Music History

Timeline about music history

0280-11-10 00:00:00

Emperor Constantine

Constantine was born in circa 280 A.D. in Naissus, Moesia. His father was the Western Roman emperor in 305 AD. After his father's death, Constantine fought to take power. He became Roman Emperor on July 25, 306 A.D. and he ruled the Roman Empire constantly until his death. He became the Western emperor in 312 A.D. and the sole Roman emperor in 324 A.D. Constantine was also the first emperor to adhere to Christianity. Constantine then became the Western Roman emperor. He legalized Christianity by the Edict of Milan in 313 A.D., so Christians could be free.

0313-11-10 00:00:00

The Edict of Milan

The Edict of Milan, which encouraged tolerance of Christianity, was enacted in Milan in 313 A.D.., by which freedom of religion in the Roman Empire was established, ending the persecution directed by the authorities against certain religious groups, particularly Christians. The decree was signed by Constantine the Great and Licinius, the leaders of the Roman empire of the west and east, respectively. The relationship with the music In the IV century, with the Edict of Milan, established by the Emperor Constantine, Christianity became official and christians were free to show their beliefs with music. This is the first documented religious christian music. It was the music of adoration used in some liturgies. They made music in all social categories, but we only know of the music that was produced in churches and the noble houses, because this group was the only one that knew how to write.

0540-11-10 00:00:00

St. Gregory the Great

St. Gregory the Great was the fourth and last of the original Doctors of the Latin Church. He was born in Rome in 540 A.D. and died on 12 March 604 A.D. He organized the Gregorian chant. He united the different liturgical schools and the chants with which the christians celebrated their religious acts (Galician liturgies, Ambrosian liturgies, Byzantine liturgies and Mozarabic liturgies). In his Antifonario the Gregorian Chant was codified, organized and regulated, and henceforth became the official chant of the Catholic Church. Conscious that one of the difficulties in transmission and storage of music was the lack of proper musical notation, St. Gregory created the chant schools (scholae cantorum). In these schools teenagers were educated to be the custodians of the musical traditions of liturgical music. These measures, which tradition attributes to St. Gregory, contributed to dignify the music. Music theory was taught in the teachings of the trivium and quadrivium.

0613-06-25 21:16:16

Hispanic liturgy

In the first ages, the spanish medieval music received two influences: * Hebrew-influence. Is taken the hebrew mode based on long melismas and the importance of singing in the worship. * Greco-Roman influence. Of classic world is inherited the music theory with the modal system and the ethical and educational valuation of the music expressed by Platon. The organization of the hispanic liturgy it’s dificult, because of the majority of the literal sources belong to, the oldest, to the centuries VII and VIII, even if the majority of the part of the repertory used in Hispania and the Narbonese Galia itself transmited to us in codex coming of the centuries VIII to XII, with an important number of copies made in the toledanos workshop in the century XIV, with the lost consecuence of fidelity to the musicaly notations, that the copysts didn’t know. Summary: Mozarabic Chant: Until its abolition in the late eleventh century, the Mozarabic chant represented one of the most exciting cultural events of medieval music. Its roots in the early days of Christianity and in turn in Jewish liturgy. In the mozárabe churches, the choirs sing manuscripts in form of a song. Between the manuscripts leoneses, the most celebrated is “El Antifonario de León” Have all the music for the job and the mass of the party of the lord and saints. The musical forms encountered in Mozarabic chant present a number of analogies with those of the Roman rite. For example, a comparable distinction exists between antiphonal and responsorial singing. And Mozarabic chant may be seen to make use of three styles: syllabic, neumatic and melismatic, much as in Gregorian chant. Instruments: Some instruments used for primitive rondalla were influenced by Mozarabic musical instruments of the era, including the guitar, flute, mandolin, castanets and tambourine.

0742-11-10 00:00:00

Emperor Carlomagno

The coronation of Charlemagne as Emperor was a major event such as restoration of the Roman Empire in the West. After partition by the Treaty of Verdun in 843, would be succeeded a century. Charlemagne's interest in sacred music and worry because he had to spread properly throughout his empire, has never been equaled by any civil ruler before or after. Although Charlemagne's father, Pepin, had a great care for the music removed, the activity of Carlos was much smarter and complete than his father. Charlemagne appreciated the reasons why the Church gives so much importance to music in worship besides the way it is interpreted. The key legislation elaborated on this issue point, and on any other matter relating to the liturgy, was in accordance with Roma. Tradition has it that not only took with him members of his own chapel at Rome, to learn directly from the sources, but also pleaded with Pope Adrian I in 774, to let him. The great Carlos took great pains, though not entirely successful, to prevent the city of Milan and its surroundings continue with Ambrosian Rites and melodies. Charlemagne not only made the liturgical music flourish in their own time through their domains, but laid the groundwork for the musical culture that is so ingrained now.

