Highlights of Monet's Life

1) Claude Monet was born on November 14th, 1840 in Paris, France.;xNLx;2) In 1845 Monet moved to Le Havre.;xNLx;3) In 1858 Monet met Eugene Boudin, this landscape artist who influenced Monet's style of painting.;xNLx;4) In 1859, is when Monet decided that he wanted to pursue painting as his career for the rest of his life.;xNLx;5) Claude Monet served in the military for two years(1860-1862), which interrupted his art studies for those two years.;xNLx;6) When Franco-Prussian War broke outin 1870, Monet was in London,England, met paul Durand-Ruel, and married his wife, Camille Monet while he settled in a house in Argenteuil;xNLx;7) Claude Monet died on December 05, 1926 in Giverny, France

1840-11-14 00:00:00

Birth of Monet

1) Claude Monet was born on November 14th, in Paris, France.

1845-12-01 00:00:00

Life Highlight

2)In 1845, Monet moved to Le Havre when he was 5 years old

1858-12-01 00:00:00

Life Highlight

3) Monet met Eugene Boudin, a landscape artist who influenced Monet's style of painting.

1859-12-01 00:00:00

Life Highlight

4) In 1859, is when Monet decided that he wanted to pursue painting as his career for the rest of his life.

1860-12-01 00:00:00

Life Highlight

5) Claude Monet served in the military for two years(1860-1862), which interrupted his art studies for those two years.

1870-12-01 00:00:00

Life Highlight

6) When Franco-Prussian War broke outin 1870, Monet was in London,England, met paul Durand-Ruel, and married his wife, Camille Monet while he settled in a house in Argenteuil

1926-12-05 00:00:00

Death of Monet

7) Claude Monet died on December 05, 1926 in Giverny, France

Highlights of Monet's Life

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