History Of Inventions

20 Inventions In the 20th century.

1901-01-31 01:42:18

Safety Razor

King Camp Gillette invents the safety razor. It helps people shave hair off their bodies. It is important because it lets people choose what they want their hair length to be. It helps peoples lifes because it makes them look classy and using the razor it goes faster.

1902-01-01 21:42:33

Air Conditioner

Willis Carrier invents the Air Conditioner in 1902. It's important because it cools air to keep people from being hot. It shaped people's lifes because it let's them decide what they want their temperature to be in their house.

1903-01-31 01:42:18

Air Plane

The Wright brothers invent the first manned air plane. It's important because lets people travel. It helped people's lifes because it made traveling faster.

1906-01-31 01:42:18


William Kellogg invented it. It gives people many nutrients and a heart healthy breakfast. It gives people a great start to the day. It influenced people to eat healthy.

1910-01-31 01:42:18

Talking Motion Picture

Thomas Edison invents the first movie. It gave people entertainment. It shaped peoples lifes by giving people a great place to have a date.

1913-08-30 06:52:24


Gideon Sundback invented the modern zipper. It zips things closed. It's important so that you have the decision to have it be open or closed. It shaped peoples lifes by letting people make fun of people's zippers.

1919-12-09 12:39:10

Pop up Toaster

Charles Strite invented the toaster.The reason it is important is because it will toast your bread the way you want it and it pops up when it is ready.it shaped people lives by not making them guess when ther toast is ready.

1921-12-26 07:55:48

Lie dectector

It was invented by John Larson.It is important because it shows when a person is lying.It shapes peoples lives by helping the FBI find when people are lying.

1923-12-26 07:55:48

Traffic signal

Garret A. Morgan invented the traffic signal.The invention was important because it help people be safer on the road.It shaped peoples lives by helping people be safer.

1928-12-24 03:49:12

Bubble Gum

It was invented by Walter E. Diemer.The invention is important because it helped people get some food when they could not get food.it shaped people lives by giving them better breathe.

1932-12-23 08:55:12

Parking Meter

Carl C. Magee invented the parking meter.The reason why this is important because it gives people a parking spot.The way this has shaped peoples lives by making them pay to park

1937-01-14 21:41:11

Photo Copier

Chester F. Carlson invents the Photo copier.copier. It is important because it will copy your photos.It shaped peoples lives by doing work quicker.

1945-01-14 01:15:18

Atomic bomb

Albert Einstein invented the atomic bomb.It ended world war 2.It ruined some peoples property.

1946-01-14 01:15:18

Microwave Oven

It was invented by Percy Spencer.It helped people cook.It shaped peoples lives by making food faster.

1948-01-14 01:15:18


I t was invented by Walter Frederick Morrison and Warren Franscioni. It is important because it entertain kids. It shaped peoples lives by giving college kids something to do.

1968-12-09 05:43:59

Computer mouse

It was invented by Douglas Engelbart.It is important because it helps you scroll and click on things faster.It influenced the lap tops.

1972-12-09 05:43:59

Video Game

It was invented by Nolan Bushnell.It is important because it helped kids have fun. It influenced peoples lives by giving something to blow off on.

1979-05-28 01:07:59

Roller Blades

Scott Olson invented thew roller blades. It is important because it teaches people balances. It shaped peoples lives by giving kids something to do.

1984-12-13 04:10:00

Apple Macintosh

Steve jobs invented the Apple Macintosh. It is important because it was one of the first computers. It shaped peoples lifes by launching apple.

1988-12-13 04:10:00

Doppler Radar

It was invented by Christian Doppler.It surveys the weather.It is important because warns people about the weather. It shaped peoples life by letting people know the weather.

History Of Inventions

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