Vídeo Interativo

Nesta timeline estão fragmentos de projetos interativos produzidos no âmbito da produção cinematográfica, televisiva e em suportes e plataformas digitais que incorporem imagem em movimento e som.

Procurámos identificar os autores, datas de publicação e fazer uma breve descrição dos projetos. Sempre que possível disponibilizamos um vídeo que descreva as características únicas do projeto.;xNLx;Estão até ao momento caracterizados três tipos diferentes de interatividade e uma categoria destina a inovações em termo de equipamentos e software.;xNLx;A interatividade com foco na ação, pretende agrupar todas os textos que permitiam ao utilizador tomar decisões sobre qual a ação que o personagem devia tomar perante uma dada situação.;xNLx;A interatividade com foco na ordem de visionamento, agrupa os textos que permitem ao utilizador decidir porque ordem pretende assistir ao discurso e além disso permite parar ou repetir o visionamento de uma parte do discurso.;xNLx;A interatividade com foco no ponto de vista agrupa os textos que permitem ao utilizador decidir de que ponto de vista prefere assistir à narrativa mas não deixa o utilizador interferir nas ações das personagens. ;xNLx;Este é um projeto em construção, por isso todo e qualquer reparo, sugestão ou vontade de colaborar na manutenção e expansão desta base de dados deve ser enviado para Paulo Barbosa através do correio eletrónico parabarbosa@gmail.com.;xNLx;Julho de 2016

1961-01-01 00:00:00

Mr. Sardonicus 1961 Directed by William Castle

When it was first shown in theatres in 1961, horror film Mr. Sardonicus featured a "punishment poll", in which audiences could vote (with glow-in-the-dark thumbs-up-or-down cards) on whether the evil lead character should die at the end of the picture. Audiences always voted for Sardonicus' death, which was fortunate, as producer William Castle did not actually film a scene where Sardonicus lived. fonte: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interactive_narrative

1961-01-01 00:00:00

Headsight primeiro video em 360º

Headsight – First motion tracking HMD

1967-01-01 00:00:00

webdoc ou web documentário

webdoc é um documentário interativo. The term was used for the first time in 2002 at the Cinema du Réel Festival held at the Centre Pompidou in Paris. The first production that could be called a web documentary by current standards was “La Cite des Morts” created in the 2005 by the Paris firm Upian. Upian was also responsible for “Thanatorama“an investigation of what happens to your body after you die that takes the viewer to a funeral home, crematorium and cemetery. The web documentary, which is highly recommended viewing, starts by directly addressing the viewer; “You died this morning. Are you interested in what comes next?” (If you click on ‘No’ by the way, it takes you to Google’s homepage.) Fonte:http://onmedia.dw-akademie.com/english/?p=6567 No livro Webdocs – A survival guide for online filmmakers , são listados alguns marcos importantes da chegada dos webdocs Dentre eles, destaca-se como marco inicial o ano de 2002 quando pela primeira vez foi citado o termo “webdocumentário” no festival de documentários Cinema du Réel fonte: Tatiana Levin em Doc On-line, n. 14, agosto de 2013, www.doc.ubi.pt, pp. - 92 71 DO DOCUMENTÁRIO AO WEBDOC - QUESTÕES EM JOGO NUM CENÁRIO INTERATIVO 2013 What is a web documentary? Also known as a webdoc, interactive documentary, i-doc or multimedia documentary, having so many terms to chose from gives an idea of how difficult the web documentary is to define. Basically, web documentaries are stories of documentary character published on the Internet. They can be put together in different ways, use different interfaces and have different approaches to their subject matter, but they have several features in common. fonte:http://onmedia.dw-akademie.com/english/?p=6567

1967-01-01 00:00:00

Kinoautomat 1967 por Radúz Cincera

“Kinoautomat” (Republica Checa) Foi produzido no de 1966 com lançamento oficial em 1967, o filme foi dirigido por Radúz Cincera. An annotated synopsis of Radúz Činčera's Kinoautomat (1967),

