscope. This was a disc that would spin to create an animation. the viewer would only be able to view one picture at a time. this meant that you could view a small animation.

1833-01-01 00:00:00


In 1833 William horner created the zoetrope. the zoetrope is a drum with a strip of drawing put in the lower half and small slits in the upper half. this meant when a person looked through the slits when the drum was spinning it looked like an animation. The faster the drum span meant that there was effectively a higher frame rate

1868-09-20 05:17:42


The Kineograph (Flick book) was the first type of animation to use a series of images one after the other. All other animation devices used a drum or wheel which rotated.

1877-05-12 06:41:26


In 1877 Charles Emile Reynaud invented the Praxinoscope. The Praxinoscope was similar to the Zoetrope however it used mirrors so that the viewing was larger than a small slit. In 1889 Reynaud invented a more advanced version as it could project onto walls.

1891-01-01 00:00:00


In 1891 Edward Muybridge and Thomas Edison peoduced the Kinetoscope. The Kinetoscope works by a person looking through a small hole in the top of the machine and watching a film strip go past at a high speed. This was using a similar design because it used a film strip and had a light behind it to help see however it did not project out. Kinetoscope parlors were introduced which were like shops where you could go in and watch a Kinetoscope.

1895-05-12 06:41:26


In 1895 the Lumiere brothers invented the Cinematograph which was like the Kinetoscope however it could project for a large group of people to watch. The Lumiere brothers are widely thought of as the first people to make a motion picture. They are also the first people to allow for public viewing to an audience because more than one person could watch the film. This was because the Lumiere brothers used much more light than people before them and used a slightly different design to enable the pictures to be projected on to a wall. If it wasn't for the Lumiere brothers then there would not have been projected film.

1901-04-11 17:19:04

Len Lye

Len Lye was born in 1901 and he made very different and experimental films along with kinetic inventions. Len Lye used drawn on film animation. Drawn on film animation is where someone will actually draw on a film strip. You can do it in two main ways. The first way is to use completely blank film where you can nearly do anything to it. the second way is by using film that is already developed and you can manipulate it in different ways like scratching or sanding. You can also do something similar with sound and you are able to create synthetic sound.

1901-10-02 22:14:35

Walt Disney

Walt Disney was born in 1901 and has become one of the most important people and companies in animated films. In 1923 with his brother, Disney was founded. Walt Disney was involved in the founding of two animation companies before this however they both did not catch on and both ended up not going anywhere. The company Disney had an annual revenue last year of 45 billion US dollars. Disney's first film was called Alice's Wonderland and there was more films produced that year. The most recent film involving by Disney is Maleficent and there is more Films on the way such as Toy Story 4.

1910-04-20 03:42:00

Cel animation

Cel animation was first used in the early 20th century using celluloid. This is see through sheets that you can draw on. half way through the 20th century they stopped using celluloid and used cellulose acetate instead because it was less fragile. Many people stopped using cel animation when they had the ability to animate on computers. Disney studios used cel animation alot however in 1990 they stopped using it and moved to computers. Cel animation has to have every frame drawn by hand and this means that sometimes you will need thousands or even millions to make a film so it becomes fairly obvious that computers took over.

1914-04-11 17:19:04

Norman Mclaren

Norman Mclaren was an animator born in Scotland who moved to Canada. He worked for the NFB (National film board) where he made animation shorts such as "Dollar dance", "Mail early" and "V for victory". He also made a film called "Neighbours" which has since won multiple awards.

1915-01-30 16:05:48


Rotoscoping was invented in 1915. Rotoscoping is where you draw one frame and then trace over the bit that will be the same on the next frame. This saves a lot of time because if someone wanted to just move a persons mouth they can just trace the original frame and re draw the mouth.

1918-10-02 22:14:35

Warner Bros

Warner Brothers was founded in 1918 by the four Warner brothers. In 1904 the brothers founded a company to distribute films. By 1928 the company had its first national studio. In 1926 Warner Bros used synchronized sound where the sound meets up with animation. In 1931 Warner Bros' first cartoon was made and was called Merrie Melodies. The most recent film made by Warner Bros to involve animation is The Edge Of Tomorrow. There are more films announced such as Tammy and Interstellar.

1957-04-11 17:19:04

Hannah Barbera

Hannah Barbera productions was founded in 1957 by the creators of Tom and Jerry. They have produced many famous children's television programs on the television such as "Yogi bear" or "Scooby doo". Through the 80's the company became less popular and was bought by the company producing the TV channel "Cartoon Network". Hannah Barbera used cel animation to make their programs. Cel animation is an animation style that means each frame is drawn by hand. This means there could 1000 drawings for a short animation.

1968-10-02 22:14:35

Yellow submarine

Yellow submarine was an animated film produced in 1968. Yellow Submarine is one of the most important animations for modern cartoons. The Guardian says this is because it "enables us to laugh at ourselves while being highly entertained."

1969-04-11 17:19:04

Monty Python

Monty Python was made in 1969 and included a large amount of animation. The animation was done by Terry Gilliam and was used to put in between sketches in the show.

1969-04-11 17:19:04

Photographic stills

This is known as Photo-animation. it works by a picture or art having a camera placed in front of it and being filmed. the camera will move by tilting and changing angle. the angle will be able to go in any direction for up to 45 degrees.

1993-01-27 12:19:12

After effects

After effects can be used for making animations however when it is used it is often only used for short animations. After effects main use is for when a film or TV show has been made but the makers want effects put in then they bring the film over to after effects and they have the ability then to add multiple effects. A common thing for After effects to be used for on the internet is on videos for music because you can bring audio into After effects and you can easily make all the music bars. A famous film to have used After effects is Iron Man 3. After effects was very useful because there are lots of scenes where you can see the digital HUD on the inside of the helmet and that was all done in After effects. After effects and software like it can play a big part in advertisement. Animation can be very good for advertising things and you can get across messages better as you don't just have to film things. This could be for a cleaning product and you wanted to emphasize that it makes things shine. So to do this you may add an effect to help you show this.

1996-10-06 02:46:59


Flash was released in 1996. It is designed to be able to make simple games but primarily it is used for animation. certain TV programs have been made using Flash such as Blue's Clues and many web shows have used it such as Weebl and Bob. Flash uses 2D vector graphics to produce animations. the means the animation will look very crisp. However there is a downside to it using vector graphics. It means Flash is often used for cartoon style animations. Flash will also not let the user make many effects because it is more of a drawn style animation software.

2006-10-02 22:14:35

A Scanner Darkly

A Scanner Darkly was released in 2006. It used a method of Rotoscoping known as Interpolated Rotoscoping. It works on software instead of hand drawing over each frame. They used software called Rotoshop. Rotoshop works by the user inserting key frames at the beginning and end of a bit of animation and the software will interpret it and do the rest for you.

2007-01-27 12:19:12


Persepolis was released in 2007 and was based on a comic series also called Persepolis. All the comics are in black and white and so is the film. The film follows an almost identical style and this was apparently chosen to just show people in a country and not be specific.

2013-04-04 09:35:39

Childrens television

Kids animated TV goes right back to when television came out. Television has been able to be bought by the public since the late 1920's. In 1930 Looney tunes came out and was the first animated childrens TV. There has been many more animated TV such as Tom and Jerry, The Flintstones and Spider man. In the present day there are many animated shows for children to watch such as Adventure time, The Simpsons, Family guy, American Dad and many more. Childrens television has been very good for animation as it has helped it progress because of popular demand.

History of animation

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