Timeline of Arkansas State Parks

A brief overview of the history of Arkansas Sate Parks.

1923-01-01 00:00:00

Petit Jean State Park

Petit Jean State Park was founded in 1923 and represents the beginning of the Arkansas State Park System. Petit Jean is located in Conway County and consists of 3,471 acres of forests and mountains. The park went through heavy renovation in the 1930's after the establishment of the Civilian Conservation Corps by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. During this time, multiple cabins, pavilions,and bridges were built, many of which are still in use today. The park boasts extensive hiking trails, scenic vistas, and multiple lakes, along with stunning sites like Cedar Falls

1928-01-01 00:00:00

Mount Nebo State Park

Mount Nebo State Park was established in 1928, sitting on 2,984 acres in Yell County. This flat top mountain originally saw use as a resort town before falling into decline in the early 20th century. The park saw a period of rapid development, along with other Arkansas State Parks, in the 1930's at the hands of the Civilian Conservation Corps. The park today has extensive camping facilities and cabins, along with assorted hiking trails, beautiful views, and several hang-gliding launch points.

1937-06-05 00:00:00

Crowley's Ridge State Park

Crowley's Ridge State Park was established in 1937 and sits on 291 acres. The original park was built by the Civilian Conservation Corps in the 1930's. The park is set on a forested ridge in Northeast Arkansas and serves as a distinct geographic region separate from the Alluvial Plain and Sunken Lands. The Park boasts multiple cabins, campsites, a lake, and boat rentals.

1955-06-01 00:00:00

Bull Shoals-White River State Park

Established in 1955 and sitting on 732 acres, the Bull Shoals-White River State park is a beloved fishing destination in the state of Arkansas. The site offers over 100 riverside camping areas, multiple picnic spots and a marina. The visitors center provides multiple programs, tours, and workshops year round, and tours of the power generation plant are available to the public.

1957-05-01 00:00:00

Lake Chicot State Park

Lake Chicot State Park was established in 1957 and consists of over 211 acres of territory. It is home to the largest oxbow lake in the United States, and offers extensive opportunities for swimming, boating, and fishing. The State Park is located in Chicot County, and provides a unique bayou environment for visitors to interact with. Lodging is available via the 14 cabins or 122 camp sites found at the park.

1965-06-05 00:00:00

Jacksonport State Park

Jacksonport State Park was established in 1965 and sits on over 164 acres of land. The park is centered around a historic court house that was constructed in 1872. Jacksonport State Park is home to multiple exhibits, camp grounds, picnic sites, and a riverwalk. Jacksonport is perhaps best known for being the meeting place of the Black and White Rivers.

1973-06-01 00:00:00

Historic Washington State Park

Historic Washington State Park was established in 1973, but the history of this location pre-dates Arkansas's establishment as a state. The park rests on 101 acres and serves as a glimpse into the state's pioneer past. Visitors can tour 54 buildings that have been restored to their early glory, take surrey rides, enjoy a tavern meal, or watch a reenactment. Workshops are available for blacksmithing, candlemaking, weaving, and more. This location is unique in that it is home to both the oldest continuous post office west of the Mississippi and the only bladesmithing college in the United States.

1979-10-24 20:32:29

Hobbs State Park - Conservation Area

Hobbs State Park consists of 12,054 acres and was established in Benton, Carroll, and Madison Counties in 1979. The park is Arkansas largest state park, boasting over 32.9 miles of hiking, mountain, and equestrian trails. The park offers a shooting range, primitive campsites, a museum/visitor center, and a year round programs and workshops.

1980-05-01 00:00:00

Toltec Mounds Archaeological State Parke

Toltec Mounds Archaeological State Park was purchased by the Arkansas Department of Parks and Tourism in 1975 and opened as a State Park in 1980. The park consists of 185 acres of land found in Lonoke County and protects the oldest prehistoric mounds found in Arkansas. A currently unidentified Native American culture constructed the mounds for what is theorized to be a religious purpose. The park today consists of two trails that lead visitors through the prehistoric site and a museum dedicated to local Native American cultures.

Timeline of Arkansas State Parks

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