Professional Membership Organizations for Conservators of Cultural Heritage

While there were a few international meetings before the war, real momentum in solidifying conservation as a recognized profession picked up immediately after WWII, which is where this timeline begins. The war acted as a catalyst in advancing the conservation profession, leaving in its wake undeniable evidence for the need to protect cultural heritage on a professional level. During the war, conservators from different continents had opportunities to meet in person, and we even have George Stout’s 1945 letter to F.I.G. Rawlins, discussing the founding of an international professional organization after the war—what would become the International Institute for Conservation (IIC). 75 years later, our present is not so different; we live in a world devastated by a climate crisis, a pandemic, and growing political unrest and war that once again threaten to become catastrophic on a global level. But our needs are different. With a foundation for our professional field firmly in place, perhaps we now need to find ways to connect on a more global level.

This timeline was created specifically to be an open-access resource for conservation professionals around the globe, so we can more easily identify organizations and resources that already exist, allowing us to find what we need and to connect. This timeline also shows where organizations do not yet exist, where the global conservation network is still sparse, and where we still need to foster connection.;xNLx;;xNLx;This is an on-going project, so I encourage you to use the timeline and contribute new information to add in. ;xNLx;;xNLx;If you have questions, corrections, or addition information, please contact: ;xNLx;Sharra Grow, ;xNLx;IIC Editor in Chief "News in Conservation";xNLx;;xNLx;

1943-07-01 03:57:50

The British Association of Paintings Conservator-Restorers (BAPCR)

The British Association of Paintings Conservator-Restorers promotes and fosters the practice of paintings conservation in the UK and around the world. We are the longest established dedicated professional organisation for all conservator-restorers of paintings in the UK.

1946-07-01 03:57:50

ICOM: International Council of Museums

The International Council of Museums is an international organisation of museums and museum professionals which is committed to the research, conservation, continuation and communication to society of the world’s natural and cultural heritage, present and future, tangible and intangible.

1947-07-01 03:57:50

CMA: Canadian Museums Association

The CMA was established in 1947. Learn more about our 70+ years supporting the museum community.

1948-06-09 03:57:50

International Council on Archives (ICA)

The International Council on Archives (ICA) is created on 9 June 1948, now celebrated as International Archives Day, as UNESCO seeks to promote non-governmental organisations. Charles Samaran, Director-General of the Archives de France is the first Chairman. The Council immediately begins a lifelong process of co-operation with sister organisations such as IFLA, ICOM, and ICOMOS. The ICA believes that effective records and archives management is an essential precondition for good governance, the rule of law, administrative transparency, the preservation of mankind's collective memory, and access to information by citizens. The International Council on Archives (ICA) is dedicated to the effective management of records and the preservation, care and use of the world's archival heritage through its representation of records and archive professionals across the globe. The ICA is a neutral, non-governmental organisation, funded by its membership, which operates through the activities of that diverse membership. For over sixty years ICA has united archival institutions and practitioners across the globe to advocate for good archival management and the physical protection of recorded heritage, to produce reputable standards and best practices, and to encourage dialogue, exchange, and transmission of this knowledge and expertise across national borders. With more than 1900 members in 199 countries and territories the Council's ethos is to harness the cultural diversity of its membership to deliver effective solutions and a flexible, imaginative profession. The ICA is a truly international organisation which works with decision-makers at the highest level. As well as working closely with intergovernmental bodies such as UNESCO and the Council of Europe, the ICA has close connections with other non-governmental organisations such as the International Committee of the Blue Shield.

1950-04-27 00:00:00

International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (IIC)

In 1930 the International Museums Office of the League of Nations held a conference in Rome on the examination and conservation of works of art. Following this meeting, the Museums Office issued a series of publications on the subject. In 1932 a technical journal of conservation studies was founded by the Fogg Museum, Harvard University, under the Managing Editorship of George Stout. Technical Studies in the Field of the Fine Arts continued publication until 1942. During the second world war practical experience of climate control for works of art was acquired in the United Kingdom, while the repatriation of art treasures after the war brought together experts from Europe and the United States. They decided to revive Technical Studies and proposed the formation of an international body of conservators to continue the interchange of information which they had found of such benefit in the aftermath of the war. Between 1946 and 1948 a series of meetings was held to discuss these proposals. Foremost among those involved were George Stout, W.G.Constable (Boston), Ian Rawlins (London) and Paul Coremans (Brussels). Finally, in 1950, the International Institute for the Conservation of Museum Objects (it acquired its present title in 1959) was incorporated as a limited company in the United Kingdom. Its aims were "to improve the state of knowledge and standards of practice and to provide a common meeting ground and publishing body for all who are interested in and professionally skilled in the conservation of museum objects".

