2021 TIDF 台灣切片

台灣切片|如是原民,如是紀錄:1994-2000年的原住民族紀錄片 Taiwan Spectrum|Indigenous with a Capital 'I': Indigenous Documentaries from 1994 to 2000

毛利族導演貝瑞・巴克禮(Barry BARCLAY)曾於1980年代末首次提出「第四電影」一詞,意指影像中的原住民應由原住民來詮釋,也更強調「內在性」(interiority)作為一種創作精神。回顧台灣紀錄片影史,科技的普及使得紀錄片創作在1990年代爆發,原住民族也在這樣的浪潮下,有了自己拍攝自己的可能。;xNLx;;xNLx;本單元以1994至2000年為期,爬梳當年在學院學習拍攝,或受新聞記者訓練,或參加地方文史紀錄片培訓營的創作者,挑選他們初試啼聲的作品,試圖探究原住民紀錄片裡的觀點、議題、美學,以及背後論述的形構過程。而這段時期,或許可視為台灣第一波的原住民電影現象,昔日的紀錄,也成為今日社會處境的對照。;xNLx;;xNLx;The English title of this programme, Indigenous with a Capital 'I', is indebted to the late Maori director Barry BARCLAY, who first introduced the concept of 'Fourth Cinema' in the 1980s to promote two iconic ideas: Indigenous characters in films should be interpreted by indigenous people; the indigenous 'interiority' should be recognised and highlighted as a creative force. Owing to fast-developing technologies and wider availability of affordable equipment, the 1990s saw an explosion in Taiwanese documentary filmmaking, when indigenous filmmakers picked up their cameras to tell authentic stories of their own communities.;xNLx;;xNLx;This programme selects 17 films produced between 1994 and 2000 by indigenous filmmakers who studied in film academies, worked as journalists, or attended local training camps on cultural/historical documentary filmmaking. We intend to explore these early productions in terms of their central issues, viewpoints, aesthetics, and formation of discourses. Productions from this era may be regarded as the first wave of indigenous cinema in Taiwan; they preserve invaluable historical records that inform our understanding of Taiwanese society today.

1984-01-01 00:00:00

台灣原住民族權利促進會成立 Association for the Advancement of Taiwanese Indigenous Rights


1987-07-15 00:00:00

台灣解除戒嚴 Taiwan military control ended

政府解除「臺灣省戒嚴令」,結束台灣自 1949 年起的戒嚴法。

1988-08-25 00:00:00

第一次「還我土地運動」First 'Return Our Land' movement


1989-09-20 05:56:38

第二次「還我土地運動」Second wave of 'Return Our Land' movement


1993-12-10 03:39:24

第三次「還我土地運動」Third wave of 'Return Our Land' movement


1993-12-24 04:37:53

政策性名詞'「社區總體營造」Community Macro Development'


1994-08-01 20:00:00

憲法將「山胞」修正為「原住民」Constitution replacing 'mountain people's with 'aboriginals'


1995-04-01 23:22:01

第一集「原住民新聞雜誌」First episode of Indigenous News Magazine filmed


1995-08-05 20:39:55

全景展開首次「地方記錄攝影工作者訓練計畫」Frist Local Documentary Filmmakers Training Scheme by Full Shot Foundation

全景傳播基金會 * 受文建會委託,展開首次「地方記錄攝影工作者訓練計畫」,地點在北區。

1995-09-14 18:15:02

公視舉辦原住民新聞記者培訓 PTS Indigenous People's Journalism Training Programme

公共電視籌委會舉辦原住民新聞記者培訓,招訓24名原住民投入影像工作,最後有11名學員成為公視記者,是當時全國唯一專業的原住民採訪隊伍,潘朝成 bauki angaw 為其一。

2021 TIDF 台灣切片

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