Leonardo Da Vinci's life

the life of Leonardo da Vinci

1452-04-15 20:21:51


Leonardo da Vinci, (meaning Leonardo of Vinci, his home town) is born.

1466-04-15 20:21:51


Leonardo begins apprenticeship for Andrea del Verrocchio at the age of 14.

1476-04-01 00:00:00

Sex scandal

Leonardo is accused of being homosexual, a crime punishable by death. In June the charges are released because of a lack of evidence.

1482-01-14 09:16:43


Leoardo leaves Florence and moves to Milan

1490-10-01 00:00:00


Leonardo takes on an aprentice; a ten-year-old boy named Giacomo.

1493-10-01 00:00:00


Leonardo's mother, Caternia comes to live with him.

1495-04-19 14:36:21

The LAst Supper

Leonardo begins painting 'The last supper'

1498-04-19 14:36:21

Last supper complete

Leonardo complete's 'The last supper' after

1499-12-19 14:36:21


Louis XII invades Milan during his 1494-1498 Italy campaign.

1500-02-01 00:00:00


Leonardo flees Milan for Venice.

1501-04-05 03:25:26


Leonardo returns to Florence

1502-12-19 14:36:21


Leonardo becomes the chief military engineer for Cesare Borgia, the commander of the pope's army.

1503-04-19 14:36:21

Monna lisa

Leonardo begins work on the 'Mona Lisa', meaning: 'My lady Lisa'

1503-11-01 00:00:00

Leonardo quits working for Cesare Borgia.

1506-11-01 00:00:00

return to milan

Leonardo is summoned back to Milan by Charles d'Amboise

1507-03-15 00:00:00

a new job

Leonardo begins work as a painter and engineer to Louis XII.

1507-12-15 00:00:00


Leonardo returns to Florence to collect his share of a will left by his uncle Francesco. Leonardo's brothers tried to cut him out of his share, so he took them to court.

1512-03-01 00:00:00


Leonardo moves to Rome, where he researches hydraulics, architecture, and the dynamics of mirrors.

1515-03-01 00:00:00

Peace talk

Leonardo traveles to Bologna, to attend the peace talks between the Pope and the new king of France, Francis I, who had conquered Milan. As a peace offering, Leonardo made a mechanical lion, symbolizing Florence. The lion would walk a few paces, and then a trapdoor in his chest would open to reveal a fleur-de-lis, the symbol of France.

1516-03-01 00:00:00


Leonardo accepts Francis I's invitation to move to france, who regarded him as "The most cultivated man in Europe."

1519-04-19 14:36:21


Leonardo composes his will

1519-05-02 00:00:00


Leonardo da Vinci dies at the age of 67, almost 20 years beyond the life expectancy of his time.

Leonardo Da Vinci's life

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