Beethoven's life

1770-12-16 00:00:00

Beethoven's birth

Beethoven was born.

1781-12-16 00:00:00

He became the assistant to the organist of the local court.

He became the assistant to the organist of the local court.

1787-01-01 20:01:23

Beethoven's mother died

His mom died.

1788-01-01 09:24:23

He visited Vienna.

He visited Vienna and he played for Mozart and took a few lessons from him.

1790-01-01 09:24:23

He suffered from chronic illnesses.

He suffered from chronic illnesses and began to lose his hearing.

1790-01-01 09:24:23

He was totally deaf.

He was totally deaf.

1792-01-01 16:58:48

He played the viola in the local theater orchestra.

He played the viola in the local theater orchestra.

1826-01-01 09:24:23

He caught a cold and developed pneumonia and dropsy.

He caught a cold and developed pneumonia and dropsy.

1827-03-26 09:24:23

He died.

He died.

Beethoven's life

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