Tampico Heights

Documenting the organic and from the streets movement to rename things and say "This is our heights."

2014-02-05 08:46:52

Reddit user calls their neighborhood "Tampico Heights"

Reddit user mendokusai_yo says his or her neighborhood North of North Main or "Tampico Heights" is experiencing lots of new construction.

2014-02-12 11:02:56

Hints to Tampico Heights location

mendokusai_yo defines where he or she lives as South of Cavalcade, as well as North of North Main and near Nadine. Nadine extends about 6 blocks from North Main to Airline.

2014-02-21 11:02:56

Houstonia Magazine moves Tampico heights 2 miles east

Houstonia Magazine picks up on this organic and grassroots effort, and places the location of Tampico Heights at 2805 Robertson Street, in the heart of the Near Northside as part of their neighborhood nicknames project.

2014-04-01 11:02:56

Someone in Tampico Heights tries to sell a BIG BROWN SOFA on craigslist

On April First, somone from Tampico Heights listed a BIG BROWN SOFA for Sale on Craigslist.

2014-04-03 02:16:37

Houstonia Magazine releases their 25 hottest neighborhoods issue

Houstonia releases its issue that rates 25 top neighborhoods in Houston. This list includes Northside Village, which has been redefined from it's formal definition as Super Neighborhood 51 to become everything between Cavalcade and North Main.

2014-04-07 02:16:37

John Nova Lomax clarifies that Tampico Heights is organic

Confronted with a different perspective on Northside Village/Tampico Heights, Houstonia writer John Nova Lomax clarifies that "It is my earnest and sincere belief that this renaming, unlike so many Houston rebrandings (e.g. EaDo), is organic and from the streets..."

2014-04-09 02:16:37

An organic and from the streets movement

As John Nova Lomax knows, this is an organic and from the streets effort to rename the neighborhood. It is so from the streets that there is almost no evidence of Tampico Heights on the internet. Google searches of Tampico Heights in Houston yields only 7 results.

Tampico Heights

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