1950-07-01 01:45:26

NKF-dk– Nordisk Konservatorforbund (Denmark)

The Nordic Association of Conservators (NKF) was established in 1950 when the rather few professional conservators operating in the nordic countries at that time felt a natural urge to join forces in an internordic non-profit association. During the last decades the number of conservators in each of the Nordic countries have increased and the conservator education have been formalized. Since 2001, it has been recognized as an scientific academic education in Denmark, and the School of Conservation is placed in Copenhagen being a part of the Royal Danish Academy, recognizing the fundamental practical arts and crafts skills of the profession dealing with cultural heritage objects of all sizes and materials. Still, though the profession is a relatively small and very specialized profession.

1950-07-01 03:57:50

The Nordic Conservators' Association (NKF)

The Nordic Conservators' Association (NKF) is a joint organization that brings together five Nordic countries' conservatories' associations. NKF works to promote cooperation between conservators in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden.

1950-09-01 13:05:53


NKF –S is a non-profit organisation for conservators working in Sweden. Our members work with conservation of art, cultural and natural history collections, as well as historical houses and heritage environments. A conservator tries to reduce and prevent deterioration by preserving, conserving, and sometimes restoring for aesthetical reasons. Associated membership in NKF-S is open to everyone interested in conservation. Ordinary membership is open to those who have completed a minimum of 3 years’ conservation studies at university. Ordinary members may apply for scholarship from the Märta, Gunnar, and Arvid Bothén Foundation. All members may attend the annual general assembly, all members receive the paper Realia, and all members are welcome to join the informal colloquial gatherings in different locations in Sweden. NKF-S links Swedish members to the other sections of the Nordic Association of Conservators, NKF, in Denmark, Norway, Finland and Iceland. All members receive the NKF publication MoK. NKF was founded in 1950 and functions as a regional group of the International Institute for the Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, IIC. And as such NKF may also be referred to as the Nordic IIC Group. All IIC regional sections are members of the European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers´ Organisations, E.C.C.O.

1951-06-01 00:00:00

VDL - Vereinigung der Landesdenkmalpfleger

The protection and care of our cultural heritage is a transnational social responsibility. Due to the federal structure of the Federal Republic of Germany and the cultural sovereignty of the 16 federal states anchored in the Basic Law, there are as many monument protection laws as there are federal states. The West German monument authorities therefore organized themselves in 1951 under the umbrella of the Conference of Ministers of Education in the »Association of State Monument Preservators in the Federal Republic of Germany« (VDL). After 1989, the monument authorities of the eastern federal states also joined it. The VDL does a significant part of its content-related work and your professional exchange in working groups, in the course of the annual conference and with the semi-annual publication of the magazine »Die Denkmalpflege«. The association handles orders from the Conference of Ministers of Education of the German states and ensures nationwide technical coordination. Like the Association of State Archaeologists (VLA), the VDL sees itself as a professional partner to all national monument organizations, including the German National Committee for Monument Protection, the Working Group on Municipal Monument Preservation of the German Association of Cities, the German Foundation for Monument Protection and the established university working group Theory and Teaching of Monument Preservation e. V. The VDL represents the common interests of the state monument authorities to the outside world.

