World War II

Important Events of World War II

1940-05-01 11:48:29

Miracle at Dunkirk

British and other allies were forced to retreat to Dunkirk, France where over 300,000 were rescued by a fleet of 860 boats.

1940-07-01 00:00:00

Battle of Britain

Attempt by Germany's airforce to wipe out Britain's airforce.

1941-12-07 11:48:29

Attack on Pearl Harbor

Japan attacks Pearl Harbor, and the US declares war, entering WWII.

1944-06-06 11:48:29


The Allied troops invade Europe by landing at such locations at Omaha Beach.

1944-12-16 11:48:29

Battle of the Bulge

Major offensive by the Germans to divide the British and American forces in the countries of Belgium, France, Luxembourg.

World War II

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