
a timeline to highlight seven modern artists lives through the most influential part of art history.

1834-03-24 00:00:00

William Morris DOB

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1841-01-14 00:00:00

Berthe Morisot DOB

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1852-07-01 00:00:00

William Morris Education

Was educated at Marlborough and Exeter College

1856-03-01 00:00:00

William Morris Turns to Architecture

Morris decided to become an architect. 1856 – he entered as a pupil at the office of George Edmund Street – one of the leading English Gothic revival architects (worked there for nine months).

1865-12-20 00:00:00

Elsie De Wolfe DOB

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1879-03-14 00:00:00

Albert Einstine DOB

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1881-06-04 00:00:00

Natalia Goncharova DOB

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1881-06-04 00:00:00


Natalia Goncharova was born in Nagaevo, near Tula, Russia.

1881-10-25 00:00:00

Pablo Picasso DOB

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1887-07-10 00:00:00

William Morris - was arrested

In July, 1887 Morris was arrested after a demonstration in London.

1887-07-28 00:00:00

Marcel Duchamp DOB

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1891-01-01 00:00:00

Picasso farther New Job

The entire family moved to La Coruña since Picasso's father was taking up a job as a professor at the School of Fine Arts.

1894-01-01 00:00:00

Picasso career starts

It can be said that this was the year when Picasso's career began as an artist in this period.

1894-10-11 00:00:00

William Morris - The Wood Beyond the World

The Wood Beyond the World (1894) and Well at the World's End (1896). was the very last book written by William Morris by for he died

1895-01-01 00:00:00

Picasso Sister Passes Away

His seven-year-old sister died due to diphtheria. Therefore, the entire family then moved to Barcelona. His father, Ruiz, had a transfer to the school of Fine Arts. This was the time when Picasso answered an entrance exam and impressed the jury at the academy, which also helped him to secure admission into the institute as well.

1896-01-01 00:00:00


He painted The First Communion. This year, he also painted the Portrait of Aunt Pepa.

1900-01-01 00:00:00

Picasso in Paris

He first visited Paris. Paris was considered to be the art capital of Europe. This is where he met Max Jacob, a journalist and poet.

1900-02-01 00:00:00

Blue Period

Between 1900-1901, His paintings contained shades of only blue and green. Other colors were used sparingly or only as support for the entire canvas.

1900-11-21 12:44:07

Goncharova’s relationship grew with Larionoy

Goncharova moved together with artist Mikhail Larionov. Together they developed Rayonism, a style inspired by technology and modernity with the emphasis on dynamic rays of contrasting color.

1901-02-01 00:00:00

Picasso and friend release a magazine.

Picasso along with his friend, Francisco de Asís Soler founded the magazine, Arte Joven (Young Art). This was when he added grim cartoons that spoke about the state of the poor.

1903-02-01 00:00:00

Blindness Period

This was time when blindness was represented in most of his works such as The Blindman's Meal and the portrait of Celestina painted this year.

1904-01-01 00:00:00

Rose Period

This was the period which was named as the Rose Period (1904-1906) and one could see a use of colors such as orange and pink in his works. It is rumored that he met Fernande Oliver this year. (Fernande Oliver was a Bohemian artist who appears in many of his paintings) This meeting and his relationship with her changed the style of his paintings, which was reflected in the colors used.

1904-12-18 06:38:18

GONCHAROVA switched to painting

Young Goncharova was brought up in a highly intellectual environment of her family. She studied sculpture at the Moscow Academy of Art, and won a Silver Medal for her art-works. After studying sculpture for 3 years, she switched to painting

1907-01-01 00:00:00

The Young Ladies of Avignon

Picasso completed his work, Les Demoiselles d'Avignon (The Young Ladies of Avignon) in France. This is one of his famous works.

1909-12-01 00:00:00


Cubism, first developed it this year. The period between 1909-1912 is considered to be when cubism first took shape with the help of George Braque. Both these artists analyzed shapes and translated them into images with their creativity.

1910-10-25 19:49:56

Goncharova brushes with law

While Goncharova enjoyed a great reputation as an artist, she also had several brushes with the law. She was tried for pornography after a show of nude paintings. Her religious paintings were forcibly removed from several exhibitions and for a time were banned by the Holy Synod.

1911-10-25 19:49:56

Gorcharova's first show

Goncharova became a founding member of Der Blaue Reiter group of avant-garde artists led by Wassily Kandinsky. She participated in the first show of Der Blaue Reiter in Munich. Wassily Kandinsky.

1911-12-01 00:00:00

Picasso Arrested

Picasso's friend, Apollinaire was suspected and later arrested for stealing the Monalisa from the Louvre. This led to the arrest of Picasso as well who was questioned and later released as not guilty.

