Romantic Period: Study Guide

The Romantic Period was a period of time where writers broke out of classical form, and made new and permanent changes in writing styles and literary content. The limit was pushed when it came to societal norms and literary norms at the same time. At the same time, the Romantic Period focusses greatly on taking simple aspects and/or ideas and exaggerating them to the point where the reader is in awe.

1789-07-14 00:00:00

Start of the French Revolution

When poor and middle class citizens decided to rebel against the monarchy and people of higher power. This also marked the start of the Romantic Period. The French Revolution inspired writers of this time to start writing for the common man. This is when writers started to write about things that the general society could relate with. Because the Monarchy was overthrown, a republic was formed, which means that certain people were given the opportunity to vote for representatives.

1789-08-01 00:00:00

Woman Take Control

(Start of the Romantic Period---Date not exact) In history, literature was male dominated which is what makes these woman's achievements even more remarkable and memorable. Some of the significant woman include Charlotte Smith, Mary Robinson and Anna Letitia BarbauldIt is important to remember that although these woman were great recognized writers, that didn't mean that there wasn't still oppression that woman were facing at the time.

1789-08-01 00:00:00

Breaking the Form

(Start of the Romantic Period---Date not exact) Another significant aspect that makes the Romantic Period a memorable period is that classical form was starting to break. Instead of writing Sonnet's, poets would make a change in the form so that it's close to a sonnet, but not the exact form. This was done with many other forms.

1789-08-01 00:00:00

Characteristics of Romantic Literature

( Dates not applicable) Because writers during this time period broke out of classical forms, they made focussed on new types of forms that they "created". - Gothic Literature -> Supernatural, Anti-Catholic, Grotesque and Heightened emotions throughout the text - Lyrical Poetry--> Literature is song-like and rhythmic. The Narrator is usually the poet. - Familiair Essays--> Essays about every day life. Known as, "Creative non-fiction".

1800-01-01 00:00:00

Samuel Taylor Coleridge & Othering

There are two types of "othering"; Demonic & Exotic othering. Demonic: The view that those who are different (whether it is skin color, place of birth, or gender) are terrible and...well, demonic. Exotic: The view that those who are different from someone have a certain beauty to them and attract fascination.

1803-07-22 02:57:31

Napoleonic Wars

The Napoleonic Wars were the continued wars of the French Revolution. There was a series of conflicts between the French Empire and its allies. These wars were led by Napoleon Bonaparte.

1804-05-14 00:00:00

When Napoleon Takes Control

Napoleon Bonaparte basically crowned himself emperor of France, and then started beheading people left and right, assuming and taking action based on the idea that violence and death was the only way to determine dominance and gain power.

1820-01-01 00:00:00

Industrial Revolution

(Not exactly 1820--around 1820) The Industrial Revolution was when people started moving from cottages on the country side to more city like areas. People were abandoning their jobs in the country and participating in factory jobs. This both had it's up's and downs, considering it gave people jobs but also took people's jobs at the same time. There were no labor laws at this time, so children as young as five years old were working full days and full weeks. Ultimately, this shift in labor ruined the quality of the lives of way too many both adult and children, regardless of gender.

1820-01-01 00:00:00

Nature in Romantic Writing

( Date's not exact--Beginning of Romantic Period) One of the most common themes observed in Romantic Writing is nature. Nature in both ways; the nature of people and society vs. the nature around us (trees, sun, light, grass etc.). Some important writers to remember during the time period include William Wordsworth, William Blake, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and Thomas DeQuincey.

1820-01-01 00:00:00

Thomas DeQuincey & Orientalism

( Date's not exact) Thomas DeQuincey does an outstanding job of demonic othering in his familiar essay, "Confessions of an Opium Eater". In this essay, DeQuincey compares his young house maid to the Malay at the door, and says that she describes him as "demon" looking just because she had never seen a Malay and was put off by the darkness of his skin tone.

1832-01-01 00:00:00

End of the Romantic Period

Some people believe that the introduction of the reform bills marks the end of the Romantic Period, while others are under the impression that the Romantic Period ended when Queen Victoria took throne. Thus began the Victorian Age in 1837. The Reform Bill of 1832 enabled certain people (mostly middle class white men) to vote. Although this isn't the best improvement, it is still a move in the right direction.

Romantic Period: Study Guide

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