1951-07-01 03:57:50

Nordisk Konservator Forbund Norge (NKF-N)

NKF-N is the Norwegian section of the Nordic Conservators ' Association . The Norwegian section of the Nordic Association of Conservators is a professional association for conservators and other professional groups in Norway that work with the conservation and restoration of objects, buildings and facilities with artistic, cultural and natural historical value. NKF-N and the sections from Denmark, Finland, Iceland and Sweden are independent organizations that together make up the Nordic Conservators' Association - NKF . NKF is governed by a Federal Council (NKF-FR) composed of the chairmen of each country. The position of Federal Council rapporteur rotates between the countries. Announcements on Conservation (MoK) are issued by an independent editorial board where all countries in NKF have a representative, the editor-in-chief of MoK is NKF-FR's federal council mayor. NKF-N has joined and supports: the international professional definition adopted by ICOM NKF-N is a member of ECCO - a key document is: ECCO professional guidelines Pavia document NKF-N is also an independent regional group of IIC The International Institute for the Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works .

1952-07-01 03:57:50

The Japanese Council of Art Museums

The mission of art museums is to collect art objects and art-related information, preserve them, research them, and display them, all while handing on these objects and materials to future generations. Further, art museums bear the responsibility of functioning as a focal point for cultural creation in local society, interacting with the residents through additional activities that include the display of permanent collections, specially organized exhibitions and educational activities.  The Japanese Council of Art Museums (JCAM) supports the accomplishment of this mission of art museums and seeks to assist art museums in fully basing their activities in a social context. The organization holds an annual meeting, memorial forums at annual meetings, lectures, Curatorial Study Meetings, and Study Group activities every year. The information and reports generated by these various activities are then expected to be shared with member museums, the greater art-related world and the general public.  JCAM was founded in 1952 with the aim of providing a forum for art museums in Japan to think and act together. Today the organization includes 394 member museums (10 national museums, 251 public museums and 133 private museums) and 24 Individual member, 50 supporting members.

1956-02-29 00:00:00


The International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM) was created in the aftermath of the Second World War in response to widespread destruction and the urgent need to reconstruct cultural property. In 1956, a proposal was adopted at the 9th Session of the UNESCO General Conference in New Delhi to create an intergovernmental centre to study and improve restoration methods, and so ICCROM was born.

1957-02-28 00:00:00

IADA: International Association of Book and Paper Conservators

During the ‘Archivtechnische Woche in München’ (Congress on Techniques for Archives in Munich) on February 28, 1957, conservators working in the archives founded the ‘Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Archivrestauratoren AdA’ (Association of Archive Conservators). The AdA initially focused on three objectives: a) maintaining a helpful relationship between conservators and their co-workers b) promoting and supporting the new generation of conservators by ensuring continuing education and exchanging the experience acquired c) advocating the interests of the group. The progress made by conservation studios outside of the Federal Republic of Germany demonstrated that it was inadvisable to remain on the plateau of knowledge already acquired and adhere to methods developed nationally – but that it was imperative to steadily enlarge conservator expertise. It also made clear that achieving a match with the level of other conservation studios could be facilitated by means of regular contact and exchange of experience. As a consequence, apart from archive conservators, also book and paper conservators became affiliated with the association. Simultaneously, more and more colleagues from the neighbouring countries were convinced of the efficacy of a joint programme. Since 1967 the AdA has been known under the name “Internationale Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Archiv-, Bibliotheks- und Graphikrestauratoren” (International Association of Book and Paper Conservators).

1959-03-01 03:57:50

The Association for Conservation of National Treasures, a General Incorporated Association (ACNT)

The mission of the Association for Conservation of National Treasures (ACNT) is to improve and popularize the repair and restoration techniques and to contribute to the development of these techniques in Japan, by improving repair and restoration techniques for the National Treasure and Cultural Properties, exchanging associated knowledge, and by promoting collaboration and cooperation among the members, domestic and foreign workshops. Granting the Restorer Certificate to the restorers working for the corporate member; Hosting research presentations, technical workshops, lectures, and workshop visits; Exchanging and cooperating with domestic and foreign organizations related to the National Treasures and Cultural Properties; Encouraging development, improvement, and research of repair and restoration techniques and repairing materials; Cooperating in trainings restorers with the Cultural Properties Selected Conservation Techniques related to repair materials; Co-procuring repairing materials and preparing shared equipment; Training heirs of repair and restoration techniques; Subcontracting restoration business, dispatching restorers, and selling restoration-related materials; and Other businesses necessary to achieve the objectives.

