A short history of SXSW Interactive

There's a lot more to South by South West than music and film...

SXSW Interactive has become one of the world's premier tech shows and companies from all around the world come to launch devices and apps.;xNLx;;xNLx;This timeline contains some highlights from the weird and wonderful world of SXSW Interactive.

1987-03-01 00:00:00

First Ever SXSW

The first SXSW took place in 1987 with an attendance of around 700.

1993-03-01 00:00:00

SXSW Moves to Austin

In 1993, SXSW moves to the Austin Convention Center where it is still held today

1994-03-06 08:38:26

'Film + Multimedia' Appear

For the first time in 1994, SXSW introduced 'Film and Multimedia' as another component to the festival.

1997-03-01 16:55:51

First SXSW Interactive

Previously known as SXSW Multimedia, name was changed in 1997 when it became SXSW Interactive.

1999-03-01 23:19:50

Streaming Video Technology Talk

Would video become an important part of the Internet?

2001-03-01 16:55:51

Wearable Computers

Is wearable technology science fact or fiction?

2006-03-01 17:46:33

First SXSW Screenburn

A new component for video games called Screenburn was added to SXSW.

2007-03-01 16:55:51

Twitter not launched

Despite popular belief, Twitter was not in fact launched at SXSW Interactive 2007.

2008-03-01 07:52:59

"That" Interview

Zuckerberg's keynote interview at SXSW 2008 has gone down in history...

2009-03-01 07:52:59

FourSquare Launched

SXSW Interactive 2009 saw the launch of the popular location based social network FourSquare.

2009-03-01 07:52:59

First Accelerator

2009 saw the introduction of the start-up Accelerator aimed at supporting small businesses.

2012-03-01 06:25:59

Wearables go big

The launch of the Nike+ Fuelband at SXSW Interactive highlights the impending wearable revolution.

2013-03-01 16:53:55

Grumpy Cat at SXSW

Internet sensation Grumpy Cat steals the show at SXSW 2013.

2014-03-01 11:19:42

SXSW Interactive turns 20

After first appearing as part of SXSW Film and Multimedia, 2014 marks the 20th anniversary of SXSW Interactive.

A short history of SXSW Interactive

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