1978-01-01 00:00:00


LD ou Laserdisc foi o primeiro disco óptico de armazenamento de áudio e vídeo disponível ao público. A tecnologia foi demonstrada em 1972 num protótipo das empresas MCA e Philips e estava disponível no mercado a partir de dezembro de 1978 em Atlanta, Geórgia nos Estados Unidos como MCA DiscoVision. Neste mesmo ano a Pioneer Electronics também licenciou o formato e passou a distribuí-lo como Laser Videodisc. Em 1980 o nome foi resumido para LaserDisc e logo depois em 1981 para Laserdisc sem letras maiúsculas no meio. fonte:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DVD-Video LaserDisc (LD) is a home video format and the first commercial optical disc storage medium, initially licensed, sold, and marketed as MCA DiscoVision (also known as simply "DiscoVision") in North America in 1978. Although the format was capable of offering higher-quality video and audio than its consumer rivals, the VHS and Betamax videocassette systems, LaserDisc never managed to gain widespread use in North America, largely due to high costs for the players and video titles themselves and the inability to record TV programming.[1] It also remained a largely obscure format in Europe and Australia. By contrast, the format was much more popular in Japan and in the more affluent regions of Southeast Asia, such as Hong Kong, Singapore, and Malaysia, being the prevalent rental video medium in Hong Kong during the 1990s.[2] Its superior video and audio quality did make it a somewhat popular choice among videophiles and film enthusiasts during its lifespan. Fonte https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LaserDisc

1985-01-01 00:00:00

Clue (1985) Director: Jonathan Lynn

It is rare for a movie to have true multiple endings, but one notable example is the movie Clue. Three different endings were used in the final version of the movie (plus one unreleased fourth ending), with each having a different killer. This is a unique case in that the theatrical release had only one of the three endings, depending on the theater. For the DVD and video releases, all three endings were included, preceded by screen text such as, "That's how it could have happened..." The home viewer can either choose who he or she wants to be guilty, or the viewer can allow the DVD to choose randomly instead. A fourth ending (where the butler did it all) was filmed but scrapped. Clue was orchestrated this way in part because it was based on a board game which offers multiple outcomes. The stage version of Clue also has multiple endings to a certain extent; the killer is randomly selected before the show. However, the true mastermind is always the same at the end.

1985-07-03 19:15:23

Agora Escolha 1985 RTP Portugal

Agora escolha mostrava o inicio de três filmes diferentes e os espectadores telefonavam a dizer qual preferiam ver. era exibido o mais votado.

1987-07-03 19:15:23


Storyspace was the first software program specifically developed for creating, editing, and reading hypertext fiction. It was created in the 1980s by Jay David Bolter and Michael Joyce, who presented it to the first international meeting on Hypertext at Chapel Hill in October 1987

1987-07-03 19:15:23

HiperCard 1987

HyperCard is an application program and programming tool for Apple Macintosh and Apple IIGS computers, that is among the first successful hypermedia systems before the World Wide Web. It combines database capabilities with a graphical, flexible, user-modifiable interface.[1] HyperCard also features HyperTalk, a programming language for manipulating data and the user interface.

1992-07-03 19:15:23

I´m your Man (1992) de Bob Bejan

I'm Your Man is a 1992 short film which was created to showcase Loews Theatres' interactive cinema technology. Audiences used seat-mounted joysticks to vote between three options in action at six different points throughout the movie.

1992-07-03 19:15:23

Você decide (1992) rede globo brasil

Você Decide foi um programa de televisão brasileiro interativo que foi exibido pela Rede Globo entre 1992 e 2000. Em cada episódio eram encenados casos especiais, com um final diferente a ser escolhido pelos telespectadores através de votações via telefone.

