Transition Bristol

A timeline showing key stages along the development path of Transition Bristol including projects & events that we helped get started or contributed to in some way.

Transition Bristol was set up to catalyse neighbourhood groups and to provide them with a sense of being part of a bigger picture. While the neighbourhood groups have busied themselves with practical projects at the local level, Transition Bristol continues to work with key partners such as Bristol City Council to develop sustainable practice.;xNLx;;xNLx;For more info visit

2007-01-01 16:07:33

The Initiators secured Community Champions Funding of £2000

The Initiators secured Community Champions Funding of £2000

2007-02-01 22:36:43

The Initial Steering group met

The Initial Steering group met

2007-04-10 05:03:31

A Project Team formed

A Project Team formed to run events. Later in the month Transition Bristol acquires Hotdesk space for TB volunteers at the Hub

2007-04-10 05:03:31

Public events start

Public events start with Transition Talks & Stalls

2007-04-10 05:03:31

Several neighbourhood groups formed

Several neighbourhood groups formed across Bristol City

2007-05-01 05:03:31

Bristol Green Capital

Transition Bristol becomes member of ‘Bristol Green Capital Momentum Group’

2007-05-01 05:03:31

First Transition Leaflets

Group produces and begins to distribute Leaflets to raise awareness of Transition Bristol

2007-05-01 05:03:31

Rob Hopkins Lecture

Rob Hopkins gave a talk to a packed hall at the Trinity Centre

2007-07-01 05:03:31

Registered as Limited Liability Company

Transition Bristol is Registered as Limited Liability Company

2007-11-25 05:03:31

Transition Bristol ‘Big Event’

‘Big Event’ held at Council House which over 400+ people attended

Transition Bristol

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