1912-02-12 20:15:33

Russian avant-garde

Goncharova took part in organizing the Russian avant-garde group "Osliny Khvost" (aka.. Donkey's Tail), together with her partner, artist Mikhail Larionov. At that time she was inspired by the lectures by the Italian ideologue and founder of Futurism Filippo Tommaso Marinetti in Moscow.

1912-12-01 00:00:00

Synthetic Cubism

Synthetic cubism was developed during this period. This was the time when collage was first used; portions of newspaper were used to create compositions.

1913-02-12 20:15:33

Goncharova showed off talent

Goncharova had her first and biggest "one-man" show which covered the enormous range of her talent, from her Neo-primitive works and Russian icon-inspired images, to her most modern endeavors in Cubo-Futurism and Rayonism. At that time Goncharova emerged as an important and also a highly controversial figure, often breaking social conventions as well as rigid cultural dogmas. She was among the first women in Russia who shocked the public with her casual cross-dressing, and also with her sharp comments on art and society.

1914-12-22 08:27:12

Goncharova created her best known work

1914: Goncharova created her best known work for Diaghielev’s big stage productions For the premiere at Paris Grand Opera, Goncharova created what became her best known work for Diaghilev's big stage productions, the costumes and set design for "Le Coq d'Or" (aka.. The Golden Cockerel) ballet by Nikolai Rimsky- Korsakov

1917-07-28 13:00:00

Goncharova moves to switzerland

Goncharova moved to Switzerland, and worked in Geneva on her design for ballet costumes and stage sets.

1918-12-01 00:00:00

Picasso Marries

He married Olga Khokhlova, who was a ballerina.

1921-07-28 13:00:00

Goncharova moved to paris

Goncharova moved to Paris and began her collaboration with the legendary Ballets Russes (aka .. Russian Ballets) by impresario Sergei Diaghilev.

1923-07-28 13:00:00

Goncharova stage set design

Goncharova then went on to create costumes and stage set design for “Les Noches” Goncharova created costumes and stage set design for "les Noches" (aka.. The Wedding), a dance cantata with ballet and singers, on the music of Igor Stravinsky. "Les Noches" became the epitome of experimental blending of dance with vocal and instrumental music and the art of Cubo-Futurism. (Its influence reached as far as the original production of the 'West Side Story' by Leonard Bernstein)

1927-12-01 00:00:00

Picasso has an affair

He had a secret affair with 17-year-old Marie-Thérèse Walter. His marriage was one that had constant conflicts for the past few years.

1937-12-01 00:00:00

Depiction of German Bombing

His depiction of the German bombing of Guernica brought him much fame.

1937-12-01 00:00:00

Goncharova illustrates her first book

While living in Paris, Goncharova illustrated a book about Joseph Stalin titled "Tsar Stalin" which made her the public enemy of the Soviet communism.

1938-12-01 00:00:00

the threat of Nazism for Goncharova

Realizing the threat of Nazism, Goncharova and Larionov applied for French nationalization.

1939-12-01 00:00:00

Picasso Exhibited in New York

From the period 1939 to 1940, The Museum of Modern Art in New York City held a successful exhibition of his work.

1944-12-01 00:00:00

Picasso has a New relationship

He had a relationship with Françoise Gilot, a young art student who ultimately left him in 1953

1955-09-08 00:00:00

Goncharova gets married

After 55 years of living together, Goncharova and Larionov decided to get married. Their marriage made an unexpected effect, and Larionov experienced a miraculous improvement of his health.

1957-09-08 00:00:00

1957: Goncharova expressed excitement for Sputnik

The Sputnik spacecraft was launched, and Goncharova expressed her excitement in creating a series of oils titled "Space" on canvasses. At that time she was so crippled with arthritis, that she could no longer raise her arms to the easel. She painted sitting on her bed with the canvas flat on a stool in front of her. She was so inspired that continued working until her death, and made over 20 new canvasses.

1962-10-17 00:00:00

Goncharova died

17th October, 1962: Natalia Goncharova died of cancer in Paris. Her husband, Mikhail Larionov, joined her two years later.

1967-12-01 00:00:00

Chicago Picasso

He made a small-scale model for a public sculpture (Chicago Picasso). This sculpture turned out to be the most recognized landmark in Chicago which was unveiled this year. He refused payment for the same.

1968-12-01 00:00:00


This was the period when his works turned out to be more creative and expressive although he did not really receive the kind of recognition he deserved. His works were criticized and it was only after his death, artists realized that he had used neo-expressionism through his art.

1973-04-08 00:00:00

Picasso passes away

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