Epic Intentions

2004-08-22 14:16:43


What's up, everybody! Thanks for watching.

2004-09-12 22:16:43

System Hack

Hi I'm Jeoffreeeey and Michael doesn't know I make these

2004-10-13 13:12:51

The Stakes

Everything is crumbling.

2004-11-05 23:53:09

The Stakes 2.0

I am ultimate. The soundtrack says so. But really, who's to say one cannot change the face of all?

2004-12-09 07:52:18

Shush, Mom.

Time to become

2005-01-17 19:49:09

The Stakes 3.0

"No one else is coming. It's up to us."

2005-02-09 05:26:49

To Save The World

I swing.

2005-05-25 00:50:33

Moving Back to CO

We were only in North Carolina for 9 months, but that was enough time for the baby. Yes. The baby.

2005-10-15 14:56:21

UNTITLED 334932.8

2006-09-14 23:04:14

Lights On The Mountain

On the mountain we sit. The girl and I. I think.

2008-08-16 03:03:14

Peter Parker Must Have Fun Sometimes...

Escuela of the Christians

Epic Intentions

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