History of Books

1618-01-19 00:00:00

Mirror of the Polish Crown

Because this pamphlet published in 1618 was one of the causes of the anti-Jewish riots in Cracow, it was banned by Sigismund III Vasa.

1637-04-25 11:29:43

America's First Banning

America's First banned book came in 1637. When Thomas Morton's New English Cannaan was banned. It was banned due to him sharing his opinions of one of the pivotal battles in the new world

1865-01-19 00:00:00

Alice is Out

Alice's Adventures in wonderland was first banned in Hunan China. Formerly banned in the province of Hunan, China, beginning in 1931, for its portrayal of anthropomorphized animals acting on the same level of complexity as human beings. The censor General Ho Chien believed that attributing human language to animals was an insult to humans.

1929-01-19 00:00:00

All Quiet on the Western Front

Banned in Nazi Germany for being demoralizing and insulting to the Wehrmacht.

1945-01-19 00:00:00

The Bible

Censored in dozens of countries, both historically and in the current era. At present, the Bible is banned or greatly restricted in a number of countries including North Korea. Sometimes, the ban is on distributing the Bible in certain languages or versions. The Bible in Spanish was prohibited in Spain from the sixteenth until the nineteenth century. In 1234, King James I of Aragon ordered the burning of Bibles in the vernacular.

1945-01-19 00:00:00

Animal Farm

Completed in 1943, Orwell found that no publisher would print the book, due to its criticism of the U.S.S.R., an important ally of Britain in the War.[9] Once published, the book was banned in the USSR and other communist countries.[10] In 2002, the novel was banned in the schools of the United Arab Emirates, because it contained text or images that goes against Islamic values, most notably the occurrence of an anthropomorphic, talking pig.[11] The book is still banned in North Korea, and censored in Vietnam.

1950-01-19 00:00:00

Nineteen Eighty-Four

Banned by the Soviet Union in 1950, as Stalin understood that it was a satire based on his leadership. It was nearly banned by U.S.A. and UK in the early 1960s during the Cuban Missile Crisis.reference? It was not until 1990 that the Soviet Union legalised the book and it was re-released after editing.

1962-01-19 00:00:00

Naked Lunch

Banned by Boston courts in 1962 for obscenity, but that decision was reversed in 1966 by the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court.

2000-09-24 11:27:19

Popular teenage novel

Harry Potter a popular children's book remained one the most challenged books for encouraging satanist behavior.

2010-12-29 07:04:08

Operation Dark Heart (2010)

In September 2010 the U.S. Department of Defense overrode the Army's January approval for publication. The DoD then purchased and destroyed all 9,500 first edition copies citing concerns that it contained classified information which could damage the integrity of U.S. National Security. The publisher, St. Martin's Press,[90] in conjunction with the DoD created a censored second edition; which contains blackened out words, lines, paragraphs, and even portions of the index

2015-09-23 11:27:19


Today more than a 1000 books, which had an enormous impact on American literature and culture, are banned today.

History of Books

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