0991-11-10 00:00:00

Guido D´Arezzo

Guido of Arezzo (Guido d'Arezzo also in Italian). It was an Italian Benedictine monk, musical theorist and central figure in the music of the Middle Ages with Hucbald (991 - 930 b.c.). He Became a teacher in the cathedral school of Arezzo, where the art and culture predominate. While Guido D'Arezzo was at school he saw how difficult that was for the singers remember the Gregorian chants and he invented a teaching so that they learn in a short period of time.This method of teaching was made famous quickly. Guido d' Arezzo has gone down in music history as one of the most important reformers of the musical notation system. He was the precursor of the pentagram, and the diatonic scale. Guido was one of the most important reformers system of musical notation. Guido´s method for remembering accurate notes more hexachord, whose nomenclature (ut or do, re, mi, fa, sol, la) extracted from the initial syllables of each hemistich hymn of John Ut intonation should be queant prophylaxis. The underlined syllables, which are the melody the first six notes of our larger scale, became later, perhaps surpassing the intentions of Guido, names and symbols of the same notes; after several centuries the "ut" became "do" and the syllable was added "if" (derived, it seems, from the initials of the two words of the last line) to indicate the seventh sound of the scale, in that melody did not appear. These are some of this works: *”Micrologus de disciplina artis musicae” *”Prologus in Antiphonarium” *”De ignoto Cantu” *”Regulae rythmicae” *”Epistola ad Michaelem”

1000-06-25 21:16:16

The round arch and the barrel vault

In Architecture, the round arch is a type of arch that has a semi-circle shape. In ancient times, it was made with stone or sun-dried brick. It is the main element of vaulted architecture. It started to be employed in Mesopotamia around the year 3000 B.C. Then it was used in Etruscan Architecture, after which it was evident in Roman times. The Romans used the round arch all over the Mediterranean lands. It was commonly employed by Ancient Roman builders who relied heavily on the rounded arch to span large, open areas. Several rounded arches placed in line, end-to-end, form an arcade; such as the Roman aqueduct. The arches of half point generally took the form of a semicircle, and were made of segments of adobe, brick or stone. This image shows how a corridor consisting of many arches of half point, all equal. The Arch and its element: The voussoirs (dovelas) are the wedge that make up the arch and are characterized by their radial arrangement. The voussoirs of the ends which receive the weight of the arch, are called salmer. The inner part of a segment is called the soffit and the loin, which is not part of the construction, the backfill. The key (clave) (also known as Crown or a central dowel) is the keystone of the Center, which closes the arch. It is the last piece that is placed on the framework, completing the construction of the arc. The key tends to be of a larger size and heavier weight, and provides stability to the arc. Fascia (imposta) (or boot): is a molding or skirt above which sits an arch or vault. Sometimes it runs horizontally through the façade or the walls of the building, separating the different plants. The set of segments from the start until the key is called the kidney. The lean (enjunta), or fustian, is the part of factory that covers the top of the arc (i.e. resting on the kidneys of the arc). It is generally referred to as the factory between two successive arches. Barrel vault is called the vault formed by the displacement a semicircular arc through a longitudinal axis. The vault is used generally to cover elongated spaces, such as ships of the churches, due to its simple construction has been widely used since the times of Roman Classical architecture used also in other artistic times. The vault where generally of small size. The archaeological remains found recently at the site of Morgantina (Enna). Show that the barred vault was also used for underground constructions in Sicily during the Hellenistic times in the century III b. c, this indicates that this technical was also know by the Greeks.

