The Kalinago People in the Caribbean

A brief history of the Kalinago people from when they first arrived in the Caribbean.

Follow the creator of this timeline on Twitter: [Ruane Remy](!/ruaneremy).

1400-01-01 00:00:00

Migration from South America

Around 1400 CE, the Kalinago people migrated via canoe down the Orinoco River from South America to the Caribbean. Watch video...

1400-01-02 00:00:00

Kalinago Control

The Kalinago controlled the Windward Islands from about 1400 to 1700 CE. Watch video...

1493-11-04 00:00:00

The Kalinago-European Encounter

The two groups first met on Guadeloupe during Christopher Columbus's second voyage to the Caribbean.

1796-01-01 00:00:00

The African-Kalinago Defence of St. Vincent

Kalinago mixed with escaped African slaves on St. Vincent. They defended the island against the British until 1796. Watch video...

1903-07-04 00:00:00

Creation of the Carib Reserve

In 1903, the British set aside 3,700 acres (about 1,497 hectares) of land on the north-east coast of Dominica for the Kalinago people. Watch video...

1978-03-31 00:00:00

The Carib Reserve Act of 1978

A few months before Dominica gained its independence from the British Commonwealth, The Carib Reserve Act was created. Watch video...

2012-04-17 00:00:00

Modern-day Kalinago

Many of the Kalinago People of Dominica possess African ancestry due to unions with Afro-Dominicans. Watch video of the Kalinago chief speak on the continuing existence of his people.

The Kalinago People in the Caribbean

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