GAW Timeline

This is a timeline of GAWs rollout plans

2014-11-01 18:28:26

Hashbase Closed Beta Program

Invite only beta program for Hashbase

2014-11-04 07:30:08

Paycoin Announced

Paycoin, the game changing coin, is announced.

2014-11-10 07:30:08

Paycoin ICO Rond 1

Paycoin private investment round

2014-11-24 07:30:08

Paycoin ICO Round 2

Customer HP voucher conversion

2014-11-26 01:07:25

Paybase Announced

Announcement of the new Paycoin Payment Platform Paybase

2014-11-29 18:28:26

Launch of The Hashstaker

GAW Launches a revolutionary new miner!

2014-12-01 07:30:08

Hashbase Customer Beta

Customers will receive invites to start trying out Hashbase

2014-12-15 01:07:25

Paybase Launches

Paybase platform allows for the purchase of Paycoins with BTC

2014-12-15 07:04:50

Prime Controller Creation

Prime controllers are created

2014-12-15 08:13:24

Paycoin Initial Launch

Paycoin initial public launch

2014-12-19 16:13:24

Paycoin Available on Exchanges

Paycoin becomes available on public exchanges

2014-12-19 21:56:16

Paybase Merchant Integration

Paycoin merchants payment processors are available to purchase directly from merchants

2014-12-19 21:56:16

Paycoin Platform sell for BTC

Paycoin Payment platform allows customers to exchange Paycoins for BTC

2014-12-20 21:56:16

Paycoin Platform Debit Card Sign Up

Paycoin Debit Card Sign Up becomes available to Paycoin customers

2015-01-15 15:04:50

Hashbase Public Launch

Hashbase becomes open to the public

2015-01-15 21:56:16

Paybase sell for FIAT

Paybase allows customers to sell Paycoins for FIAT

GAW Timeline

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