IRFWP Publications 1982-2007

The Interreligious Federation for World Peace (IRFWP), and its precursor organizations produced significant publications in the arena of religion and peace for 26 years, including publishing the scholarly journal Dialogue & Alliance, which was named one of the top ten religion journals (out of 650) by an independent panel commissioned by the American Theological Library Association (ATLA) during the period the journal was administered by IRFWP.

1982-01-01 15:43:41

God: The Contemporary Discussion

by Frederick Sontag, Editor, and M. Darrol Bryant, Editor (1982) Soft Cover 19.95

1984-01-01 00:00:00

Restoring the Kingdom

by Deane William Ferm, Editor (1984) Soft Cover 12.95

1985-01-01 00:00:00

Technology and Cosmogenesis

by Paolo Soleri Soft Cover 7.95

1985-02-01 14:28:34

Defense of God (God Series)

by John Roth, and Frederick E. Sontag, Editor (1985) Soft Cover 12.95

1985-03-01 14:28:34

God & Global Justice: Religion & Poverty in an Unequal World

by Frederick P. Ferre, Editor, and Rita H. Mataragnon, Editor (1985) Soft Cover 12.95

1985-04-01 00:00:00

Many Faces of Religion and Society

by M. Darrol Bryant, Rita H. Mataragnon (1985) Soft Cover 12.95

1985-05-01 00:00:00

Religion in the Pacific Era

by Frank K. Flinn, Editor, and Tyler Hendricks, Editor (1985) Soft Cover 12.95

1985-06-01 14:28:34

Assembly of the World's Religions 1985

Paragon House (December 1986) Soft Cover 9.95

1986-01-01 14:28:34

Evolution of Consciousness, The

by Kishore Gandhi, Editor (1986) Soft Cover 11.95

1986-02-01 14:28:34

Flight from Woman, The

by Karl Stern (1986) Soft Cover 12.95

1986-03-01 14:28:34

God & Temporality

by Eugene T. Long, Editor, and Bowman L. Clarke, Editor (1986) Soft Cover 12.95 Hard Cover 22.95

1986-04-01 14:28:34

God, Experience or Origin (God, the Contemporary Discussion Series)

by Antonio T. De Nicolas, and Evanghelos Moutsopoulos, Editor (1986) Soft Cover 12.95 Hard Cover 17.95

1986-05-01 15:43:41

Immortality and Human Destiny

by Geddes MacGregor, Editor (1986) Soft Cover 12.95

1986-06-01 00:00:00

Naming God

by Robert P. Scharlemann (1986) Soft Cover 12.95

1986-07-01 00:00:00

Prophetic Religions and Politics: Religion and the Political Order

by Anson Shupe,Editor, and Jeffrey K. Hadden, Editor (1986) Soft Cover 19.95

1986-08-01 00:00:00

Religious Movements: Genesis, Exodus, and Numbers

by Rodney Stark, Editor (1986) Soft Cover 12.95

1986-09-01 00:00:00

Sufism: The Mystical Doctrines and Methods of Islam

by William Stoddart (1986) Soft Cover 7.95

1987-01-01 15:43:41

Interfaith Directory

Francis Clark, Editor Soft Cover 5.95

1987-02-01 14:28:34

Women in the World's Religions

by Ursula King, Photographer, (1987) Hard Cover 22.95

1987-04-01 14:28:34

Dialogue & Alliance: Faith and Reason

Spring 1987, Vol. 1 -- No. 1

1987-07-01 14:28:34

Dialogue & Alliance: Avatara and Incarnation

Summer 1987, Vol. 1 -- No. 2

1987-10-01 14:28:34

Dialogue & Alliance: Encounters Between Asian and Western Conceptions of the Ultimate

