Art in Social Movements

1962-05-01 00:00:00

"Silent Spring"

An environmental science book, written by Rachel Carson, that documents the negative health consequences for humans and animals of the use of DDT (pesticide).

1963-05-01 00:00:00

"We Shall Overcome"

American folk singer and activist Pete Seeger adopted and helped popularize "We Shall Overcome" by teaching the song at rallies and protests.

1965-04-30 00:00:00

"The Destruction of America"

Play written by Amiri Baraka for the Black Arts Repertory Theatre and School (BARTS).

1968-04-01 00:00:00

Antonio Bernal's Chicano Movement mural

One of the first Chicano murals executed in CA. Bernal painted the mural on the wall of the offices of the United Farm Workers/El Teatro Campesino cultural center. It is read as a kind of "origin story" of the Chicano movement.

1970-04-01 00:00:00

"Sisterhood is Powerful: An Anthology of Writings from the Women's Liberation Movement"

A widely circulated collection of feminist poetry, edited by poet Robin Morgan.

1971-05-01 00:00:00

"Trying to Talk to a Man"

Poem by Adrienne Rich with feminist, political and environmental overtones.

1976-05-01 00:00:00

"Great Wall of Los Angeles"

Begun in 1976 and created and directed by Judy Baca. The mural depicts a multicultural retelling of the history of Los Angeles and is half a mile long. She directed teams of Asian American, Native American, African American, Anglo and Chicano youth to paint the largest mural ever undertaken.

1977-05-01 00:00:00

La Familia

Mural by Wayne Alaniz-Healy and David Rivas Botello. This mural depicted a male-led familial utopia.

1979-05-01 00:00:00

"Rapper's Delight"

By Sugar Hill Gang. The birth of rap/hip-hop music.

1980-05-01 00:00:00

"AIDS: It's Big Business! (But Who's Making a Killing?)"

Designed by Richard Deagle, this poster criticizes pharmaceutical corporations and their expensive anti-AIDS drugs.

1985-05-01 00:00:00

"Sun City"

The song "Sun City" was written by Artists United Against Apartheid, a protest group founded by performer Steven Van Zandt.

1985-05-01 00:00:00

Live Aid Concert

Concert event organized by Bob Geldof and Midge Ure to raise funds for Ethiopian famine. Concerts took place in London and Philadelphia and featured artists such as Phil Collins and Led Zeppelin.

1987-05-01 00:00:00

March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights

First large-scale (same-sex) kiss-ins staged at this march.

1988-05-01 00:00:00

"Let the Record Show"

"Let the Record Show" installed at the New Museum of Contemporary Art in Soho, created by ACT UP graphic collective Gran Fury.

1988-05-01 00:00:00

Nelson Mandela Tribute Concert

70th Birthday tribute concert for the anti-apartheid champion.

1989-05-01 00:00:00

"Powwow Highway"

Independent film directed by Jonathan Wacks about the struggles of reservation-dwelling Native Americans.

1990-05-01 00:00:00

"La Ofrenda"

Mural by Yreina Cervantes highlights work done by Chicano/a activists in "el movimiento."

1999-01-17 07:24:56

Battle(s) of Seattle

Widely attended and publicized demonstrations and protests against the meeting of the WTO Ministerial Conference in Seattle.

2000-05-01 00:00:00

"This is What Democracy Looks Like"

Film directed by Jill Friedberg and Rick Rowley. A filmed account of the street protests against the World Trade Organization Summit in Seattle in 1999.

Art in Social Movements

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