1962-01-25 00:00:00

Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa (NID)

The National Heritage Institute (Poland) is a state cultural institution organized by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage, providing expert and consultative support to the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage and public institutions in the field of monument protection and care. The legal basis is available on the website of the NID Public Information Bulletin. The mission of the National Heritage Institute is to create the basis for the sustainable protection of cultural heritage in order to preserve it for future generations by setting and disseminating standards for the protection and conservation of monuments, shaping public awareness of the value and preservation of cultural heritage, as well as the collection and dissemination of knowledge about heritage. In carrying out its statutory tasks, the Institute recognizes that both the monuments and the intangible cultural heritage of previous generations are testimony to our past and, being an important part of our heritage, may constitute a permanent foundation for our common future and sustainable development of our homeland.

1963-07-01 03:57:50

IIC Nordic Group Finland/Pohjoismainen Konservaattoriliitton Soumen osasto ry (NKF-F)

The Finnish branch of the Conservatives 'Association, together with other Nordic departments, forms the Nordic Conservatives' Association. The Finnish Section of the Conservative Association was founded in 1963. The association has about 260 members, most of whom are full members. In addition, the association has associate, student and honorary members. In addition, the activities of the association are supported by communities in various cultural fields as members of a supportive community. The Association and its members are committed to complying with the professional guidelines of the European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers' Organizations (ECCO) . The association is politically non-aligned.

1963-11-29 01:45:26

Europa Nostra

Europa Nostra was founded on 29 November 1963 in Paris. For almost 60 years, we have celebrated, protected and lobbied for cultural heritage. Europa Nostra is today recognised as the most representative heritage organisation in Europe with members from over 40 countries.

1965-06-21 03:57:50

ICOMOS: International Council on Monuments and Sites

The Venice Charter was born from the need to create an association of conservation and restoration specialists, independent from the already existing association of museologists called ICOM. In 1957 in Paris, the First Congress of Architects and Specialists of Historic Buildings recommended that the countries lacking a central organisation for the protection of historic buildings provide for the establishment of such an authority and, in the name of UNESCO, that all member states of UNESCO join the International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM) based in Rome. The Second Congress of Architects and Specialists of Historic Buildings, in Venice in 1964, adopted 13 resolutions, the first one being the International Restoration Charter, better known as the Venice Charter, and the second one, put forward by UNESCO, provided for the creation of the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS). From 21 to 25 June 1965, the Constitutional and First General Assemblies of lCOMOS took place in Warsaw, Poland. Besides the delegates from 26 countries, representatives of three major organisations who had contributed to the creation of lCOMOS participated as observers: UNESCO, ICCROM, ICOM (International Council on Museums) and UIA (The International Union of Architects). View the 1965 photo gallery.

1967-03-01 21:32:41

Washington Conservation Guild (WCG) USA

Founded in 1967, the Washington Conservation Guild (WCG) is a s a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to the preservation and conservation of material culture. Our educational association promotes the exchange of ideas and knowledge through tours, lectures, workshops, and symposia. The Guild offers a forum for sharing conservation information and interacting with colleagues through a program of monthly lecture meetings (October through May), a dynamic website, a Facebook page, Instagram and Twitter feeds, a membership directory, outreach activities, informal gatherings, intern/fellow activities, and occasional workshops and special lectures. WCG is based in Washington, D.C., and draws its membership primarily from Washington, Maryland, and northern Virginia. Members represent a wide cross-section of the conservation community and allied professions. They work in government, state, and private museums, studios, and laboratories, and other cultural and academic institutions and organizations. They are conservators, student and others simply interested in the conservation of art and historic materials. WCG is governed by an all-volunteer, membership-elected Board of Directors. The Board is composed of five officers and several directors. In addition, there are committees with Board-appointed chairs. We invite members to become active in the WCG by running for board positions and working on committees.

1967-07-01 03:57:50

ICOM-CC (International Council of Museums-Committee for Conservation

ICOM-CC is the largest of the International Committees of ICOM (International Council of Museums) with over 2600 members worldwide from every branch of the museum and conservation profession. ICOM-CC aims to promote the conservation of culturally and historically significant works and to further the goals of the conservation profession.