1155-11-10 00:00:00


Perotin "The Great" was a medieval European composer between the late twelfth and early thirteenth centuries. He is characterized as the most famous member of the polyphonic style in the old school of Notre Dame. He was one of the few contemporary composers who kept his name in history. He is considered to belong to the school of Notre Dame, center of the " Ars Antiqua " (referring to European music of the late Middle Ages ), which represented a big revolution for the music. Leonin and Perotin were the two composers who are credited with the organum (it is a form of polyphony which is based on parallel repetition of the same melody ) . The creation of organum to three and four voices meant a breakthrough in polyphony. One of the best known is Alleluia nativitas.

1155-11-10 00:00:00

Adam de la Halle

Adam de la Halle was born in 1237 and died in 1290. Adam de la Halle was the last of the troubadours, ending the bright early flowering of French lyric, the large amount of its easy and conventional courtly songs are perfectly in line with the tradition fostered by Eleanor of Aquitaine, Thibault de Champagne, king of Navarre, and the eloquent Gace Brulé. Moreover, Adam has mixed this traditional monophonic composition with more esoteric form of the motet of the thirteenth century, and conducted the first experiments in secular music. The high esteem enjoyed by Adam de la Halle among his contemporaries is confirmed by the fact he was the first musician whose works were collected and copied. The rondoes of Adam de la Halle, like his other works, always sing the courtly love, often with erotic accent. The minstrels (man for money and to the people sang, danced or did games and jesting) were not limited to sing; also accompanied the dance with their instruments as a violin or flute. In this case the pieces passed renamed "danse" or "Ductia" and if its development was broader, "estampie" (in French), "stampede" (in Provence) from the Latin "stantipes".

1170-11-10 00:00:00

Notre Dame School

It is known as the School of Notre Dame to the group of musicians who worked on Notre Dame Cathedral between 1170-1250. The construction of the Notre Dame Cathedral of Paris was ordered by Bishop de Sully Murice of the day after his election in late 1160 or early 1161. Work began in 1163 and lasted until 1245. The main altar was consecrated in 1182. Thanks to the frequent visits of the royal family, the famous university in the capital and other units in development, Paris shone as the center of culture and art of all of Christendom. The musical research, initially dispersed by monasteries in the provinces, are concentrated in the cities and experiencing an unprecedented development. So Beaubiais and Sens are important centers for the organum and polyphony and Chartres from the eleventh century. Musicians of Notre Dame wrote a decisive chapter in the history of Western music to use a system as abstract as consistent rhythmic notation, the mensurabilis music, able to control the voices more accurately than before and helps to increase substantially the number of compositions. Leonín, Perotin and other anonymous composers whose music has endured are representatives of a period of medieval music known as Ars Antiqua. During this period the motet, which is the kind of composition more frequent in the magnus Liber Organi, was born.

1200-11-10 00:00:00

Pointed arch

The pointed arch it is typical of Gothic architecture (XIII-XV century). The pointed arch is one of the most distinctive technical elements of Gothic architecture, and it came to pass the arch, typical of the Romanesque style. The pointed arch, unlike the round arch, is slimmer and lighter to transmit under lateral stresses, allowing for more flexible ways, is more effective, because thanks to its vertical lateral pressures are lower than in the round arch allowing greater space saving.

1221-05-19 00:04:45

Alfonso X "The Wise"

He was born in Toledo on November 23, 1221 and died in Seville on 4 April 1284 was King of Castile between 1252 and 1284. Alfonso X commissioned numerous works of music during his reign. These works included Cantigas d’escarnio e maldicer and Cantigas de Santa María, which was written in Galician-Portuguese. The Cantigas form one of the largest collections of vernacular monophonic songs. Alfonso X of Castile called the Wise, was the King of Castile, León and Galicia from 1252 until his death, 1284. Alfonso established Castilian as a language of higher learning, and was a prolific author of Galician poetry, such as the Cantigas de Santa María. The Cantigas de Santa Maria , or Cántigas- ( mid-thirteenth century -1284 ) are the songs of medieval religious literature in Galician- Portuguese, against the profane that would consist of the songs of friend, love and scorn . This is a set of about 420 compositions in honor of the Virgin Mary. There are doubts about the direct authorship of King Alfonso X the Wise, but no one doubts his participation as a son writer for some of them , at least ten undoubted attribution to the king. A review based on a note of Toledo manuscript attributed to the King authoring a hundred ballads . Also very important are the miniatures that illustrate them because you can see them over thirty instruments of the time. According to the topic at four types of ballads: -The songs: Friend sing the love of a girl who wants to share the joy or sadness of his life with his beloved. -The of love are sung by a lover knight -Mocking songs or evil say are satirical ballads -The religious inspiration relating to Marian miracles.

