Norbertine History

Not only are decisions made based on what may happen in the future, decisions, choices, and changes occur due to many factors; political changes and pressures, historical events, and even wars. This timeline not only tell when and where these historical Norbertine event occurred, but it also draws a picture of the environment surrounding those involved, giving the viewer insight to WHY things were done

1054-07-19 11:20:19

Eastern-Westerm Schism

Divides Church into Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Church is divided into Catholic and Eastern Orthodox. This causes tension and even hatred between the two sections, and sparked the Crusades

1080-01-01 00:00:00

Norbert of Xanten is Born

Abbot Bernard Pennings founds St. Norbert College. It is at this time only open to young men joining the priesthood

1095-07-18 11:20:19

First Crusade

Crusades were meant to return holy land to Christian Control; Crusades cause hatred between Muslims and Christians.

1119-01-02 00:00:00

Norbertine Order

Pope Calixtus requests that Norbert of Xanten found a Norbertine Order in Laon, France.

1120-12-25 00:00:00

Norbertine order is founded

Norbert inaugurated the Canons Regular of Prémontré - or more simply, Norbertines

1125-01-01 00:00:00

Norbertine Constitution

The constitution for the Norbertine Order is approved by Pope Honorous II

1126-01-01 00:00:00

Norbert Becomes Archbishop

Norbert is appointed archbishops of Magdeburg, Germany

1134-01-01 00:00:00

Norbert Dies

1309-07-03 11:20:19

Avignon Papacy

1500-07-05 11:20:19


Renaissance has profound effect on the way human-God relationship is viewed. This changes much of how the church is shaped and seen in the public eye

1517-07-08 11:20:19

Martin Luther delivers 99 Theses

Martin Luther delivers his theses and sparks the Protestant Reformation

1524-01-01 00:00:00

Martin Luther in Magdeburg

Martin Luther preaches to city and turns Magdeburg Protestant

1536-01-03 00:00:00

Norbertines Leave

Norbertines, among many other orders, leave Europe and come as missionaries to the Americas

1536-01-03 00:00:00

Norbert is Cannonized

1746-08-11 11:20:19

Princeton is Founded

Princeton founded by the Presbyterians

1861-01-01 00:00:00

Abbot Pennings is born

Bernard Pennings is born

1890-01-01 00:00:00

Initial Norbertines Die Out

The initial order of Norbertines dies out due to the strong suppression of religious orders in European countries.

1893-10-01 11:20:19

Norbertines in the U.S.

Pennings leaves Holland for "the American Mission"

1898-01-01 00:00:00

St. Norbert College is founded

Bernard Pennings founds SNC for young males priests in De Pere, Wisconsin

1901-01-01 00:00:00

First Football Team

SNC's first football team is established

1914-07-28 00:00:00

WWI begins

WWI begins

1939-09-01 00:00:00

WWII begins

WWII's draft called many students out of school, either to work or enlist. Enrollment dropped rapidly as WWII developed

1949-01-01 00:00:00

50th Anniversary of SNC

A celebration is thrown to honor the 50th Anniversary of the College.

1952-09-01 00:00:00

St. Norbert College opens for public enrollment

Until 1952, St. Norbert College was a men's only college for young men interested in religious studies. In 1952, the college became a co-ed college open to men and women.

1955-07-01 11:20:19

Pennings Retires

Abbot Pennings retires, and a new Abbot enters. Pennings remains prominent on SNC campus until his death

1962-07-01 11:20:19

Vatican II

Vatican II brings church into modern age; masses are spoken in all languages, uniting the church and making it more accessible to the masses

1962-07-01 11:20:19

Church is publicly "anti-communist"

Pope John XXIII excommunicates Fidel Castro, making the church's anti-communist standpoint publicly official.

1962-10-01 11:20:19

Cuban Missile Crisis

For thirteen days in October 1962 the world waited—seemingly on the brink of nuclear war—and hoped for a peaceful resolution to the Cuban Missile Crisis.

1963-08-28 11:20:19

Martin Luther King Jr.'s Speech

Martin Luther King delivers his last speech to the public on the topic of racial equality and peace.

1963-11-22 12:15:12

JFK Assassinated

President John F. Kennedy is shot and killed in Dallas

1970-05-04 00:00:00

Kent State Massacre

The Kent State shootings occurred at Kent State University in the U.S. city of Kent, Ohio, and involved the shooting of unarmed college students by the Ohio National Guard on Monday, May 4, 1970. The guardsmen fired 67 rounds over a period of 13 seconds, killing four students and wounding nine others, one of whom suffered permanent paralysis. Some of the students who were shot had been protesting against the American invasion of Cambodia, which President Richard Nixon announced in a television address on April 30. Other students who were shot had been walking nearby or observing the protest from a distance.

1971-02-01 12:15:12

The Personal Computer

The first models of the PC are introduced to the market, allowing students and professionals to work with email, processors, and other electronic applications

1975-04-30 12:15:12

Fall of Saigon

The event that marked the end of the Vietnam War, the Fall of Saigon ended the war and reunited the North and South parts of the country

1993-11-11 12:15:12

Clinton is Elected

Bill Clinton is elected President

2008-08-01 00:00:00

Thomas Kunkel becomes President of SNC

Kunkel becomes President of St. Norbert College

Norbertine History

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