1967-10-01 14:34:16

SFT Svenska föreningen för textilkonservering

Swedish Association for Textile Preservation The association is an association of people who professionally perform the preservation of textile objects. The purpose of the association is: to work for a high textile professional standard to work for further education to work for the further development of conservation methods to work to ensure that the conservators' knowledge and experience are used effectively in working life

1970-07-01 03:57:50

The Indonesian Heritage Society (IHS)

The Indonesian Heritage Society (“IHS”) is a non-profit organization, established in 1970, by Indonesian and expat volunteers just like you. From the initial group of 17 volunteers, today the organization has grown to include hundreds of individuals. Our volunteers form the heart of IHS, organizing all events and operations.

1971-07-01 03:57:50

CAPC/ACRP: Canadian Association of Professional Conservators

The Canadian Association of Professional Conservators (CAPC) is a non-profit corporation established in 1971 with the primary aim of raising the standards of competence, integrity, and ethics in conservation in Canada. To accomplish this, CAPC has established criteria for the accreditation of conservators and conservation scientists. Membership in CAPC is voluntary. CAPC does not represent all qualified conservators working in Canada. CAPC members are accredited in the specializations of their choice. To receive accreditation and qualify for membership in CAPC, conservators and conservation scientists must provide evidence of a high level of knowledge and skill in their specific areas of specialization; show examples of extensive and varied experiences in their field; provide references from educators, employers, peers and/or clients; make a formal commitment to abide by the Code of Ethics and Guidance for Practice of the Canadian Association for the Conservation of Cultural Property and of the Canadian Association of Professional Conservators. Regardless of background, any professional working in conservation in Canada who meets the membership criteria is eligible and may apply for accreditation through CAPC.

1972-03-09 21:32:41

American Institute for Conservation (AIC) USA

The American Institute for Conservation and the Foundation for Advancement in Conservation work together to promote the preservation and protection of cultural heritage. Partner with us to further that mission. AIC Incorporated in 1972 as an American offshoot of the IIC. The AG-IIC (American Group of the IIC) was founded in 1959 as an IIC Regional Group. AIC has since grown to more than 3,500 conservators, educators, scientists, students, archivists, art historians, collection care professionals, and institutions in more than 50 countries around the world, all of whom have the same goal: to preserve the material evidence of our past so we can learn from it today and appreciate it in the future.

1972-07-01 03:57:50

CAC: Canadian Association for Conservation of Cultural Property

The IIC-Canadian Group was initially founded in 1972 and in 1974 finished its formalizing structure as such. In 1996 IIC-CG disaffiliated from IIC to form CAC-ACCR. The Canadian Association for Conservation of Cultural Property is a federally-registered charitable not-for-profit organization that promotes responsible preservation of the cultural property that gives Canadians a sense of place, of history and of artistic expression. The CAC serves individual and institutional members to provide opportunities for networking, professional development, and information dissemination.

1973-01-01 11:10:19

Australian Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Materials

ICCM formed in 1973 and changed its name changed to AICCM in 1987.

1974-10-03 21:32:41

New England Conservation Association (NECA) USA

The New England Conservation Association (NECA) is a collegial group of individuals from the New England region who are interested in all aspects of art conservation. NECA hosts an annual series of interesting and topical meetings where members can keep up-to-date on the latest developments in conservation, enjoy refreshments with friends and colleagues, and see behind the scenes in area labs and studios. Annual workshops are organized to provide hands-on opportunities for specialized interests with a rotating subject matter.

1974-12-01 21:32:41

Chicago Area Conservation Group (CACG) USA

The Chicago area’s conservation community gathered at the Newberry Library to form the CACG in 1974. Founders and shapers of the organization were Paul Banks, Gary Frost, Louis Pomerantz, Dick Smith, Merrily Smith, and Robert Weinberg. The group’s purpose is to promote learning and exchange ideas among those interested in, or responsible for, the preservation and protection of art, library, archival museum, or historical objects, and to foster social relationships among members, their friends, and guests. Membership in the group is open to all. The information in this website is based upon data supplied by the members and does not imply professional endorsement or recommendation by CACG. In seeking a conservator for private work, it is advisable to consult the American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (AIC) publication Guidelines for selecting a Conservator. The AIC can be contacted at 202-452-9545 or

1975-03-31 21:32:41

Western Association for Art Conservation (WAAC) USA

WAAC, the Western Association for Art Conservation, is a nonprofit membership organization for professional conservators. WAAC was founded in 1975 to bring together conservators practicing in the western United States to exchange ideas, information and news. Although WAAC is specifically a regional organization for the western states including Alaska and Hawaii, any individual or institution may become a member regardless of location or national boundary.

