Lipscomb's Diverse History

From It's very beginning, Lipscomb was an institution that strove to allow space for God's unconditional love, rather than wisdom of man, to lead its journey.

Diversity, equity and belonging are essential elements to our collective success at Lipscomb because these are the central teachings of Jesus and foundational components of our Christian faith.;xNLx;

1965-09-02 00:00:00

First African American student enrolls.

James Fitzgerald (’73)

1966-09-02 00:00:00

First African American female students enroll.

Dianna (Battle) Cannon (’70) , Rosalind (Jenkins) Cox (’72), Frankie Kennedy (’69) and Dianne (Gary) Reid (’68)

1966-12-01 00:00:00

First African American student-athletes begin competition.

Lewis Allen and James Teate compete in men’s cross country.

1967-06-17 20:29:11

First African American student graduates (in absentia).

Harry Kellum (’68)

1968-08-17 23:50:43

First female African American student graduates.

Dianne (Gary) Reid (’68)

1970-05-01 16:56:36

First African American selected for Who's Who.

Carl Helms (’70)

1971-01-11 04:28:32

First African American elected as Student Body President.

Venson "Venny" Matthews (’78)

1982-08-03 04:28:32

First African American instructor is hired.

Robert “Bob” Jackson

1988-08-02 04:28:32

First African American administrator

Jimmie Hampton is appointed as director of recruitment and the first African American to hold an administrative position, serving from 1988 to 1991.

1993-09-01 15:07:05

First African American member of the Board of Trustees

Jack Evans, then president of Southwestern Christian College, is appointed as the first African American member of the Board of Trustees, serving until 1997.

Lipscomb's Diverse History

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