1304-11-10 00:00:00


He was born on July 20, 1304 and died on July 19, 1374. Francesco Petrarca was an Italian lyrical and humanist, whose poetry spawned a literary movement that influenced writers like Garcilaso de la Vega (in Spain), William Shakespeare and Edmund Spenser (in England), under the generic nickname Petrarquismo. It was his humanist conception with which he attempted to harmonize the Greco-Latin legacy with the ideas of Christianity. Also, Petrarca preached the union of all Italy to recover the greatness he had in the days of the Roman Empire.

1400-04-06 00:00:00

Viola da Gamba

Viola da Gamba is a bowed string instrument. Similar to the cello, the viol, or viola da gamba, is played between the legs (hence the name 'viola da gamba', literally 'leg-viol'). While it is not a direct ancestor of the violin, there are some kinship between the two instrument families. The viol first appeared in Europe in the 15th century and subsequently became one of the most popular Renaissance and Baroque instruments. Viols were heard primarily in ensemble, or consort music. Historically, the viol has many shapes and sizes. By the 16th century, a standard shape for the viol did emerge with broad ribs, sloping shoulders and a fairly flat, fretted neck.

1400-04-06 00:00:00


The chirimia is an Spanish term for a type of oboe. The chirimia is a member of the shawm family of double-reed instruments, introduced to Central and South America in the 16 and 17 centuries by the Spanish clergy.

1400-11-10 00:00:00


The vihuela is a guitar-shaped string instrument from 15th and 16th century in Spain, Portugal and Italy, usually with six doubled strings. The vihuela, as it was known in Spain, was called the viola da mano in Italy and Portugal.

1438-04-01 00:00:00

Johannes Gutenberg

Johannes Gutenberg: (Maguncia 1438 ?- 3 Febrero 1468,Maguncia) He developed a method to printing from movable type. He printed the first book via movable type, Forty-two-line Bible. When a craftsman revolt erupted in Mainz against the noble class in 1428, Johannes Gutenberg’s family was exiled and settled in Strasburg, where his experiments with printing began. Already familiar with bookmaking, Gutenberg perfected small metal type. Infinitely more practical than carving complete wood blocks for printing, each type was a single letter or character. Movable type had been used in Asia hundreds of years earlier, but Gutenberg’s innovation was developing a casting system and metal alloys which made production easier. He also had many financial troubles, so he had to move for many countries.

1450-04-20 06:02:09


A late fifteenth century and the first half of the sixteenth century. Six orders lute, played fingerstyle prevailed, allowed to perform polyphonic music, and enjoyed enormous prestige among the best musicians of his time, as Da Milano, Dalza, or Castilian. It consists of the following parts: Pin: elongated wood parts, with a slight taper in which the rope is wound to tighten. Frets: Gut strings knotted around the mast. Shorten the rope to length when the interpreter the steps between two of these frets. Neck: elongated handle emerging body of the instrument on which the strings tend and hand positions that use run. Fingerboard: Lamina covering the neck to protect it from wear and provide rigidity. Soundboard: Convex, constructed from longitudinal ribs, half a pear shaped. Mouth: In ancient lutes boasts a finely carved decorative rosette. Strings: Six tuned in unison pairs, such as the mandolin double strings. Bridge: Also Called bar-cordal. The strings vibrate directly from the knot. Tailpiece: Only some medieval lutes had a piece apart to tie the ropes.

1451-08-06 05:11:06

Christopher Columbus

Christopher Columbus (1451-1506) was a navigator, cartographer, Admiral, Viceroy and Governor General of the West Indies at the service of the Crown of Castile. It is famous for making the discovery of America, October 12, 1492, to reach the island of Guanahani, now in The Bahamas. He made four voyages to the Indies -a name of the American continent until the publication of Martin Waldseemüller in Planisferio Number 1507 and although possibly was not the first European explorer of America, is considered the discoverer of a new continent called the New World - for Europe, being the first traced a path back and forth across the Atlantic Ocean and broke the news. This fact decisively pushed the global expansion of European civilization, conquest and colonization by several of its powers in the Americas.