1976-07-01 03:57:50

The Japan Society of Archives Institutions

The Japan Society of Archives Institutions was established in 1976 (Showa 51). With the enforcement of the Archives Law in 1988, Japan's archive movement, which had been delayed, began to make full-scale progress. However, it is a national organization consisting of institutional members who are using it and individual members who have joined in support of the purpose of this association.  The association aims to contribute to the promotion of activities for the preservation and utilization of recorded historical materials through research discussions through mutual communication and cooperation among members.  Institutional members include archives, libraries, history archives, municipal history edition rooms, and university archives. Individual members are people involved in the work of storing and using historical materials.  The association is a member of the International Archives Council (ICA) and its East Asian Regional Chapter (EASTICA), which are global organizations related to archives, and is also working on international exchange.

1977-07-01 03:57:50

SKR/SCR - Swiss Association for Conservation and Restoration

The Swiss Association for Conservation and Restoration SKR supports all efforts to protect and professionally preserve art and cultural assets and represents the interests of its affiliated conservators and restorers. Its members, employed and self-employed professionals from all disciplines from all cultural and linguistic regions of Switzerland, represent the vast majority of restorers working in Switzerland. The SKR is based on its professional profile and code of ethics, as well as on the internationally recognized ethical basic papers "Professional Guidelines" from ECCO and international charters and conventions for the preservation of cultural assets. The Swiss Association for Conservation and Restoration SKR/SCR was founded in 1977 and is a constituent member of the European Confederation of Conservator-Restorer's Organizations ECCO (European Confederation of Conservator-Restorer's Organisations), founded in 1991, and works closely with national and international associations in the field the preservation of cultural assets.

1978-05-01 21:53:05


Established in 1978, IIC’s Austrian Regional Group currently counts c. 250 members. IIC Austria is a non-profit organisation which serves to promote conservation in all disciplines: the built heritage, museums, academies and free-lancing.

1979-09-01 01:56:54

(BAFRA) The British Antique Furniture Restorers' Association

History of BAFRA Patron of BAFRA - The Lord Fellowes of West Stafford, DL. The British Antique Furniture Restorers’ Association is a national organisation of skilled people engaged in furniture conservation and restoration. It was founded in 1979 to safeguard the interests of owners and buyers of antique furniture and the antique trade. We seek to act as a bridge between qualified conservator-restorers’ and those whose love of antique furniture requires the highest standards of conservation and restoration. All Accredited Full members are required to have at least five years as a conservation-restoration professional (the average member today has 23 years experience) and pass exacting assessment on their skills, knowledge and business credentials. Our members acknowledge the importance of continuous professional development to keep abreast of advances in knowledge, skills and technical developments in the craft. There are categories of Associate membership designed to assist students and college graduates in working towards accreditation. BAFRA has a Friends Section for those with a love of fine furniture and allied objects, their history, conservation and restoration.

1980-10-01 21:32:41

The Midwest Regional Conservation Guild (MRCG) USA

The MRCG was formed in 1980 by art conservation and restoration professionals with the purpose of bringing together those individuals in the Midwest region (and beyond) interested in the preservation of historic and artistic works and to promote fellowship and exchange of ideas on a professional level. The first meeting of the Guild was held at the Indianapolis Museum of Art (IMA, now the Indianapolis Museum of Art at Newfields) on Saturday, October 25, 1980. Art conservation experts specializing in archive, painting, paper, object, and textile conservation from Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, and Ohio met that day to discuss conservation treatment issues, conservation techniques, and the “formation of an information network and cooperative disaster policy for the Midwest.” (IMA) paintings conservator David Miller was the Guild’s first president and presided over the first meeting of approximately 40 participants. The program consisted of an organizational meeting, museum tours, and two slide presentations.