Fall 1987, Vol. 1 -- No. 3

1987-12-01 14:28:34

Dialogue & Alliance: Truth and Analogy in Religion and Science

Winter 1987-88, Vol. 1 -- No. 4

1988-03-01 00:00:00

Liberation Theology North American Style

Deane Ferm, Editor (Mar 1988) Soft Cover 14.95

1988-05-01 22:16:48

Dialogue & Alliance: European Perspectives on Ecumenism

Spring 1988, Vol. 2 -- No. 1

1988-08-01 22:16:48

Dialogue & Alliance: Religion and Women's Roles

Summer 1988, Vol. 2 -- No. 2

1988-12-01 22:16:48

Dialogue & Alliance: Religious Conflict and Dialogue in Contemporary Africa

Winter 1988-89, Vol. 2 -- No. 4

1989-01-01 14:28:34

Christology: The Center and the Periphery

by Frank K. Flinn, Editor (1989) Hard Cover 22.95

1989-02-01 00:00:00

Religion, Ontotheology, and Deconstruction

by Henry Ruf, Editor (1989) Soft Cover 14.95 Hard Cover 27.95

1989-03-01 00:00:00

Secularization and Fundamentalism Reconsidered

by Jeffrey K. Hadden, Editor, and Anson Shupe, Editor (1989) Soft Cover 12.95

1989-04-01 22:16:48

Dialogue & Alliance: Inter-Religious Dialogue

Spring 1989, Vol. 3 -- No. 1

1989-07-01 22:16:48

Dialogue & Alliance: Images of the Divine

Summer 1989, Vol. 3 -- No. 2

1989-08-01 00:00:00

The Tao Te Ching: A New Translation With Commentary

by Ellen M. Chen, Translator, and Laozi, Lao-Tzu (1989) Hard Cover 12.95

1989-10-01 22:16:48

Dialogue & Alliance: Judaism Today

Fall 1989, Vol. 3 -- No. 3

1989-12-01 22:16:48

Dialogue & Alliance: Spiritual Disciplines / Spiritual Paths

Winter 1989-90, Vol. 3 -- No. 4

1990-01-01 14:28:34

Assembly of World's Religions 1990

Soft Cover 5.95

1990-02-01 14:28:34

Christianity and the Wider Ecumenism

by Peter C. Phan, Editor (1990) Soft Cover 14.95 Hard Cover 29.95

1990-04-01 22:16:48

Dialogue & Alliance: Ritual in the World's Religions

Spring 1990, Vol. 4 -- No. 1

1990-07-01 22:16:48

Dialogue & Alliance: Religion in China Past and Present

Summer 1990, Vol. 4 -- No. 2

1990-10-01 22:16:48

Dialogue & Alliance: The Trinitarian Basis of Christian Unity

Fall 1990, Vol. 4 -- No. 3

1990-12-01 22:16:48

Dialogue & Alliance: God and Evolution

Winter 1990-91, Vol. 4 -- No. 4

1991-01-01 07:52:43

Buddhist Thought and Ritual

by David J. Kalupahana, Editor (1991) Soft Cover 12.95 Hard Cover 24.95

1991-02-01 15:43:41

African Traditional Religions in Contemporary Society

By Jacob K. Olupona (1991) Soft Cover 12.95

1991-03-01 14:28:34

God the Self and Nothingness: Reflections Eastern and Western

by Robert E. Carter, Editor (1991) Hard Cover 29.95

1991-04-01 15:43:41

Human Rights: Christians, Marxists and Others in Dialogue

by Niels H. Laursen, and Leonard Swidler, Editor (1991) Soft Cover 17.95 Hard Cover 34.95

1991-04-01 22:16:48

Dialogue & Alliance: God and God-Equivalents

Spring 1991, Vol. 5 -- No. 1

1991-05-01 00:00:00

Religion and Global Order

Ronald Robertson, Editor, and William R. Garrett, Editor (1991) Soft Cover 14.95 Hard Cover 29.95

1991-06-01 00:00:00

Social Consequences of Religious Belief

by William R. Garrett, Editor, and Justin Oakley (1991) Hard Cover 14.95

1991-07-01 22:16:48

Dialogue & Alliance: The Future of God

Summer 1991, Vol. 5 -- No. 2

1991-10-01 22:16:48

Dialogue & Alliance: Hindu - Sikh Dialogue

Fall 1991, Vol. 5 -- No. 3

IRFWP Publications 1982-2007

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