History of Cameras

Cameras are used for many years and have a very inserting history. This timeline will tell how cameras have changed over time.

1839-03-17 19:05:58

First Camera Invented

Louis-Jacques-Mandé showed his first photographic advice to the public.

1840-03-17 19:05:58

First camera that produced pictures on paper

William Henry Fox Talbot invented the first camera that produced a negative picture the paper.

1840-05-01 00:00:00

First time cameras were used for art

D. O. Hill and Robert Adamson made photographic portraits.

1851-12-22 18:19:39

F. Scott Archer made wet-collodion process

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1860-01-28 06:47:38

Cameras used to Documenting Important events

Reporters used photos to report what happened in the Civil War

1871-02-03 18:12:48

Dry plates invented by R.L. Maddox

1880-05-01 00:00:00

Cameras used for science for the first time

1880-05-01 00:00:00

Cameras used for documentry after Civil war

Jacob August Riis used photos to expose the terrible conditions of New York slums.

1889-01-01 04:56:58

First Kodak camera

Was invented by George Eastman

1940-02-16 02:57:59

Contemporary Photography was created

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1975-03-17 19:05:58

Digital Camera Invented

2012-01-01 00:00:00

Cameras are used in smartphones more

2012-01-01 16:00:12

Kodak goes bankrupt

After a long struggle keeping up with technology Kodak goes backrupt

2016-05-21 00:00:00

I think that cameras will be solar powered

History of Cameras

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