1993-01-01 00:00:00

SEGA VR glasses

SEGA announce new VR glasses

1997-03-26 00:00:00

criação do suporte DVD video

DVD video format It was first available for retail around March 26, 1997. Standard DVD-Video files contain extra information (such as the number of video tracks, chapters and links to extra features) that DVD players use to navigate the disc. The maximum chapters allowed per title is 99 and the maximum titles allowed per DVD is 99. DVD-Video is a consumer video format used to store digital video on DVD discs. Discs using the DVD-Video specification require a DVD drive and an MPEG-2 decoder (e. g., a DVD player, or a computer DVD drive with a software DVD player). Commercial DVD movies are encoded using a combination MPEG-2 compressed video and audio of varying formats (often multi-channel formats as described below). Typically, the data rate for DVD movies ranges from 3 Mbit/s to 9.5 Mbit/s, and the bit rate is usually adaptive. Chapters and angles DVD Video may contain chapters for easy navigation (and continuation of a partially watched film). If space permits, it is also possible to include several versions (called "angles") of certain scenes, though today this feature is mostly used – if at all – not to show different angles of the action, but as part of internationalization to, for example, show different language versions of images containing written text, if subtitles will not do (e. g., the Queen's spell book in Snow White, and the scrolling text in the openings of the Star Wars films). Multiple angles have found a niche in markets such as yoga, erotica and live performances. Extra features A significant selling point of DVD Video is that the storage capacity allows for a wide variety of extra, or bonus, features in addition to the feature film. These extra features can include audio commentary; documentary features, commonly about the making of the main title; interviews; deleted footage; outtakes; photo galleries; storyboards; isolated music scores; trivia text commentary; simple games; film shorts; TV spots; radio spots; theatrical trailers which were used to promote the main title; and teaser trailers advertising related movies or DVDs. Fonte wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DVD-Video

1998-05-06 15:42:35

Sliding Doors 1998 by Peter Howitt

O espectador não tem o poder de interferir na Acão, mas o filme mostra duas consequências diferentes a partir de um personagem entrar ou não entrar num carruagem. Multiple endings occur in the movie Sliding Doors where we see two versions of the film concurrently after "splitting" when the main character catches, and misses, her train

2000-07-03 19:15:23

Timecode (2000) Mike Figgis

Main Trends: While the film was distinguished from the classical theater by directing the viewer's attention through the framing and perspective of sound, this film gives the viewer the freedom to direct attention to four different actions of the same story that take place simultaneously but in different spaces.

2003-07-03 19:15:23

Switching (2003) Morten Schjodt e Rasmus Arrildt

Switching is the first ever Danish interactive movie directed by Morten Schjødt, produced by Oncotype and released in 2003. It was financed by, and in cooperation with, the Danish Film Institute, with the support of the "Development Fund of the Ministry of Culture", the MEDIA Programme of the European Union and the DFI Film Workshop. It is distributed by SF FILM A/S. A interação não se faz através de menus e o ecrã não tem botões para premir. O interface e o conteúdo não estão separados. Cada capitulo é uma cena linear e cronológica A ordem pela qual o espectador tem acesso a cada uma das cenas depende da interação do espectador onde apenas tem de usar um botão do comando.

2005-04-16 00:00:00

Diário de Sofia 2005 BeActive

"Diário de Sofia" vai para o ar diariamente na 2: em episódios de 5 minutos que relatam o dia-a-dia da adolescente mais popular de Portugal. No final, o público é convidado a votar e a decidir o que a Sofia deverá fazer no próximo dia. Ao fim-de-semana, será emitido na RTP1 e na 2: um compacto semanal com a duração de 25 minutos. No final de cada episódio o público é convidado a escolher o desenrolar da história, optando entre duas alternativas Para participar basta ligar o 760 100 200 (¿0,60 + IVA) através de um telefone fixo ou móvel. E ajudar a Sofia a tomar a decisão. O público pode participar desde o final de cada episódio até ao início do episódio seguinte. A opção mais votada determinará o desenvolvimento da história. (fonte:http://www.rtp.pt/programa/tv/p18791)

