Genghis Khan Timeline

Genghis Khan is one of the most famous rulers of all time. Here is the timeline of his life.

1162-11-01 00:00:00

The beginning

Genghis Khan is born.

1175-11-01 00:00:00

Genghis becomes chief

Genghis becomes chief of his fathers's tribe.

1205-06-04 17:24:08

Getting bigger

Genghis becomes ruler of Mongolia.

1215-08-22 08:42:04

Invader Khan

Genghis invades Beijing.

1218-07-01 01:16:01

The conquerer

Genghis goes to Central Asia to conquer more stuff for his ever expanding army.

1220-05-19 10:39:41

The destroyer

Genghis Khan destroys the cities of Buxor and Samarqand.

1223-06-25 23:01:12

Getting stronger...

Khan and his army had conquered the Kipchaks, Turkic people, and had defeated the Russians.

1225-11-08 00:00:00

A little visit

Khan goes back to Xi Xia.

1227-04-02 17:48:32

One last job

Khan conquers Xi Xia right before his death.

1227-07-22 18:32:59

The end

Genghis Khan dies.

Genghis Khan Timeline

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