The Timeline of Barack Obama

This is a timeline of Barack Obama's life.

1961-08-04 00:00:00


Barack Obama was born in1961, Aug, 4.

1983-01-01 00:00:00


Barack Obama graduates from Columbia University.

1991-01-01 18:24:56


Barack Obama graduated from Harvard Law School.

1992-10-03 00:27:56


Barack Obama married Michelle Robbinson.

1996-01-01 00:27:56

Illinois State Sensate

Barack Obama was elected as an Illinois State Senate.

1998-07-04 00:27:56

First Daughter

Barack Obama got a daughter and named it Malia.

2001-06-10 00:00:00

One More Baby Girl

Barack Obama now has another daughter named Sasha Obama.

2006-02-10 14:01:43


Barack's second book The Audacity of Hope's is published.

2009-01-01 15:21:30

Nobel Peace Prize

Barack Obama sworn he is the 44th president of the USA and Barack was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

2010-01-01 19:28:49

Barack Signs

Barack signs the Patient Protection and Affordable Care act into Law.

2012-02-25 03:43:27


Barack Obama was reelected to be the president for the second term in the USA.

The Timeline of Barack Obama

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