2005-10-01 00:00:00

La Cité des Mortes

Considerado o primeiro projecto do género webdocumentário. A interactividade neste género permite ao utilizador escolher a ordem pela qual pretende consultar a informação disponível. Mis en ligne le 1er octobre 2005 Une enquête de Jean-Christophe Rampal et Marc Fernandez Conception éditoriale : Estelle Larrivaz Bande Originale et Musique : Greg Corsaro link do projecto http://www.lacitedesmortes.net/a-propos/

2007-07-01 00:00:00

NetFlix starts movie streaming

The new service streams movies to Windows PCs instead of downloading them first. This has the dual benefit of 1) appeasing content owners who worry that full downloads of their movies might be cracked and 2) providing instant gratification to customers in need of a cinematic fix. Netflix claims that, with the aid of a one-time browser applet download, customers can begin watching films within 15 seconds of clicking the "play" button. Streaming high-quality video with little buffering requires a fast connection. Netflix says that its new technology throttles the streaming speed based on available bandwidth. Users will need a minimum of 1Mbps to watch films, but these will be far below DVD quality. 3Mbps connections are required to watch movies in their native resolution (no support is currently planned for high-definition content). With the increasing ubiquity of broadband, this should pose no problem for most power users, but plenty of 768Kbps DSL connections (and slower) still dot the landscape. The new service will be rolled out gradually but should be available to all Netflix subscribers by July. The amount of video that can be watched on the PC varies depending on the subscription plan. Users with the $5.99 plan will get six hours of online viewing each month, while those with the more common $17.99 plans get 18 hours. The decision to offer this in terms of "hours" rather than "movies" could potentially frustrate customers who don't want to wait until next month to see the second half of Casino Royale, but it does allow for stopping, starting, and switching films without developing some convoluted definition of what it means to "watch a film." The initial selection is fairly thin, with only 1,000 titles available (out of more than 70,000 available on DVD), but this was the same number of DVDs that Netflix launched with back in 1999. It's probably just as well; Netflix has made clear that they want to roll out the new technology slowly to make sure that everything works correctly. As CEO Reed Hastings notes, this isn't a market that is going to pay big dividends for a few years yet. Article by Nate Anderson at http://arstechnica.com/uncategorized/2007/01/8627/ 16 january 2007

2009-05-28 00:00:00

HULU starts

on 28 May 2009, Hulu, the streaming-video joint venture from News Corp., NBC Universal, and Disney, launched the Hulu Desktop media player.

2009-06-02 00:00:00

Youtube XL

On 2 June, Google’s YouTube announced the availability of YouTube XL which has a simplified interface designed for viewing on a standard television screen and navigating with remote controls.

2010-07-03 19:15:23

Last Call 2010 de Jung von Matt e Film Deluxe

A company called 13th Street has put together a movie called "Last Call" that claims to be the first interactive horror film, where the audience is able to communicate with a character on the screen. It works like this. When you buy a ticket to see the movie, you also have to hand over your cell phone number. During the movie, a character will run into some trouble and will call an audience member. Then using language recognition software, the viewer's answers will help guide the character out of a rundown sanatorium. Since the audience member decides what will happen, the movie is different for each group of people that watches it (similar to the comic books that have been doing this for years). Still confused? Check out the video below for a better explanation and let us know if you think this is an interesting concept. Read more: http://www.worstpreviews.com/headline.php?id=17035#ixzz42oLYL9bK

2015-02-04 00:00:00

youtube multi angle

YouTube is not the first video site that is trying this. Over the years, there have been multiple startups that focused on nothing else but developing similar features. And there have been apps like the Marc Cuban- and 500 Startups-backed Switchcam or Streamweaver that focused on crowdsourcing these kind of videos. None of these really took off and Switchcam is now dead. But if there is one video site that can probably make this work, it’s YouTube, simply because of the sheer size of the service’s user base. 2015-02-03_2056 As a YouTube spokesperson told me, this experiment is part of YouTube’s efforts “to keep making more immersive and interactive video experiences.” Because this is an experiment, though, YouTube is only allowing a few select YouTube users to test the feature. If you want to be considered, you can sign up for access here. Fonte:http://techcrunch.com/2015/02/04/youtube-launches-multi-angle-video-experiment/

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