PASU timeline

Milestones for the PASU innovating for improvement project - South Tees NHS Trust

2015-04-01 00:00:00

Innovating for Improvement Grant

Award of the £75,000 grant for South Tees NHS Trust's Parkinson's team

2015-04-01 09:08:31

Gazette get's the story early!

The Gazette hits the ground running, once the Health Foundation awards are announced.

2015-05-05 09:16:14

Team recruitment begins

Negotiations begin to recruit team members for PASU

2015-06-01 09:16:14

Negotiations with partner Trusts

Tees, Esk and Wear Valley agree to support CPN position and honorary contract for Dr Archibald

2015-06-01 19:04:52

Neurologist job planning

Dr Neil Archibald, consultant neurologist, released to join PASU project for one full day per week.

2015-06-01 19:04:52

PDNS job planning

Zenita Cowen, experienced PD nurse, released one day per week to work in PASU

2015-06-22 11:07:05

Data metrics planning begins

Planning meetings on metrics to be collected held over the 2 months prior to PASU project opening

2015-07-01 09:08:31

Pharmacist appointed

Senior pharmacist, Viv Horton, assigned to PASU project team

2015-07-07 11:07:05

Occupational therapist appointed

Debra Gallant, experienced neuro OT, appointed to PASU unit team.

2015-08-03 11:07:05

PASU site secured

Agreement from CCG to support PASU setting in Redcar primary care hospital

2015-09-01 11:07:05

OT mentor appointed

Ana Aragon, national OT expert in PD management, appointed as project mentor to PASU OT Debra Gallant

2015-09-01 19:04:52

Physiotherapist appointed

Andy Hall, neuro physio appointed at interview

2015-09-01 19:04:52

Therapy assistant appointed

Jan Duffy appointed as PASU therapy assistant

2015-09-16 03:49:38

Project health check

First health check report to Health Foundation

2015-09-16 03:49:38

First patients reviewed

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2015-09-22 09:08:31

Patient booking system online

System in place for booking and admin of clinic

2015-10-01 09:08:31

Northern ECHO article

The Northern ECHO publicizes the launch of the PASU. Nice quote from our first patient.

2015-11-11 02:45:40

Electronic patient record

Collaboration begins between Teesside University School of Computing and the PASU team, to develop a Parkinson's patient record for use in the service

2015-12-01 09:08:31

NHS Property Services publicity

NHS Property Services voice their support of the use of Redcar Primary Care Hospital

2015-12-07 11:07:05

PASU database designed

A little late in the project, the database for the project is up and running. Up until this point, we have been collecting data in paper format.

2015-12-16 03:49:38

Project Health Check

Second report to health foundation

2015-12-16 03:49:38

Interim report to Health Foundation

6 month review of the project delivered to Health Foundation

2015-12-16 03:49:38

Tremorloes choir kicks off

Jan Duffy gets the Parkinson's choir up and running with Christmas Carols in the the PASU.

2016-02-02 09:08:31

RCN article on PASU

Article on PASU appears in the RCN journal

2016-02-04 02:45:40

Three River's Meeting

Parkinson's Excellence Network presentation at Three River's meeting, North East. A chance to promote the PASU project to the North East and Cumbria

2016-02-04 02:45:40

Project Health Check due

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2016-02-04 02:45:40

Clozapine gets off the ground in Teesside

First patient started on clozapine from within the PASU clinic. Huge benefit on hallucinations and improvement in quality of life.

2016-03-09 02:45:40

CCG update

Update meeting with CCG to present interim data and discuss future direction of PASU project.

2016-05-31 14:33:37

Patient Safety Award Shortlist Announced

PASU shortlisted for Patient Safety Awards 2016 in Long-term Conditions category The management of care for people with long-term conditions should be proactive, holistic, preventive and patient-centred – as well as safe. Delivering that care can be complicated since those with long-term conditions often have multiple and complex needs and potential safety concerns for patients. This can mean a number of risks to be managed to ensure safe care: potential medication interactions, for instance, or ensuring service users recognise and react quickly to signs of a potential exacerbation in their condition. With a focus on avoiding unnecessary hospital admissions, there is also a need to ensure service users are managed safely at home and in the community. The complexity of meeting the goal of managing long-term conditions safely means entries for this category could include one or more of the following elements: Identification of, and interventions for, patients at high risk of acute/life-threatening events due to morbidities Innovative patient education that enables patients to understand their condition and empowers them to take responsibility for self-management and reduces the risk of exacerbations/admissions Efforts to maximise the safe use of medications, including by addressing potentially harmful polypharmacy Techniques to reduce non-attendance at scheduled appointments New techniques for patient monitoring, perhaps via technology, which swiftly identify those at risk of deterioration Better sharing of information between care professionals and care sectors, reducing the safety risks that result from poor communication Strategies for addressing inequalities in people with co-morbid conditions Linked-up care involving a shared vision among primary and secondary care and patient support groups Service user involvement in developing new safety initiatives New techniques which improve the safety of treatments

2016-06-09 14:33:37

Patient Safety Award Interviews

Tough, but fair, interview at HSJ HQ in London.

2016-06-16 02:45:40

Project Health Check due

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2016-06-22 14:46:30

CCG update

Neil Archibald and Lucy Tulloch present business case to South Tees CCG. Funding secured for modified PASU clinic, to run from October 2016

2016-07-05 14:24:00

PASU wins Patient Safety Award!

PASU wins Patient Safety Award for Long Term Conditions, beating off stiff competition from 8 other units.

2016-09-14 02:45:40

End of project report

Final report to Health Foundation.

2016-10-11 06:54:00

Health Foundation Final Event

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