30+ Years in the Making (Mobile)

1992-11-02 10:59:53

Theoretical Development of ARK Technology

1997-11-26 22:57:50

Harmonic Flux Resonator

1998-04-12 17:00:31

First Lab/CRC Lab

1999-06-01 12:24:01

The Origin of Spin

1999-06-01 12:24:01

RSF Establishment

2005-11-01 01:42:16

Collective Coherent Oscillation Plasma Modes in Surrounding Media of Black Holes and Vacuum Structure

2008-09-01 21:51:10

Scale Unification: A Universal Scaling Law for Organized Matter

2010-08-01 12:00:08

The Schwartzchild Proton

2011-07-01 16:52:41

Harmonic Flux Resonator - Patent.+

2011-08-01 05:57:02

Device and Method for Simulation of Magnetohydrodynamics - Patent.+

30+ Years in the Making (Mobile)

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