All About Christopher Columbus

Christopher Columbus is a famous person who fought over the Indies and got America. He was born in Genoa Italy in October 31st 1451 and died in Spain on May 20th 1506

Christopher Columbus

1451-10-31 00:00:00

He was Born

Christopher Columbus is Born

1470-07-25 23:30:40

He First Took Voyage

Christopher Columbus first rode a ship and was out in the sea.

1476-04-10 11:28:58

He Settled in a Different Country for the First Time

He settled in Genoese colony in Libson, Portugal

1479-01-20 13:03:43


Married a woman called Felipa Perestrello

1485-09-21 16:51:08

Going to a Another Country

Christopher Columbus leaves Portugal and goes to Spain

1491-06-26 15:45:42

Starting His Long Trip

Trying to go to the Indies

1492-05-23 20:38:32

Discovering New Land

Reached America instead of the Indies.

1499-01-24 00:25:56

Winning the War

Winning the war with the Indies and its called the Revolutionary War

1504-10-10 12:24:15

Wrong Infromation

Wrong Infromation

1504-10-10 12:24:15

Wrong Infromation

Wrong Imfromation

1505-09-26 04:13:21


Sadly, Christopher Columbus died in Spain.

2014-12-05 09:00:00

Wrong Infromation

Wrong Infromation

All About Christopher Columbus

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