Gallaudet 150

A timeline of Gallaudet University History

All pictures belong to Gallaudet University Archives unless otherwise noted. Pictures may not be used without permission from the Gallaudet University archivist.;xNLx;;xNLx;To zoom in as needed, press Ctrl and + at the same time.

1857-02-16 00:24:45

Columbia Institution Authorized

1857-04-14 00:23:07

Kendall Invites Gallaudet

1864-04-08 00:00:00

National Deaf-Mute College Founded

1864-06-28 09:09:24


1866-01-01 00:23:07

College Hall is Built

1866-06-01 00:23:07

Olmsted's Design for Buildings and Grounds

1866-06-27 22:13:34

First Graduate Melville Ballard

1867-01-01 00:00:00

Student life: 1860s

1867-06-01 00:24:45

Touring Europe

1868-05-12 00:24:45

Superintendents and Principals Conference

Gallaudet 150

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