1980-12-29 00:50:11

CACTCH: China Association for Conservation Technology of Cultural Heritage

China Cultural Relics Protection Technology Association (hereinafter referred to as our association) is a national, academic, professional and public welfare scientific and technological group established by law, initiated by ten people including Wang Shuzhuang and Chen Zide. It was formally established in Beijing on December 29, 1980. Mao Yi was promoted to the honorary chairman, and Mr. Wang Shuzhuang was the first chairman.

1981-01-20 10:10:44

Bay Area Art Conservation Guild (BAACG) USA

The aim of the Bay Area Art Conservation Guild is to improve knowledge of all subjects related to the conservation of cultural works, to encourage education, study, research, to promote proficiency and skill in the practice of conservation of cultural works, to oppose any influences which would tend to lower standards and ethics, and to disseminate technical and professional information.

1981-02-01 00:00:00

Preservation and Conservation Association (Illinois, USA)

PACA’s mission is to foster and encourage preservation and conservation, focusing on the built environment of Champaign County and East Central Illinois. In furthering such purposes, PACA shall study, propose, and support relevant legislation and public planning; provide support to the public through technical assistance and educational services; build coalitions within our community; and raise funds for the operation of our organization.

1982-01-01 00:50:11

Chinese Museums Association

CHINESE MUSEUMS ASSOCIATION, the translation abbreviation is: CMA. The association is an industrial and national non-profit social organization legal person formed voluntarily by organizations and individuals that carry out museum-related business and legally registered.

1982-12-01 00:00:00

Japan Society for Cultural Properties Science (JSSSCP)

This Academic Society Was Established In December 1982 With The Aim Of Developing And Disseminating Interdisciplinary Research In Both The Natural Sciences And Humanities Related To Cultural Properties.

1982-12-24 03:57:50

Association des Restaurateurs d’Art et d’Archéologie de Formation Universitaire (Araafu)

ARAAFU, Association of art and archeology restorers with university training, is an association of conservation-restoration professionals created in 1982 according to the Law of 1901 (OJ of December 24, 1982). The association aims to promote a specific concept of conservation-restoration, uniting the heritage of traditional practices, knowledge of basic sciences, ethical and scientific developments around the heritage field. Conservation-restoration is this discipline exercised by professionals who cover the field of actions carried out on cultural property, to preserve the material and transmit the message through their study and their exhibition. Using their own methodological approach, these professionals design and develop interventions that contribute to the identification of objects, to questions about their history and their technology, their context of development, their use within heritage sites. and answer questions raised by their long-term preservation.

1983-04-01 03:57:50

Félag norrænna forvarða á Íslandi (NKF-IS)

The Nordic Association of Conservators - Iceland is a professional association of experts who conduct research and repair and maintenance of all kinds of cultural monuments. The association was founded in 1983 and is part of the Nordic professional association NKF . The company's goal is to promote increased connections between Icelandic custodians internally and with other experts in this field abroad. The association also emphasizes the importance of custody for both collectors and the general public.

1983-07-01 03:57:50

New Zealand Conservators of Cultural Materials (NZCCM)

A professional association of conservators of cultural property in Aotearoa. You will find us all over the country working in museums, galleries and in private practice. NZCCM provides support to our members and can connect you with qualified conservators who are committed to following our Code of Ethics. Even if you are not a conservator there are lots of ways you can connect with us and support our mission.

1983-08-26 08:42:43

SZK: Sveriges Zoologiska konservatorer (Swedens´ Zoological Conservators)

The Association of Swedish Zoological Conservators works for conservators living and working in Sweden. The association started in 1983 and today is approx. 40 conservators members of the association. With the authorization system for zoological conservators, the association tries to contribute to a serious and professional development of the conservatory profession both for the benefit of the professional conservator and for the customers we work with.