1452-11-08 17:21:11

Leonardo Da Vinci

He was born in Vinci (15 of April of 1452) and he died in Amboise (2 of May of 1519) when he was 67 years old. He was a florentine polimath in italian Renaissance. Leonardo created an instrument called “la viola organista” in which one or more swirling strings were used, so the strings sounded by a rotating wheel. In 1490 he designed the sets and costumes for a libretto by poet Bellincione in honor of Galeazzo Sforza Gean and Isabella of Aragon. Probably also composed the music. He also used their own instruments. After that he participated in the set design and music composition for other parties. Emphasize its Studies about nature sound and noise of bodies and their interesting musical projects in which the water was essential character.

1468-04-06 00:00:00

Juan del Enzina

Juan del Enzina was a spanish composer and poet that borns in July 12, 1468 and died in late 1529 or early 1530. He was born near Salamanca probably at Encina de San Silvestre. After leaving Salamanca University sometime in 1492 he became a member of the household of Don Fadrique de Toledo, the second Duke of Alba. But his name at birth was Juan de Fermoselle.

1473-04-01 00:00:00


Copérnico, known in Latin Nicolaus Copernicus, was the first astronomer who formulated the heliocentric theory of the solar system. Concluded that the Earth rotated on its axis and that this and other planets must revolve around the sun. He was a mathematician , astronomer, jurist , physicist, Roman Catholic cleric , governor, military leader , diplomat and economist. Along with its extensive responsibilities, astronomy figured as little more than a distraction. After more than 30 years mathematically proving his theories , finally published , three days before his death , in the book " De revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium " (translated into Spanish as " On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres " ), taking the admiration of the ecclesiastical authorities of the Roman Catholic Church.

1475-11-08 00:00:00


He was an Italian Renaissance sculptor, painter, architect and poet. Generally considered one of the greatest artists ever. He worked in Florence and Rome. In Florence Michelangelo becomes acquainted with Classical antiquity, which will have enormous influence on his work. In 1496 Michelangelo moves to Rome. One of his first major assignments is for the well-known Pietà in St. Peter's basilica. In Florence Michelangelo creates another masterpiece: David (1501-1504).Michelangelo's preference for strong, muscular figures. For four years he paints the ceiling, lying on his back most of the time. He does not paint much again until 1536, when he starts the Last Judgment, on the back wall of the Sistine Chapel, finishing the work in 1541. Michelangelo died in Rome in 1564. He is buried in Florence. A famous quote: "The true work of art is but a shadow of the divine perfection."

1479-02-19 14:05:57

Catholic Kings

The name of the Catholic Kings was given to Fernando II and Isabel I. The throne was given to them when the war of the catholic succession ends. With the Catholic monarchs kicks off in Spain one of the most brilliant periods of culture in our country, in arts, literature and of course music. In the case of music means the start of a flourishing period for all genres: vocal, instrumental, sacred, profane, practical, speculative… The most important contribution of the Catholic Kings was the Cancionero de Palacio. It is a manuscript dating from the time of the Catholic monarchs, and that it was discovered by Gregorio Crusade in 1870. It was subsequently published in Madrid by the Academy of fine arts in 1890. It is written in Spanish and gathers music profane, courtesan, as there are other songbooks of the period which exposed liturgical pieces, with Latin text. This song consists of 458 compositions mostly of Spanish authors, something not so common in this type of corpora that used to include works of foreign authors, predominating the flamingos. Some of the most important composers were Jacob Obrecht, Alexander Agricola, Josquin des Pres, Johannes Mouton and Loyset Compère, collected abundantly in the Cancionero de Palacio.

1483-04-06 00:00:00

Martin Luther

Martin Luther was a german theologian whose broke with the catholic church, launched the protestant reformation (Eisleben, Thuringia 1483-1546). Contrary to the will of his parents, Martin Luther was an Augustinian monk in 1505 and began studying theology at the University of Wittenberg, where he received the doctorate in 1512.

1490-11-08 17:21:11

Luis de Narváez

He was born in Granada late in the XV century. His first appearance was in the house of León Francisco de los Cobos, to whom he dedicated his first piece Delphin (music for vihuela). He´s dedicated specially to voice polyphony and to music of vihuela. His most famous pieces are the work of Josquin Des Pres for four voices "Mille regretz" or "La canción del Emperador" and "Paseavase el rey Moro" with its accompaniment of vihuela.

