All about Hans Christian Andersen

This is a timeline about Hans Christian Andersen.

1802-10-02 05:57:04


Hans was born in Odense Denmark

1816-02-01 00:23:35


Hans father died when he was eleven.

1819-07-12 00:37:50


Hans goes to Conpenhagen to become an actor.

1822-12-21 00:52:06


Hans meets Jonas collin and goes to slagelse grammer school.

1829-11-10 01:20:37


Hans first succesful travel book is published.

1831-06-01 01:06:21


Hans spends two years travelling mostly in Germany, France and Italy.

1839-11-10 01:20:36

work 5

The Improvisastore is published, followed by two more novels.

1847-12-30 01:27:56

work 6

Hans visits England and Scotland. meets Charles Dickens

1862-12-30 01:27:56

Story 1

Hans fairy tales and stories are published in one big book.

1872-06-10 01:42:11

story 2

Hans last fairy tales published.

1875-08-04 00:00:00

story 3

Andersen died on Aug. 4, 1875

All about Hans Christian Andersen

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