1983-10-01 03:57:50

Associació Professional de Conservadors-Restauradors de Catalunya (CRAC)

The Professional Association of Conservadors-Restauradors de Catalunya (CRAC) is a non-profit association made up of professionals from the world of conservation-restoration of cultural assets and artistic and historical heritage. The Associació Professional de Conservadors-Restauradors de Catalunya (CRAC) is the result of the merger of two associations whose purpose was to develop and improve the profession of conservator-restorer, at the same time as the conservation of Catalan heritage. With the aim of joining forces, in 2011, the Grup Tècnic (GTCRC – Grup Tecnic Associacio Professional dels Conservadors-Restauradors de Catalunya) and the ARCC decided to start a merger process that culminated in 2013 with the creation of the new association. The Grup Tècnic, Associació professional dels Conservadors-Restauradors de Catalunya was created in Barcelona in 1983 by a group of professionals from the field of conservation-restoration of cultural property whose objective was to work for the recognition of the discipline and the protection of the cultural heritage. In 1999, Grup Tècnic was recognized as a member of the European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers' Organisations, the ECCO (European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers' Organisations), an international organization that works for the recognition of the profession and promotes a high level of training, through the publication and adoption of a recognized code of ethics. The Associació de Conservadors-Restauradors de Catalunya (ARCC) was created in 1996 with the intention of improving and promoting the profession and contributing to a greater interrelation between conservators-restorers. It was established as a non-profit association, made up of professionals from the world of conservation-restoration of cultural assets and artistic heritage.

1984-02-01 00:00:00

ANAGPIC, the Association of North American Graduate Programs in Conservation

ANAGPIC, the Association of North American Graduate Programs in Conservation, works together to strengthen and advance graduate-level education and training in art and heritage conservation. ANAGPIC meets regularly to provide a venue for the presentation and exchange of graduate student work and research. Student papers and posters are updated regularly.

1984-07-01 03:57:50

CAHP/ACECP: Canadian Association of Heritage Professionals

In 1984, this became the case for a number of heritage professionals across Canada, who first generated discussion on practical concerns they faced daily regarding heritage and culture. Hal Kalman, a principal at the Commonwealth Heritage Resources of Vancouver became the first president. Liz Addison became the first Secretary-Treasurer. Other Directors included: John Blumenson, Michael McClelland, Mark Fram, Ron Williamson, Richard Unterman, Phil Goldsmith, Chris Andreae, Steve Otto and Donalda Hilton. In this way the “Association of Heritage Consultants” (later re-styled with the addition of the words Canadian and Professional) was born. By May of 1987, the Heliconian Club in Toronto’s Yorkville District held an inaugural general meeting with Hal Kalman assigned as the first CAHP president. Other members at this time included John Blumenson, Ron Williamson, Richard Unterman, Phil Goldsmith, Steve Otto and Donalda Hilton, and with that the CAHP was born.

1984-11-30 03:57:50

French Section of the International Institute of Conservation (SFIIC)

The SFIIC (French section of the International Conservation Institute) is a non-profit association bringing together specialists in the conservation of cultural heritage: curators, restorers, scientists, etc. Find out more about their publications, including "Core" here:

1985-01-23 00:00:00

Restauro Associazione Restauratori d'Italia (ARI) Association of Restorers of Italy

ARI, the Association of Restorers of Italy was born in Florence in 1985, to protect and qualify the profession of Restorer of Goods and is one of the founding members of ECCO (European Confederation of Conservator-Restorer's Organization), created in 1991 in Brussels, which brings together 19 associations of conservators-restorers from different European countries.

1985-05-01 21:32:41

The Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections [SPNHC]

The Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections [SPNHC] is an international organization devoted to the preservation, conservation and management of natural history collections. The Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections commits to enhancing inclusion, diversity, equity, and accessibility in our organization and the work we do

1985-12-01 03:57:50

The Austrian Conservators Association (ÖRV)

The Austrian Conservators Association was founded in 1985 and is the only nationally and internationally recognized association of qualified restorers in Austria. The main concern of the ÖRV is the preservation and preservation of the cultural heritage in a condition that is as authentic as possible, while respecting its material, historical and artistic significance. The ÖRV stands for the recognition and implementation of an internationally valid quality standard in restoration and conservation. In Austria, this standard is specified by the two university training centers at the University of Applied Arts and the Academy of Fine Arts.

Professional Membership Organizations for Conservators of Cultural Heritage

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