1500-08-06 05:11:06

Cristobal de Morales

Cristóbal de Morales (Seville, 1500 - Málaga or, according to others, Marchena, 1553) Spanish Catholic priest and choirmaster, he was the main representative of the Andalusian polyphonist school and one of the “big three”, with Tomás Luis de Victoria and Francisco Guerrero. His music is mainly vocal and sacred, with only a couple of exceptions. Undoubtedly, he is the best Spanish composer of the first half of the sixteenth century and its fame, who immediately spread throughout Europe, survived during the following centuries.

1500-11-10 00:00:00


It is uncertain when the sackbut first appeared, but by 1500 it is illustrated and mentioned regularly. The original instruments did not have tuning slides. The Sackbut can be described as a Medieval brass instrument resembling a trombone. It’s a stringed instrument formerly much in use. It consists of four parts, namely, the table or front, the body, having nine or ten ribs or sides, arranged like the divisions of a melon, the neck, which has nine or ten frets or divisions, and the head, or cross, in which the screws for tuning are inserted. The strings are struck with the right hand, and with the left the stops are pressed. The Sackbut belongs to the family of brass instruments.

1501-11-10 00:00:00

Garcilaso de la Vega

Garcilaso de la Vega was a poet during the Golden Period that composed sonnets between 1494 - 1512. He lost his father and was educated at court, where he met in 1519 to his friend, the gentleman Juan Boscán. He participated in 1535 in the Conquest of Tunis and after taking La Goleta in combat cavalry near the walls of Tunis was injured two thrown, in the mouth and right arm.

1510-04-01 00:00:00

Diego Ortíz

Diego Ortiz (Toledo 1510-1570 Nápoles ), he was a composer, violagambista and Spanish music historian. Very little is known of his life and even the exact dates of his birth and death are ignore.In 1553 he was residing in the Viceroyalty of Naples and five years later, in 1558, assumes the functions of Chapel master in the Napolitan Chapel maintained by the viceroy the third duke of Alba, Fernando Álvarez. Diego Ortiz published two books of music his lifetime:The Teatry of Glosas and he musices liber primus in 1565. Tratado de Glosas It is a book of music for viola da gamba and harpsichord. It was published on December 10, 1553, in Rome. His real name is Treaty glosses on clauses and other genres of music points violones reissued in light, although it is known simply as glosses Treaty. It was dedicated to Baron Riesy, Pedro de Urriés, and appeared simultaneously in two versions, Spanish and Italian. The Italian version was published under the title Gloss sopra le altre Cadenza et sorte de punti in the music of the violone.

1528-11-10 00:00:00

Francisco Guerrero

He was born on October 4, 1528 and died on November 8, 1599 . During his lifetime he was a Spanish Roman Catholic priest and choirmaster. Along with Tomás Luis de Victoria and Cristóbal de Morales he is one of the biggest names in Spanish sacred music of the Renaissance and one of the greatest Spanish composers of all time. He traveled extensively in Spain and Portugal, in the service of Emperor Maximilian II in Italy and then spent one year ( 1581-1582 ) . Years later decided to visit the Holy Land , which made between summer 1588 and spring of 1589. It was made captive by pirates during the return trip and had to be rescued , as was common at the time, by paying a considerable amount . The adventure was narrated by him in the book The voyage of Hierusalem.

1548-08-19 03:20:37

Tomás Luis de Victoria

Tomás Luis de Victoria was born in 1548 in Ávila. He was a catholic priest and choirmaster, a famous polyphonic composer of the spanish Renaissance. He was considered one of the most advanced composers of his period, with an innovative style that announce the imminent Barroco. His influence arrived to the 20th century, when it went taken as model for the composers of the Cecilianism. Victoria was the most important composer of the Counter-Reformation in Spain, and one of the best-regarded composers of sacred music in the late Renaissance. Victoria’s music reflected his difficult personality, and expressed the desire of Spanish mysticism and religion.

1557-11-08 00:00:00

Giovanni Gabrieli

It is uncertain his born but he died with 56 or 58 years more or less. He studied with his uncle Andrea Gabrieli. In 1584 he was an organist of San Marcos church and 1585 he start to work in Scuola Grande Di San Rocco.(In Venecia). He had the two works until his death in 1606. With his fame in Germany, brought a lot of students the most important is Heinrich Schütz.The most important work of Gabrieli is the Concerti in Venice in 1587.

Music History

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