University of Hawaii at Mānoa has a long history of research, education, and practice of sustainable principles.

For more information on sustainability events at UH Mānoa please see our website ;xNLx;

1968-07-15 12:00:00

Sea Grant College Program

Founded in 1968 as part of a national network of 32 programs that promote better understanding, conservation, and use of coastal resources.

1970-06-01 12:00:00

Environmental Center Established

The Environmental Center of the University of Hawaii at Manoa is dedicated to the advancement of environmental management through education, research and service. Established in 1970, we facilitate access to interdisciplinary expertise within the university to enhance understanding of environmental problems and to identify effective solutions. A unit of the university’s Water Resources Research Center (WRRC) the EC provides a unique and crucial source of objective information to contribute to balanced, rational environmental management in Hawaii and throughout the Pacific.

1974-01-01 12:00:00

UH Manoa Energy House

Built by UH Manoa faculty, the Energy House hosted thousands to explore new technologies that highlight energy and water efficiency.

1974-07-14 12:00:00

Hawai'i Natural Energy Institute

The Hawaii Natural Energy Institute performs research, conducts testing and evaluation, and manages public-private partnerships across a broad range of renewable and enabling technologies to reduce the State of Hawai‘i’s dependence on fossil fuel. It is is an organized research unit of the School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology (SOEST) of the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa (UHM).

1987-10-01 12:00:00

UHM Long Range Development Plan

The 1987 UH Mänoa Campus Long Range Development Plan (LRDP) was commissioned to provide an organizing vision for the campus.

1996-10-03 12:00:00

UHM Landscape Advisory Committee

The Landscape Advisory Committee promotes an attractive, appropriate, and sustainable campus environment.

2001-04-01 10:06:21

UHM Earth Day

Starting in 2001, the Environmental Studies Program began the planning and development of annual Earth Day celebrations.

2003-01-19 12:00:00

Sustainability Courtyard established

Was established to provides a venue for campus engagement to educate and increase awareness of environmental challenges

2003-05-01 12:00:00

Hawaii Energy Policy Forum

The Hawaii Energy Policy Forum is a collaborative forum for sharing ideas & information, recommending & advocating policies & initiatives, and promoting civic action to achieve Hawaii’s preferred energy future. It has created a 10 point plan to meet Hawaii’s preferred energy future, and has sponsored meetings, legislative briefings, and community events such as Hawaii Clean Energy Day.

2003-07-01 12:00:00

UH Manoa adopts charter of sustainability

The UH Manoa charter of sustainability, adopted in 2003, involves 9 strategic goals:

2005-05-01 12:00:00

Hawaii 2050 Plan

In 2005, the College of Social Sciences Public Policy Center helped develop the Hawaii 2050 Sustainability Plan.

2005-08-01 12:00:00

Campus Master Bike Plan

Developed in 2005, the goal of the Campus Master Bike Plan is to increase bicycling as a form of safe, routine transportation to and around campus for faculty, staff, students, and members of neighboring communities.

2005-12-01 12:00:00

Campus Sustainability Retreat

Forty students, faculty, staff, and administrators from across the UH Manoa campus meet for a full-day retreat to discuss the history, current status, and future of sustainability at the university.

2006-07-01 12:00:00

State of Hawai'i HB217 (Act 96)

Buildings to achieve LEED Silver

2006-10-24 12:00:00

Green Building Design and Clean Energy Policy

Developed in 2006, this policy was presented at the Chancellor's Energy Summit.

2006-10-24 12:00:00

UHM Chancellor's Energy Summit

Chancellor’s Energy Summit held on October 24th,

2006-12-01 12:00:00

Sustainable Saunders

Public Policy Center of the College of Social Sciences created the Sustainable Saunders Initiative as a collaborative effort

2007-10-01 12:00:00

UHM Long Range Development Plan

The Long Range Development Plan (LRDP) Update

2007-10-24 12:00:00


Beginning in 2007, the Student Organic Farm Training group formed to help students learn to grow food sustainably.

2008-01-01 12:00:00

Frear Hall dormitory opens

Frear Hall opens with LEED Silver certification for environmentally sustainable construction.

2008-07-01 12:00:00

UHM Energy Strategy 2008-2015

The University of Hawaii Energy Strategy 2008-2015 document outlines challenges and responses to UHM’s energy issues.

2008-10-01 06:32:15

Hawaii 2050 Sustainability Plan Presented

The five goals for Hawai‘i 2050 The Hawai‘i 2050 goals are integrated philosophies that express the sustainable future of Hawai‘i. They reflect a deeply held sense of where Hawai‘i should be headed. n Living sustainably is part of our daily practice in Hawai‘i. n Our diversified and globally competitive economy enables us to meaningfully live, work and play in Hawai‘i. n Our natural resources are responsibly and respectfully used, replenished and preserved for future generations. n Our community is strong, healthy, vibrant and nurturing, providing safety nets for those in need. n Our Kanaka Maoli and island cultures and values are thriving and perpetuated.

