History of Biology

This timeline is about some major contributions and people in Biology. We hope that you enjoy and learn something new ;xNLx;- Avery Henning;xNLx;-Areonna Neely;xNLx;- And Prisma Lopez

0384-09-16 15:55:57

"Father of Biology"

1206-08-01 10:26:34

Theodoric Borgognoni

1494-10-18 13:03:00

Mercery Treatment

1546-05-03 17:42:06

Proposal of contagious diseases

1561-11-26 15:55:11

Gabriel Fallopius

1658-06-09 17:27:20

Jan Swammardam

1665-09-04 18:58:52

Robert Hook

1668-10-18 09:39:04

Life comes from life

1674-06-23 00:16:22

Anton Van Leeuwenhoek

1682-11-26 15:55:11

"Father of Plant Anatomy"

1735-10-15 10:08:00

Carl Linnaeus

1748-11-26 15:55:11

Jean-Antoine Nollet

1772-10-06 00:09:43

Joseph Priestley

1798-02-22 08:52:15

"Father of Immunology"

1831-09-16 15:55:57

Robert Brown

1838-06-30 18:02:04

Matthias Schleiden

1859-02-23 10:23:01

"Father of Evolution"

1866-10-18 09:39:04

Gregor Mendel

1869-09-16 15:55:57

Friedrich Miescher

1902-10-18 09:39:04

Walter Sutton

1928-10-18 09:39:04

Alexander Flemming

1932-10-18 09:39:04

First Electron Microscope

1937-10-18 09:39:04

Discovery of the Krebs Cycle

1944-07-27 07:57:15

Erwin Chargaff

1944-08-13 13:21:43

Oswald Avery

1953-01-09 02:23:46

Discovery of DNA Helix

1953-10-18 09:39:04

Stanley Miller

1962-03-28 01:49:48

Rachel Carson

1977-08-01 10:26:34

Carl Woese

1978-06-11 21:00:59

Werner Arber

2002-06-11 21:00:59

Sydney Brenner

2003-08-01 10:26:34

Completion of the Human Genome

History of Biology

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