2008-10-01 12:00:00

Hawaii Clean Energy Initiative

Hawaii’s clean energy goals are the most aggressive in the nation – and if we succeed, we will become a world leader in clean energy. Along the way, we’ll begin to solve several core challenges: We can be more independent and less reliant on other economies. We can achieve greater security. This will help Hawaii become more economically prosperous by keeping an estimated $5.1 billion in the state that would otherwise be spent on imported oil. Establishing a new, green economic sector will counter-balance our reliance on tourism and the military. We can position Hawaii as a worldwide leader in the clean energy category and that will attract more business and expertise to the region.

2008-12-01 12:00:00

Manoa Green Days

Beginning in 2008, the Manoa Green Days initiative has trimmed millions from UH Manoa's annual electricity bill.

2009-03-03 12:00:00


Founded in 2009, the Center for Renewable Energy and Island Sustainability is an interdisciplinary research group from UHM

2009-09-01 12:00:00

Manoa Sustainability Corps founded

Manoa Sustainability Corps is created to advise the administration on sustainability policy and facilitate communication between sustainability groups on campus. Later became known as the Manoa Sustainability Council

2009-09-20 12:00:00

Sustainable UH formed

Sustainable Saunders HUB (Help Us Bridge) Committee spins off to become Sustainable UH

2010-10-25 12:00:00

C-MORE Hale Grand Opening

The Center for Microbial Oceanography is the first LEED Platinum laboratory facility in the State of Hawai‘i.

2011-01-25 12:00:00

UHM Strategic Energy Plan 2011

This plans sets a path to achieving energy efficiency and emmisions set forth in prior plans and aligns with state goals.

2011-04-29 08:43:28

USGBC Student Group

Started in 2011, the UHM US Green Building Council student group is formed to support cost-efficient and energy saving green buildings.

2011-09-01 12:00:00

Kukui Cup

Inaugurated in 2011, the Kukui Cup energy challenge starts for 1,000 first year students in the Hale Aloha residence halls

2011-10-01 12:00:00

UHM Strategic Plan 2011-2015

The 2010 strategic planning process to update Defining Our Destiny: UHM Strategic Plan 2002-2010 ran from August 16 – December 16, 2010. A Strategic Plan Working Group (SPWG) was jointly appointed by the Chancellor, Mānoa Faculty Senate, and the Graduate Student Organization. The Associated Students of the University of Hawaiʻi was also invited to appoint a member. The SPWG developed the planning process and survey instrument, was responsible for data analysis and summary report preparation, and coordination of writing teams that prepared a draft plan that was submitted in December 2010. Members were:

2012-06-01 07:42:49

Cluster Hire In Sustainability

The Chancellor announces a "cluster hire" of 5 new faculty in sustainability areas.

2012-07-01 19:31:51

UHM Landscape Master Plan

Reitreates UHM's commitment to sustainability as both an opportunity and an obligation

2012-10-01 07:42:49

UHM Sustainability Policy

The Chancellor's Office publishes official UHM policy on sustainability.

2013-04-11 12:00:00

Sustainability in Higher Education Summit

The 1st Annual Hawaii Sustainability in Higher Education Summit, April 11-12, 2013.

2013-04-18 12:00:00

UHM Bans Styrofoam

Students, faculty, and administration work together to pass new policy banning EPS foam food service products.

2013-10-28 12:00:00

UHM Student wins sustainability award

Robert Brewer (Ph.D., Computer Science, 2013) has won the 2013 AASHE Graduate Student Research on Campus Sustainability Award.

2014-01-01 12:00:00

UH Board of Regents sustainability policy

Includes establishment of an Office of Sustainability and a commitment to carbon neutrality, zero waste and local food self-sufficiency.

2014-03-15 12:00:00

2nd Hawaii Sustainability Summit

The University of Hawaii Windward Community College hosts the 2nd Sustainability Summit

2015-02-26 12:00:00

UH Executive Policy on Sustainability

Goals: achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, and fulfill commitments to sustainability in operations, curriculum, scholarship and engagement.

2015-02-26 12:00:00

3rd Hawaii Sustainability Summit

The University of Hawaii at Manoa hosts the 3rd Sustainability Summit

2015-07-01 20:21:19

State of Hawaii HB 1509 (Act 99)

Net zero energy by 2035 across all UH campuses

2016-01-05 12:00:00

UHM Campus Arboretum

University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa is now an accredited arboretum,

2016-03-01 20:21:19

UHM Buiding Design and Performance Standards

Emphasizes the integration of environmental and technical metrics specifically applicable to Hawaii context and within the design process in order to deliver a sustainable building.


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